Saturday, May 15, 2010

undetermined guess

this man stepped out into my path tonight while I was walking and I asked him about rocks because it was on my mind but he has no interest. Then I asked him what he did for work and he said "construction" and I said, "You must have a good psychic shield up bc I can't think of anything about you." I did get one thing before he said construction but felt too intimidated to be wrong and it might not apply still, but I got something with pipe fitting or welding. Pipes. When he said construction I think more of wood, but who knows. It was a man close to Jack n' the Box so I could ask again sometime I suppose.

I slept almost all day. I took a whole half of Valium and it really knocked me out. I could have tried to be functional but instead decided to just sleep as much as possible to store up energy. It was nice that I also had some pasta today--lasagna, so hopefully, renewing my energy a little. I should be on a multi-vitamin. I bought all these granola bars and oatmeal bc I'm a huge believer in oats for energy (it works for people as well as horses!) but haven't been in the mood for it.

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