Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tarot for Love (random guessing game)

I sort of resolved a little bit of my absolute antipathy to tarot bc when I read the history I read it is just for novelty, but can be infused with whatever powers or sources one calls upon. Some christian and jewish mystics have used it and it is a matter of what sort of significance, I think, you give it, like even the Bible or other symbols and things.

I don't know how to shuffle right and just prayed a very quick (not very good) prayer and it is all game and not necessarily true, but I asked who the love of my life was, or at least, the person for me. I didn't pull a format but just 6 cards and listed the order.

First, after thoroughly shuffling, I looked and saw that the Star was on the very top and the Ace of cups on the very bottom. That star turned up over and over, even flipping, when I was shuffling and it's supposed to represent hope.

For him, I got innocence and a pure love, and also a lot of being on hold and justice and suffering but with temperance and strength. Maybe it's my destiny to marry a moral coward, and sometimes that might be what God wants, but this picture was of someone very noble. Who has a deep and pure love and is sacrificial but has had many serious challenges and is suspended or on hold, but with a love for justice. I would have to read more about the meanings though and then think about how it strikes me in particular. I get from this that the identity cannot be revealed, or the love at this point, for some reason. My questions were: who is my love? where is he?
1. 6 of cups
2. 3 of wands
3. Justice XI
4. 10 swords reversed
5. The hanged man (not negative read in original sense)
6. 9 swords, reversed
Then I asked 2 other to improve myself and then secondly, what direction for my soulmate (if one is there) to take or what environment he's in now.

I think, for separate questions, one should maybe start over and reshuffle but I didn't do this. I just had 3 sets of questions and randomly pulled cards. The first round was random and then I got a ton of reversed and wondered if I'd shuffled wrong, but probably should have left it since I read it's just an illusion of the upright or lesser power of such, sometimes negation but not always a negative. But I put those back in the deck and then kept pulling cards until I had 7 for my second series of questions. I felt more connected to things the other day and everything rang true in a sense, but here it was just curiosity. For my direction, or improvement, would have to learn more, but got:
7. The Lovers
8. wands of 5
9. King of Swords rev.
10. coins of 7
11. The Hermit
12. Ace of Swords
13. wands of 11 rev.,

Then asking what direction for my soulmate, I got:
14. The Empress
15. cups of 9 rev.
16. something i can't read my own writing on--It looks like Chariot r. & I think it's right. The chariot reversed.
17. Star
18. Emperor
19. swords of 11
20. page of wands r.

I'll say what impression I might get later but not right now. Too tired to look it up and see what it means. Just goofing off though and didn't have time to focus and pray really or anything or try to figure it out first.

But this time I asked God, if done lightly, if it was okay and it felt fine, like any card playing game, but not something I would rely on to make decisions. Just fun and interesting like getting a saying in a fortune cookie or a passage in the Bible at random as well. I feel the most power from just praying.

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