Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Smug At Dusk & Lucky Guesses & "Psychic" Trump?

Oh this town. Very smug after I didn't get a couple of things done, I think they think.

I think they believe this is my last day of freedom. I think they think I'm going to a psych evaluation tomorrow when I'm not, or having to reschedule, and that I don't have housing documents in time when I do have some things lined up. I already wrote out a form about rescheduling until my lawyer was lined up and then talked to this woman today and let her know I needed to reschdule until I had a lawyer signed up and present. So she said just go ahead and I said I would go in to just meet him but only if it was to explain I had to have a lawyer and documents first. So she said okay.

I also think they believe that my entertaining and listening to a schitzophrenic man was a waste of my time or that going to some deli and standing in front of "bear claws" means everyone in town now needs to drive by me in a brown or tan car and wear a brown shirt.

This schitzo guy...I haven't decided if he's really schitzo or not. He might be a very, very, good actor. Seriously, that would be great. The one thing I couldn't figure out was he denied having anything to do with France and I absolutely believe him, but I think someone he knows does or did. I don't know who but he said no and something still said I was right. I might be right and yet he doesn't even know about it and yet, when I said something he acted lke he was about to start crying or something and then said no.

Also, I had some other lucky guesses today. I was sort of shocked by one because I did something, not fully knowing what I was doing and it was a sort of psychic trump. I will go into it in a minute.

I also, had an image this afternoon. In between talks with this one schitzo guy, I had a flash of the face of some older man whom I've seen before, but he came to mind again. I don't know who he is, but I could almost draw him. He had a baseball hat and sort of slack jawed but not badly, but had kind of a look about him. I think he's ex-intel or military.

Then, the last thing was that I had an impression of Russia this evening, about the explosion they had and felt sympathy and I also forgot to mention that the other day, yesterday or day before, I prayed for all the countries (many at least) and asked that God would allow their psychics, if they knew about me, to know this, because some of them are good enough to know if it's true or not.

The psychic trump now...was with a woman who kept staring at me at this cafe.

Dear God, herre come the older man and woman who did a whole British Queen act after I separated from my ex. I had fish and chips at this "British" place and they sat across with beers and salads, staring at me and then drove off, with a Queen Elizabeth turn of the hand. I am not kidding. Good God. I don't know why but for some reason I always imagine Charles uses this expression. "Good God" for everythign but I am sure it's my imagination. Good God in this under the breath sort of way or straight but eyebrows raised and yet pressed lips and head lowered a bit, and I've not seen a lot of footage either. I just see him "Good God-ing" everything.

So anyway, it wasn't a personal trump of any kind at all. I don't even know who the woman was or is. But it was a psychic trump. I somehow anticipated and read her and then played her while she was setting it up to play just me. I also meant it as more of an inside sort of joke almost between us, not as an insult of any kind.

So three people came into this cafe and sat down at a different section of the cafe. I was sitting there and this one woman with dark curly brown hair was standing up and she wouldn't just stand and glance my way--the woman was penetrating. She sat with an older woman who I think was maybe lesbian and then with a construction worker who was wearing orange and blue. She was sitting next to the orange and blue construction worker. So I somehow intuited she was Jewish. I don't even know who she is and she could very well NOT be, and it wasn't appearance as much as I intuited her past geneology and family history. Which just sounds bizarre but it's not.

I was sitting there and she kept looking over at what I was doing, and I felt, tryign to get a read on me of some kind--very serious and intense and didn't seem too friendly about me either but that was my intuition. I sensed somehow she knew someone from the state or government or some important group.

I got the idea, I don't know where from, of drawing two triangles. Not rightside up but upside down. One large and one small next to it and then the idea of "big" and "little". That was it. I am Jewish in my background but minor amounts, but I think it doesn't really matter to God what one is or their heritage as much as what their heart is. I got that I my triangle was larger than hers. Like, that I had been granted more power by God.

I was going to drop it by her and had this subliminal idea but it would have been strange. I would have to walk past her table and do it or let it drop and fall out as if an accident.

How random that this is exactly what she was planning. To drop or let something fall as if by accident. But I didn't know this ahead of time. I had no idea.

I got something else instead. I drew a larger triangle and then a small little triangle inside of the large triangle. Above it I wrote "Big--Little" and beneath it I wrote: "Yield".

So it would be a joke and ridiculous if nothing came of this. It would have been ridiculous for me to leave it on their table, even though I knew intuitively it was to go to her.

