Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another Lucky Guess (man's location) & Visit With Son

I came out of my visit with my son, and my looked and acted GREAT, by the way, much different from how he's been lately.

My son acted like a new person and if it's because my mother and father are in town, they should stay in town.

He acted NORMAL and for once wasn't acting like he'd been told to do something really weird or brainwashed and it seemed like he'd had a lot of attention this morning and was in a happy mood. I think having his birthday made him very happy. His speech was a little better too. If weird stuff was done at all, at least he seemed a little better this morning and I brought him a toy but it wasn't standing up right so he and I decided to return it. Not because it was just temporary, but it really wouldn't stand up even though it was a great idea for a gift and toy. I also let him know I had been trying to arrange a pony ride for him but no one had responded to my email from Appleache Stables yet, which is where I sent my email. Not one person has replied and I sent it about 2 weeks ago. I also told him he could have a pet but probably in a couple of weeks.

I got a very strange series of emails from my aunt which indicate my aunt was being told to say certain things--she would NOT say these things or act this way at all. It was like she was being told to write emails being wishy washy about what to give Oliver when she wouldn't write emails like this.

He still has remnants that he acts out from some other strange weeks he's had but he seemed happy although he didn't want to leave and DID want to stay with me. He really does want his mother. He wanted to STAY with his MOTHER.

Also, my lucky guess happened when I walked out of the visitation room. There were just two people there and this one tall guy in a green short sleeved shirt at the counter was sort of smirking a little. Maybe at me, maybe not, but I went to the bathroom and asked God to give me something about him or his life so he wouldn't feel so smirky. Nothing bad, but just something to validate me to the eyes of those who mock me. The woman was doing it too but I just focused on him.

So I didn't spend a lot of time. I said a simple prayer and "Snohomish" came out of nowhere. I couldn't remember where Snohomish is. But I knew it had something to do with that man. I also had the idea of horses but I wasn't sure about it. So I knew Snohomish was out of nowhere and one to focus on.

I didn't want to ask and be wrong and embarrass myself or get a wrong answer, like say, "I see you in Snohomish at some point" and then get a denial. So I felt it out by approaching them both and saying innocently, looking at her first, when I knew it was for him, but watching his response, I said, "Where is Snohomish?"

He sort of perked up or a light went on in his eyes but she said, "I think its..." and started to describe it and then he piped up, and I said, so it's inbetween that part where the road...? and he said yes, it was next to Everett. I wanted more specifics or admissions so I said, "How far does it take to get there, about?" and he said if he remembered right...and they asked if I was trying to go there and I said, "No, I actually got something about you in Snohomish and I'm sort of trying to figure out this psychic thing I have but it's off and on" and he said he lived in Everett which is next door to Snohomish and I said, "What did you do in Snohomish?" and he said, "Carpentry." I was going to ask about horses but just decided to leave it. I figured one thing was good enough. I don't know exactly what Snohomish means to him personally, or what importance it has, but it is what came to mind with him wnen I thought about him and asked for something. My stuff is pretty general though.

He looked totally cool with it. Like he was interested and open. I had a good vibe from the exchange. SHE, on the other hand, looked really uncomfortable, like what the hell is going on and you'd better not read MY mind.

No, I don't think I can read minds.

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