Saturday, May 15, 2010

Clarification!!!!on last post & lucky guesses

I was trying to clarify and my stuff got erased. I wanted to say I felt I could mention Harry because I don't think it means he is "for me" or anything but that I picked up on some kind of connection. As for the hug, I did get that and I do think it had to be some kind of Di thing. A housemate tried to do this this morning so I need to clarify what this was about.

I think what it means is that I sometimes get connection and that's all. How it's related to whom, and in what way, I have no idea, but when I think of him, I think of friendly or in a chummy way. Not that I know everything about everything. Then again, I've wondered if I've been made fun of.

So today is definitely not a day to be announcing all this, and I look like shit and am wearing clothes I wouldn't usually wear which are not my own.

I'll describe more of what led to the impression of him.

Also, something weird in a good way happened today and it was that the other day I'd had some psychic impression of a green truck, an older one, but didn't know who drove it. Well I got a ride today in a green truck and as soon as I was in, I sensed this good energy and there was a pot of honey there and some stuff, and I had the strangest deja vu but don't know why. I asked the guy if he was military and he said no. He was middle aged or older. I asked if he'd been in business or something and he said he didn't know why they didn't want him for military. I then said, "So you were more of a citizen cop." and he said, "Yes, I was a cop." I said, "You were a cop?" and he said yes and I said, "Where?" and he said "Leavenworth".
I don't know how many things I may have gotten right about William of Wales, but it seems the news has shown me a few things I've picked up on Henry even though I don't think about him much. I haven't looked up any royal news for almost a month as well. Not in magazines or online.
Anyway, there is a connection somehow for sure, but I also got stuff about my Ex too, in the past--would see something moving and then find out he had been doing something in construction that exactly matched. So I randomly pick up stuff and don't always know what it's about.

I didn't know W. of Wales chews his cheeks until I saw this one cip, but I have seen what I think are images of him concentrating on something or focusing and he is reading something and has a hand to his mouth in some way. It might be a different guy though. I don't see him at a desk or haven't seen a clip of such but I think when he is I've seen him pinch his bottom lip together or something to do with mouth.
I have people driving by or riding by today, looking at me with the strangest expressions. I don't know if people are scared of me or what.

Yesterday, probably people were projecting something to me because when I was praying and then meditating, I had an impression after another and then later, some other psychics must have picked up on it.

Also, this housemate is no one I would ever be interested in, at all, but I think he does have some gift of a kind now and then. I was sitting outside talking to him and was about to refer to someone as, I was thinking, but joking, going to say, "He's probably a melogomaniac" and I thought it but didn't say it (it was about someone else not him) and about 3 minutes later, my housemate said, "She's such a melogomaniac." It was like either I anticipated this word or I am a good sender and he picked it up and it's not like either of us use this word a lot and I couldn't figure out exactly how to pronounce it so I didn't say it out loud and then he said it but sort of jumbled it up like I would have, had I said it.
Also, the other day, I passed this storekeeper and said, "Been rough today huh?" and he nodded and then I asked, "longer days now here?" and he said, "Well, I work nights now and I'm not used to it." That was at the Super Plaza Jet.
I will get to the progression of how I got Henry's face. But right now I'm cold and this cafe doesn't open for awhile and I'm freezing.

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