I went to the bathroom and took my bag with me and then left the cafe. I saw their group had just left and the woman, this woman in particular, watched me approaching and opened her car door, which was on my side, and let this stuffed cat fall out. It "accidentally dropped" and fell out of her car.

The shocking thing was that she had no idea that I had this napkin in my hand.

It was a little beanie baby type kitty cat and grey and black striped and she left it there for me to see as I approached. I stooped over and said, "Oh! what's this?" and looked because at first I thought it was a raccoon. I turned it over while knelt down and it was a cat. I said, holding the cat in one hand, "Oh, it's a kitty cat! Here you go," and I put the stuffed kitty cat on her truckseat and with the other hand, which held the napkin, I said, "...And here's this too." I set the napkin with "YIELD" next to the cat she'd let fall.

Then I held up my head and walked away. After taking maybe, oh, 5 steps or so, I said, I looked back at her, and she STARED at me in SHOCK and I raised an eyebrow at her and smiled.

I walked off, and that to me, was the first psychic trump I've ever witnessed, and by the grace and direction of God.

Even I didn't know what I was doing or what it meant, but it turned out to be exactly the message I was drawn to write down on the napkin.

However, God may have meant for it to be a friendly trump of some sort. I have no idea who she was or who she was representing or how she knew me, but I was of interest to her.

The weirdest thing was that she intended and planned for that stuffed cat to fall out of her car door as I approached and she looked at me first and everything, and waited for me to pick it up. And then I had had this same idea of dropping something for HER.

Maybe the message is even that we're on the same team, but God is on my side? I was really hoping she was with or connected to a state worker because for me, I felt "yield" meant, God gives me what I want. I KNOW, in my heart of hearts, that God is on my side. It's just that everyone has free will and God doesn't usually combat this. But I really feel like in some way, God came through and surprised me along with others. I cannot attribute it to my own cleverness because I didn't know what my left hand was doing from my right except that I was to do it. And it turned out to be right. The timing was precise. If she was not on my side and meant to be contrary, it was a trump and if she was on my side, and just watchful, she was not contrary at all and it was that we are more like sisters and more of a playful trump I suppose. It was fun actually. It was like chess. When I was writing it out, I don't consider myself to be Jewish or anything but for some reason, what I got was that I was the larger one and the other woman was smaller. Maybe just for that moment or that psychic maneouvere, but what I mainly thought of was either it had something to do with my son or with a man or a psychic play and that is it. Like "checkmate". I felt it meant something symbolic but it could have been just a psychic checkmate.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I am, just noticed, hahaha, sitting in front of a painting that is entitled:
"Still Life With Cup"

HoOOolleeeee Graaaayyyyll. Just kidding. The main painting which title I can read is this one though and it's in front of me to the right. Right immediately in front of me is a store name that always bothered me because I felt like a joke. "Princess for a Day" but at least right now, from my angle, all I can read is "Princess" or "Princess for". Okay, to be more precise, hmmm, there is a brick wall intersection in the middle but no, I guess I really AM right in front of "princess". You could come check and see for yourself.

Jewish (christian) princessa for a day, listening to "Habibi ya nour el ain".
I was looking for music and this came up. It oesn't mean anything, it's just what came up and I do like this song. Oh yeah, and thar eees a beeeeeeeg motorcycle facing me. I heard some good Irish music earlier in this cafe. One cool song about love and hate. And three little birds (bob marley).

Okay, on the top of this store, I only see a crown and a big "P" and then on the bottom of it I see "Princess". crown for a day and mental hospital gown tomorROW???!

Nyet nyet.

..."ACCK! But I am zzeeeee GRAAayyyl!"

ChARLIE. CHARLES WAKE UP UNICORN. Ishtar Alabina. I like her. she's good.

Okay, there is something strange.

I got the words, from somewhere, "I love you", like, sent to me. Not audibly, but it came to me. And I know someone tried to send it but I don't know who. A man, but I don't know who.

And then, I just looked at this other version, and it says the words, part of them is "I love you my darling"
Oh google. Google ads are sending me ads about schitzophrenia and I guess I did meet someone who is but it's not me and you're a dollar short and a day late.

I just had some kids go by, one with a t-shirt that said "Best of the Beast" (red) and the other had a purple shirt and turned to me and pointed at me! He's like 8 years old!

Don't look at me. I don't even do tarot. If anything miraculous happens, it's not my evil dervish doing but something else. And I pray to God and that is it. I don't do anything else but read the Bible and pray to God and that is it. So call it whatever you want. If it was "The Beast" it would, MY LIFE would probably be a lot more glorious wouldn't it be? Lucifer came as an Angel of Light, and a deciever. Not as Christ suffering and persecuted and crucified and denied every rightful thing he was due.

