Saturday, May 15, 2010

music and prayer

irish rebel song. i was looking for the pougs who sing, i think the love and war and hate song. here is an older man's version; oro se do beheatha bhaile.

Found this random: it doesn't say the name of the song.

Anyway, I got this thing, when I prayed, who is the right person for me and who is he? and I waited and got "king". So that I know sounds absurd. so I asked, what is meant by king? i felt it was literal in some way but I couldn't think of any current "king". obviously not philip. i thought of other royalty. hmm, not likely. couldn't imagine. charles has camilla. then thought, to be? or then thought it was symbolic for something else. But it did seem very literal. so then I dismissed it as nothing came to mind at all. And I was doing my own thing and then taking a nap and henry's face was there. So then i thought later, maybe it had to do, the whole "king" to mind and later henry's face, and i didn't know if seeing his face was in reference to someone else, like from the viewpoint of someone else. then I thought, well, it was probably bc I was laughing about something referring to king and harry as such the night before, and probably it just strangely came to mind.

Then, after I wrote just a bit about this, I knew people would assume all kinds of things and then i was walking down the sidewalk and this guy ran into a metal pole deliberately and i cracked up laughing. i thought, "i will bet someone deliberately projected a c. or an h. to me and then thought it was hiliarious".

So I decided to write it bc I cannot take much stock but one thing matched with something i got several months ago which i haven't and will not share, but i had no man's face or idea to mind at all. it was about my life but not related. and some things can just be symbolic.

However, I've seen some things which look to me like ridicule and i have really wondered about this, what is going on exactly. So that is why I cannot put stock in it. and i wouldn't want to have an asshole interested in me, no matter what they did, if they were an asshole. But i don't know everything. I know that some people try to shift my visions and images to suit them or make it appear they mean something different and for anyone getting this kind of thing, you have to hold fast to the interpretation or feeling YOU get and not allow others to distort and try to shape it for you. And sometimes we don't know exactly how to interpret things, even if we get accurate images of people. I think.

I like this enya song: i kept getting something with "ar ar". not arf arf!

I had a dream while napping that someone wanted to drive me around in a golf cart for purposes of making fun of me and in my dream I got out while it was still moving and said, "I'm not riding around in your golf cart so you can get paid for the amusement of others." He (unnamed and no description) wanted to take it out onto the highway. A golf cart. And then this man appeared in the doorway with a rubber nose over his nose that looked like a clown nose. I think it was more of a symbolic dream than anything.

So then I did some Bible random openings and things and got first Lev. 23:10, and then I got Matt. 17:25-17, about kings and strangers and children, and then...

Oh, so I forgot, after I'd had this impression of the word "king" I was given a book at the bookstore about "the strategy of kings" about U.S. diplomacy. So this was very random and was the only reference to kings made to me that day, was this book, who the daughter of retired military pointed out for me.

Then I pulled out a few books at random from a stack without looking and the first one? another Bible. So I sang Psalm 17 from it. Then I pulled out another book and got Louis L'Amour, education of a wandering man. I read pg. 177, the last page of chapter 20. And then there is a quotation which says: But for my children, I would have them keep their distnce from the thickening center; corruption Never has been compulsory, when the cities lie at the monster's feet there are left the mountains.
By Robinson Jeffers from "Shine, Perishing Republic".

Then read John 17:14-19 and then that's about it. No images other than that there is someone I know, I got this earlier in the day, wearing a baseball cap today. That was this morning around 6-8 a.m.

At any rate, I have no preconceived ideas about anything. I take it all in and if something is to happen, there are normal things which fall into place to make that happen and I don't need to worry about it. If it's not to happen, those normal steps will not take place or ever occur.


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