Friday, May 7, 2010

Hug Today--Energy--Enrolled In College--My Readings

I sensed this energy today from someone. It was sort of interesting. He made a couple comments about 45 and I'm thinking guns and everything is negative, but he said he had cancer and I asked when his next appointment was and he said next week.

Usually, I don't sense anything. One way or the other. I could pray for someone, but it's so up in the air about what happens. I felt like something was going to happen for him though.

I asked to hug him, and this is after writing my pissed and nasty post, but for some reason, just did and when I did, I sensed a powerful good energy right there for a split minute so I figured either he might get healed or there is possibly something good about him and with his trials, I just sensed something like he prayed or maybe it was just that we had a hug, I don't know. But I wondered, as I was walking away, about it.
I guess the other thing I could report was yesterday when I had my hearing about housing. It went fine. Just fine. But it was interesting because
there was this interesting thing with dogs that happened. Where I thought, "Ohmigosh...the dogs are all talking amongst themselves!" I had passed this ferocious black pit bull in the morning. Big "Beware of Dog" signs and he was in a pen to run back and forth in and just absolutely Mean sounding and tearing at the fence. I said, "Good guard dog!" and then I felt sorry for it and wanted to give it a treat and got some crackers from someone and threw the crackers into the pen and this big mean and ferocious dog stopped and made this little wimpering noise, a real WIMPER and started eating the crackers. It was so sweet. I sort of thought about men too, in that moment. Like, "Wow, the way to a man's heart or a dog's heart for that matter, is really through the stomach!" So I went on my way and only 15 minutes later, I kid you not, this BROWN pitbull that was the same size and type as the other one, saw me coming and walked right along the fence following me, happy and with nose pressed and tongue out and almost salivating, like it KNEW or someone TOLD that dog that I had given the other one treats! I said, "Hmm, so you heard about me did you?" and then I passed another 3 dogs later and they all trotted over happily with the same look.

I know dogs are either friendly or not. But it was sort of like the first pit bull gave a telepathic message to the other pit bull that I was a nice lady or something and had just given him a snack.
wanted to hear music and something about "plain" came to mind so played plain white t-shirts: let me take you there.

I am reading some psychic stuff right now. I'm finding really good information on things I identify with. The book I was writing about earlier today, which I had skimmed, is called: "The Origins of Psychic Phenomena" by Stan Gooch.

This man just came by and asked if my college enrollment was coming along, saying he remembered I was thinking of doing that. I think he thought I haven't done it at all. I said, "Yes, I've actually already enrolled, I'm just wrapping up a couple of other things along those lines." and then he looked shocked. I did enroll. I enrolled and have an appointment with the advisor and then have a few other small kinks to work out. I'm not sure why he'd be shocked. He must think I hadn't done anything about it still. But I did, I just didn't advertise it. I don't advertise every single detail even if I share some things that most wouldn't share.

Hmm, I just red this book by Stan Gooch is quite famous or popular and he lives in Wales! The part I think is interesting is that he began his career as a highly regarded psychological researcher and then got into the paranormal. It would be cool to go to a psychologist like that. In my skimming, he covers a lot of material and things I can relate to.

The other book I got is: Phenomenon--everything you need to know about the paranormal by Sylvia Browne; Aleister Crowley's "The Book Of Lies"; and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Alchemy.

The Gooch book is the one I was reading which goes over the burning stuff that psycics can do, and the Henne Fire and spontaneous fire external and even internal. Very fascinating. It really cover s a lot of material in a concise manner.
The other thing that happened...hhmmm just forgot when a song came on. will remember again though.

Another thing though, was that I was at the grocery store today and I suddenly thoguht, "Olives! green pimento olives" and went down an aisle to look for them but couldn't find any. I got back to where I am staying temporarily, and the first thing I saw when I opened the fridge was the same jar of olives I had in my mind at the store.
Okay, so I just remembered but it's more suggestive, but only for the sake of you know, the psychic stuff...I was reading about senders and receivers and how to know which one you are. I think I'm a little bit of both. But again, I'm reading this book about Browne and how she correctly identified cause of death of 19 victims through her "channeler" and that is NOT me. I'm very limited or new in what I know. However, what I got was...