This is actually funny, because this town is so full of drama, or SOMEONE is, that I write about this, and all of a sudden, someone instructs a huge camper to drive in front of the Princess store. And then a bunch of ugly women, actually, pretty, but hanging out the window literally, staring at me and grinning, drive by. I swear to God. Oh, what else? well an electric truck drove by but I don't feel it. YOU might tonight though, if you keep it up.

At any rate, I did get an "I love you" from someone, secretly and psychic sending, but I couldn't see the face and I couldn't tell who it was at all.

My opinion is that some group or groups are afraid of me or they wouldn't care at all. Would they? so what would they be afraid of?

Hmmmm. And these motorcycle guys that drove by who were very cool about things, all of sudden, they drove past now and looked at that camper liek "What the hell?"

Oh, at least I get some good nods from the Asian and other commmunity. I think there are a few groups that are maybe...TERRIFIED of me.

Or, hey! Maybe CHARLIE is hiding out in the big camper outside! He needs a camper at least that big, with tinted windows and men in Hawaaiian shirts piling out. Camilla's in there too. Hey--I know it takes both eggs AND buttah to make a fucking cake. Kate Middleton? pish posh. She can stir the batter with her spatula. Well, I am intuiting that hurt someone's feelings but I'm just joking around. If anyone thinks I'm serious, starting from Princess store, (I am, but I'm joking about it too) they have something wrong. Seomone Reeaaaaallly didn't like this last paragraph here. Oh, I reaaaally don't want to have to delete this part to accomodate so and so but what if so and so is God? that would be misguided of me I suppose. Maybe I'm just picking up on someone's vibes.

I think Kate (and by the way, I'm not all into William either--I don't know him...I just joke around), anyway, I see a lot of stuffed animals. I don't know where she keeps them and where they all are, but she has a LOT of fucking stuffed animals I think. Maybe not on display anymore, so where?
I feel a sadness vibe. Like someone who likes me doesn't want me to write this stuff.
criminy, I got something about china in her room. CHINA. "She has china" but I don't know what kind of china. Like, she just GOT china? or she has china cups and dishes in her room or china dolls? or china the country in the palm of her hand? I got this about Kate. I sort of saw more like, I don't know...oh this is where I don't want to even venture because I feel I will be wrong and then discrredited and a laughingstock. I reaaally, think this part is probably my own imagination, but maybe like china cups??? somewhere, or maybe llooking at this? china and dishes, and cups, porcelain or fine bone china. A hutch maybe or cabinet but then I think, wait, I think I'm seeing my old friend Stacy Maiers' bedroom. This, to me, sounds like Stacey's old bedroom and she had a whole collection of dolls and everything. but I don't know.

Something on a hanger outside of a closet. Like a sheer something but don't know where.

I think I'll stop while I'm ahead. I did get the schitzo ad again but that might mean I'm actually ONTO something! because I got that everytime I published a new part about the woman I met today. j And that was very real and it really happened, exactly as I described it happening, swear to God.

Maybe I should wait and see what comes to me regardless of who it is OF, or from, or whatever, so not asking for anything. I did ask something about kate and I got something about china. I don't know in what way but something china. That's very general though.

I think I will leave it open to whatever comes to mind...

Need a minute.
okay, got, bear with me, nothing spectacular or psychic, but got something about michael. And michael tanzer I think but I don't know what. that's the first thing that popped to my mind when I asked for whatever to come to mind. I got "michael" but I don't know what one for sure, but I THINK tanzer. Who I haven't talked to for almost a decade.

But then I don't know for sure. And then next I got something about the song "crimson and clover". over and over. crimson and clover.

Then diana dynasty or dianysty like this term used as a pun. And the face of her brother charles, not her husband, who I think of more with this name, but her brother's face.

Then I thought about what this guy was saying about spirits finding a place to rest. What I got about Charles, but maybe it's my imagination? is that she loves him very much? I don't know, it feels very nutty to write this.

Caramellos, at this very moment, but only bc I feel someone just projected that to me on purpose.

Diana Tyranna

Someone called her Diana Tyranna like the dinosaur but maybe tyrannasaurus hex. Not sure if the hex part is my bit, but diana tyranna is right. I don't know who called her this though.

I think I'll listen to crimson and clover and then go tu bed.

Crimson & frickin CLOver: by shondells &
by Joan Jett:

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