Thursday, May 13, 2010

Images and Stuff

I woke early a.m. don't know what time. Then at precisely 3 a.m. bc I looked at the clock. Yesterday it was strange bc I went to this one church and met this guy at precisely 2:22. Anyway, no big deal of course. I fell right back asleep and then at 4:30 a.m. I woke and had a horrible feeling. Sadness and something not right. It lasted until I got out of bed and turned on a light and then it quit, about 5 a.m. and I went back to sleep. I wondered about my son or someone else, but it was just for this half hour period really.

Then I slept in. I could have gotten up early but I just slept in and wanted to pray a tiny bit. I didn't really do that much but I prayed for world peace and then did my experimental things, with turning to random sections of the Bible and trying to randomly "get stuff" about others...I think I'm really off-on with that though, and I know I can't trust it unless I get confirmation.

I also was telling this guy that very soon I know I have to "shut down" and keep things secret, in the sense of not broadcasting what I do or think or the psychic stuff. It is starting to wind down to the point where I know I am to become more discreet and no longer share things about what I may or may not "get". I feel it and know it.

This morning the first thing I turned to ended up being Song of Solomon, ch. 6. I read the whole chapter, thinking about the parts about spices because yesterday I sat near several sections where an article on spices was featured. I also sort of laughed, well not really, but imagining someone snickering at v. 11 about "i have gone to the garden of nuts and down to the fruit valley (to find my beloved)." I don't know why but then I felt irreverant.

Then I read one of my favorite verses on the opposite page, SOS 8:6. "Set me as a seal upon thine heart..."

Then it was Acts 9:15 "...He is a chosen vessel unto me...I will show him how great things he must suffer..." (?!)

and then yeah, got more about "the vessel" Matt 20:23, "you WILL drink of the cup..."
Also Mark 9:37 about whosoever receives children is blessed and 1 Sam. 20:4, "then Jonathan said unto David, whatever thy soul desireth, I will do it for thee."

When I first prayed or closed my eyes, I got an image of a woman's face turned to the right, profile and in a higher up bun like from the 70s or something and an upturned nose. Very blond. I have no idea who it is or was. It wasn't my mother, because the nose was different. It was sort of a chignon bun but set up higher on the head and it was profile. I couldn't tell if it was 70s or old fashioned like 1900s but it was in color. Just the face.

I also saw some old black wrought iron gates (not in connection) and they parted in the middle and a low circular stone fountain was in the middle. Large but lower lying. It was sort of like the secret garden and I wondered if it was from a movie I saw long ago. Either jessop or Juniper or something J to both sides of the fountain. The gate entrance was rounded up at the top and spikey but they were large doors which opened. The fountain was immediately the first thing you could see when you were standing there in the middle.

Then I did get an image at some point of a man on his knees praying and also later something past or present about tarot in a curved manner, cards all in a semi-circle spread out.

I saw a woman or painting or something of gilt or golden or copper golden leaves the shape of laurel or rose leaves, falling onto the hair of some other woman with curly blond hair facing forward, hands raised and cupped to the sky.

I also then did my experimental thing and asked quick, rapid fire questions about anything to do with the royals, which is just fun and experimental and nothing else.

Queen E. "patch" or "patches"
Philip. "Chariots of fire"
William. Something about his knuckles or maybe wrapping hands in something, fists and something about knuckles.
Harry. Pulling down visor, riding motorcycle
Charles. Pichou like "pee-choo" but I have no idea what that is or means and all of this could have been other stuff I was intercepting. Maybe, now looking it up, Picchu? but have no idea.
Sarah (di's sister). eating long carrots. Something about the regular long carrots.
Camilla. Pain from injury.

And then I randomly did others, or asked and got Chris with a bandana? which made me laugh. and then Alvaro watching some women cooking who is cooking for him all the time.

Then I asked, come ON, something about this psychiatrist I have to see from West Point and I got a lot of twisting wires. I specifically saw red, green, and a grey wire being twisted together, some kind of electrical wire, smaller. But maybe that part was someone else not Ivan. It may have been for some mechanical thing or even a toy or something, I have no idea. Don't know about past or present.

Michelle Obama, standing next to, or by, or making a pie. It hadn't been cut into. It had a top crust with little pieces cut out and maybe just represents apple pie, Americana or something.

I prayed for peace for different countries and by name and protection, and that was about it. Sang a couple of songs, one being "Great Is Thy Faithfulness."

Then I walked out and just felt a sadness. Sort of still do. Have a lot of things to do today and hoping for good moods for everyone. Really want some positive things to happen.

That's it.

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