I was walking down the sidewalk and I decided to implant a thought in someone's mind. I wanted to send a signal to someone in particular, to think about some part of me and somehow see what I got in return. Right after I did this, telling him in my mind, or projecting an image, all of a sudden, 5 minutes later, I got about 6 catcalls and whistles from men driving by. I was NOT asking for, or looking for catcalls or whistles, but all of a sudden, for no explainable reason, wearing what I've been wearing for the last week, it was this huge commotion! HUGE! And all coming from men driving up from the back. It was like some guy had just called a bunch of cell phones and said, "Okay, now whistle at her when you drive by or notice this!" It was so weird. I specifically projected an image and I don't know if the one I intended it for got it, but at least a dozen men all around in the surrounding area did, and I did nothing different and I was wearing nothing different. I am trying to remember when this was. Within the last few days. I was walking down Wenatchee Avenue from the downtown main area torwards the Wal-mart end of town. I didn't do it for attention but just to see if I could actually get the thought to the person and then get anything back in return. But truly, I had been wearing the same jeans and t-shirt for days, still waiting on the return of some clothing. So basically, I didn't have these things with me. So my specific thought was, "Okay, God, make him think about ___ and to be ______" and then maybe I directed the thought to him specifically. "You are going to think about ______" but then all of a sudden it was these people all around me, maybe 5-10 minutes later. SO weird.
I got it. I got an image sent to me at about 7:23 or 7:25 PST. Waist up.
The other strange thing is that a few days ago I came across exclamation points on cards rightside and upside down. Maybe a question mark but definitely exclamation. I found this same thing in the forward of Aleister Crowley's book but I don't know what it represents. First time I've ever picked up this book, in my life, is this afternoon. I mainly recall the exclamation point and just read in the Crowley book, an explanation in a chapter called "Soldier and Hunchback" I think. What is BIZARRE is that after I saw these signs, the exclamation, the Destiny's Child song "Soldier" came to mind and I've played it about 3 times already.

This is weird. Hmmm, The Soldier and the Hunchback isn't in this book. I'll have to look it up online real quick.
As I was looking, someone came to mind who I don't usually think of ever, in a certain sense. Staring at me in a way. Telling me to notice in a way or someone wanting me to notice. Not someone I have been with or anything but possibly connected to in a different way. Standing squarely and face forward.

Oh this is really really weird. I am reading The Soldier and The Hunchback. I am glad I had a drink but I feel like I need a smoke now. Only halfway through. WOooo. Somehow, something cosmic is important but I don't really get it. I just know it's important in some way. Here's a link to the text:
I don't know what to think. This Soldier and Hunchback tale. I will have to read it again, more than once, because I'm intrigued. I'm also astonished sort of, and confused. The things which follow my one path to the next...
Today I was writing about "Jesus", someone being asked to be Jesus and the next plce I went to was Kentucky Frieds and the guy at station 2 was Jesus and my ticket number was 44 and he wrote on the ticket: Sam.

I wouldn't have thought the question and exclamation thing strange if I hadn't seen it on the sidewalk and wondered. And then I picked up Crowley's book and find it and then I don't know what the connection is. I think it might be referring to, possibly, what he calls, "the hunchback lion" and the "soldier unicorn" but I don't know for sure. Need to read it again. Not that it means anything and in some parts sounds anti-british but I think it's okay really, I don't think it's anti anything. Just myseterious. I guess it's associated with Free Masonry so that would be why I don't understand it. Those MASONS!

I am freshly inspired to complete all the things I need to complete to keep the road smooth for college. I need to put my knowledge to use and curiosity to something productive, that will pay me. I THINK, I really think I need to find a way to design my own degree. I don't know if they'll let me do that here, but I need some freedom to explore all these things and then write about them.

I saw one dark haired guy come in tonight, wearing black, parked next to this turquoise car, and when I saw him in passing, I saw that he is very deep. Not one word but he is deep. Don't know who he is at all, but I think he might be smarter than I am.

The face I saw was of a redheaded brat. That was who faced me and I looked. But that doesn't mean anything at all, or if it does, it's something that is not necessarily what I would interpret or whatever. I have no idea, but that'sthe face that flashed, and it really means nothing. Nothing. I know it doesn't. I have things flash up all the time.

So weird though. I need to check these books out if I can and read them front to back.

The thing is, it doesn't matter what I read or think or say, what matters is my SON. Everytime I hear sirens I think of him. Just please protect my son. Please. Praying for him and for his happiness. That he is having fun and feeling very loved and learning new things and treated with respect to his intelligence even if he cannot express all he'd like to express.

I wish I could see my defenders lined up. I wish I knew if there was someone who really loved me and that any would stand before me and I could talk to them and then decide on things. I feel like I need a line-up, like interviewing the soldiers and knights and asking why they care or care about my son and being able to judge fairly. I feel like I need to knight people or something, or someone. The idea of a sword on shoulders. Going now, to my little rabbit hole.

My son I guess, loves this turtle, but because of salmonella we've thought of something else. I think the water turtle would still be fine because it wouldn't be handled as much but I guess he really likes the idea of a guinea pig. The race doesn't go to the swiftest or to the steady, but to the stinky!

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