Thursday, May 13, 2010

Appointment & "Fleece" (bbaaaaa)--Updated

I went too my appointment but I had the wrong time. I was told 1 but I guess it was 11. So I got a sub sandwich and walked past the place to eat it and it's like someone knew ahead of time or something.

Someone had put worms ? in a hole in the road that I was facing when I sat down. I didn't even notice that behind me was all of this pillow stuffing, like cotton "fleece" and I swear someone knew I was going to sit there.

I didn't even see the "fleece" stuff until after I had already sat down. I was facing a karate shop, a truck that said "Mack", a Bear sign shop, a yellow VW bug and green and blue and silver cars and across were old fashioned red and white cars.

There was this one black crow eating from the hole right in front of me and then I finished eating and for some reason looked behind me, and there was all this pillow stuffing that looked like "fleece".

I was too distracted by this poor guy trying to rollerblade and it made me laugh so loud. It really made me laugh out loud, for a long time. It was really funny.

This waiter just asked me how old I thought he was and I said "24?" and he's 19. Then he asked how old I was and he said he was guessing 21 or 22. I said, "Come on! honestly!" and he said, "Honestly."

I'm going back to the place in a bit. To see if i can be squeezed in. I sat down here and felt like if I sat at one or the other table...i didn't know what it meant so i sat at one and then moved to the other one. Accck. What if I'm ding or choosing something i don't know about?

So then I saw an ad for the new robin hood and typed in "robin hood song" because I was thinking about robin hood just yesterday. I got Bryan Adams "Everything I Do" and I've not seen the video before.
I got to see the psychiatrist, which was really nice. I felt good about him. He looked hesitant and he didn't squeeze me in or anything but I got a feeling he might be okay. I'm really glad he allowed me to at least see him or his face because it was just really helpful for easing my mind about who is this person.

What I got was that something made him apprehsive. I don't know if someone told him not to see me later or something bad happened, or if I got something right, but I also felt like he might be fair. I think I got something right about him and I think he is going to be fine. He was wearing a bright red shirt and in his photo he wore blue and yellow and yet, I just got a kind of feel for how he might not know what to think about me, but he is personally willing to give me a chance. I also feel the receptionist seemed okay, especially after I guessed something accurate and right so maybe didn't seem so nutty. But I am sort of worried.

I was told the last appointment was cancelled, the day before my appointment. It miay be that their offices cancelled much earlier, but no one from state offices told me about it until the day before, and she just came into the middle of my visit and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. I wrote down May 13, 1:00 and I know I wrote down 1 because of my earlier wonder about whether "1" or "2" meant something bad. So that's what I thought. I was thinking, "Oh my gosh. It's on the 13th at ONE." So I thought it was like the bad luck apointment or something.

But to my credit, I DID go to the appointment, and I was earlier than what I thought the time was too. And I think I blogged that it was for 11 they said but she said 10 a.m. and that sounds right. I know I could have confused 11 and 10 when she just told me this morning bc I didn't write it down and was just sorry I'd missed it.

But I had better get going because I have to ut some things together for getting into housing again.

They seemed willing to work with me. I feel much better about everything, in general.

Thank you everyone, for trying to work with me. I am trying too. They said they could put me on a wait list too so maybe give me time to get stuff together but also get in for an initial introduction so I don't lose my son or whatever. I don't want to lose my son for time lapsing or any reason at all.

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