Friday, May 7, 2010

Collusion & Attempts To Force Out Of Town

I am not going to get my son back I don't think.

These people in this town and state are making it completely impossible for me and the only way they ever let up at all, is if I was with my Ex or going to be with him? Why? because they negotiated their own deals with him.

There is some guy that keeps crossing my path in town who is decent looking and owns a ranch, the big rancher and everything, but I don't care.

I have never gone after a man because of his money, or to get married. I have had more than enough chances to be married and you should see the kind of assholes who treat me like shit, when I pass up serious money and support for independence.

However, in this town, I wouldn't date any of these guys if I were on my last leg. Everyone is boring and they bring out the boring and the crazy in me because I would rather be crazy and amuse myself than have to deal with the lame ass conversations I have to hear in the bars or restaurants or anywhere else.

You don't like me? Well that's obvious. Guess what? I don't like you either.

I do try. I have tried. If I get drunk enough, I can be a real Eddie. I think that's why I like hearing about Eddies shocking comments, because I imagine sometimes he's just so frickin' bored out of his brain, he has to quip and hopes others will appreciate the humor.

DO you know what I did yesterday? I meowed. I said, "Meow. MEeeeow." to someone. I am not even kidding. I meowed like a cat. WHY and under what circumstances?

Well, I was leaping over a wall inbetween a fence because of this rotten town, and thee was some guy staring at me as my feet hit the pavement. I saw him and he saw me. He was standing there, in a t-shirt, smoking, with a hat on with a giant C. I walked over to him normally and then looked at him straight in the eye and said, "Meow." I didn't even crack a grin. I just made one very authentic cat sounding meow. He stared, blinking, sort of stopped smoking and then I looked at him straight faced again and said, "Meeeooooww." Like I was talking to another cat. After my second meow his eyes sort of widened and he looked scared and I burst into laughter. I said, "I'm sorry, but I had to, and the look on your face was priceless. I knew you were going to tell the whole town someone needs to take me OFF of the Valium." So he cracked up laughing saying he hadn't known what to think. But I got a real laugh out of him and I laughed too.

I sat at a bar the other day, listening in to a conversation with waiters, and usually, I don't know, waiters have something funny to talk about, or SOMETHING to say, after a few cocktails. No. It was fish this and fish that. Fish fish fish and nothing but fish and not even interesting fish or a good fish story. It was just "And this fisherman begat Joseph who begat john who begat james who begat matthew who begat mark who begat tommy who begat isaac who begat hosea who begat charlie and yeah, they liked to fish. I went fishing with them. Yeah, we fish. We all like to go. What? oh, we like to go fishing. yeah, fish. Uh-huh, we fished and so did mary who begat measles who begat marsha who begat harmamia who begat sue and sharon and saucy and yeah, all the crazy names are people from, you know, europe and seattle and l.a. and new ork. and they like to fish there too! Yeah! oh man, you should see the fish in my brothers pond!"

And on that fucking note, after crying because I have been pushed around to fucking WALLOW in THIS shitty state, I can honestly say the best church in town--there are two. One is next to the dollar store and I don't think it's open on Sundays. So I would become a 7th Day Adventist if I were you, and start going to the church of Liquor, beer, and good spirits. Like I said, there are only 2 in town.

If it's not fish begat fish begat fish, and here are these people eating sophisticated food and knowing how to use the right napkin and fork in their casual attire but...

I am fucking BORED out of my fucking mind here. If it's not fish, and I only used that as an example, it's mundane talk about something else that's equally boring. Any topic at all is boring. Even the most exciting world events, which could be really played up and polished and joked about, they get dumbed down to, "Peppermints stand for CANADA, okay??! and green mints for IRELAND and yellow mints are for BANANAS but don't let anyone know, that's an outsider, that if we give them a YELLOW mint, it means we think they're bananas, okay? Okay cool. Now go tell your kids--HEY JOSIE! come over here you little PUNK. Okay, Josie, this si what you're going to do...we want you to give this MINT over to this lady who comes walking up the sidewalk okay? Okay, but WAAAAIIiiit...when she gets close enough, tell her, 'do you like buttah?' but say it like THAT--do you like BUTTUH.' Okay, and if you do, we will give you some new dollies."

Then you have these older men who think they're Tomas Caballero and drive by with huge cigars or pipes in their mouth like they're some kind of Al Pacino rip-off.

If you don't like what I have to say, I would THINK you would STOP fucking harassing me and my son and start holding the corrupt state workers responsible for their shit instead of obeying their orders and backing down on everything.

Why in the world would anyone think I have nice things to write, when there are all these assholes getting away with SHIT and you guys are all going along with it as if you have no choice when you do. If enough of you had some fucking balls, you'd stand up for yourselves, together, and instead, you like the way your bread is buttered I guess.

Am I supposed to be "happy" and write nice things about everyone when I have state assholes lying about me and my son and trying to say I'm crazy when they're the ones who are sell outs and nuts?

The only thing anyone does in this town for fun or excitement, from what I hear, is screw around. And probably, the same people putting others away for petty drug offenses are some of the biggest users and dealers. Oh, and break every single federal and state law nd rule there is, in the book, regarding privacy, HIPPA, and equal and fair access to justice. I love how the public defenders screw people over here. It's really fun to watch...It's like a bunch of immature grade school P.E. kids got named "team captain" and decide to lord it over everyone. I know it is not just Wenatchee because it's this state, from what I can tell. If I'm having problems to the degree I did, with even unemployment and getting normal benefits, it's not just a Wenatchee issue.

This whole county though, should be sued.

But yeah, for my son's sake, when I see how I am treated, as a single mother who is not butt ugly and fat so the big state workers can't relate to me, and when I'm not screwing some man in a patriarchal town going back to the 20s, (i think they may have been more liberated), well, it would have all been different for me if I had been fat, ugly, married, and kept my mouth shut. Or even really skrawny and ugly and kept my mouth shut. But come on...what good am I in this town? I'm not doing favors for ANYONE. No, in fact,, I want to really fuck the powers that be, REALLY fuck them over!!! and get compensated for what my son and I have been through.

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