Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crazy Commenters

I had 5 comments all from the same crazy person, telling ME I'm crazy.

Of course, I realize, that when I write about psychic stuff, that DOES sound crazy but although I mention it, it is NOT what I believe or know to be the case here. I think it's possible to have this happen on occasion, and I did a lot of research. There is even quite a lot of Jewish literature on it for some reason, some of the work in forms of fiction, Henne Fire? or something like that. Russians also are aware of it, and so is the U.S. and probably China. I did some more research on it tonight and it is very commonplace actually.

I'm sure sometimes it can be the work of witchcraft, on occasion, but I believe if it's a psychic energy it's more neutral and just a form of energy some might use for good or bad, regardless of source.

Do I believe that's what's been going on all this time? NO. Not 9O percent of the time. But when I did test it, outside of use of laptop and trying to rechannel, and block it, it worked. If I were just blocking it, it could be said to be all in my head period. But the fact that I sat there and watched some other person next to me, getting extremely hot and downing 2 drinks in no time flat, makes me wonder. I also wonder about the others I saw, leaving buildings glaring at me after I was focusing and concentrating on this. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing.

SO I KNOW it's technology. Absolutely. I turn my laptop on, and if it's going to happen, that's when and maybe things are tracked through the whereabouts of laptops. However, I also know that for those claiming to be psychics, there are also psychic attacks and I never considered it bc it seemed too out there, but when I finally gave it a try, to fight back with this in mind, it worked.

There is a lot of documentation about even fires being started in environments where there is no known cause. People who somehow start fires, literal ones, through anger or sheer energy that is sent out and it's sort of referred to as poultergeist which would sound more like demonic. I know that I don't have demons in my own life, and I know I only pray to one entity, the trinity as I have since I was a girl. So I don't base my requests or prayers or direct them to any black magic source. However, because I'm interested in psychic stuff, and some people DO use this sort of thing for HARM, I am recognizing that I need to research and hone in on how to defend and build barriers to this.

This book I was reading, for some reason, said there is a lot of documentation about this kind of thing--an internal sensation of fire or actual external fires, through Jewish literaturre. So I don't know if it's a Kabbalah thing or what. i guess Moses and the burning bush just came to mind.

However, I have done research and many, actually, ALL, government paid psychics and remote viewers, literally PRACTICE to guard against these kinds of attacks bc they are real. SO they train people to set up protection. They even train their people on how to discern when a random thought is one's own random thought or one that was planted by a "sender". Seriously. It sounds weird, but the British Bonds, the U.S. Captains, the Chinese Navy, the Japanese Cooks, the Russian Tree Huggers, and...they all know about this and they practice protection because they know that pshycial and other harm can be sent along.

So no, it's not unusual. Also, I was thinking about Princess Di, again today, and the Queen and Queen Victoria especially. I looked up patchouli and read Q.V. used this so I was surprised and then I read once that Q.E. was protective of her (possibly bc she is aware of the psychic connection in the family as it's usually heritary). The thing is, I really thought some of the Di interest in psychic stuff was over the top, but after some of the things I've seen, there are very real reasons why important persons, in any field of work, would be interested. Because it IS true that others can actually put you under attack and affect your choices, and have motives for doing so. Some misleaders and misinformation is done on a human level to create conditions, but other stuff, literally, is PSYCHIC and CAN be used to influence the decisions of others, in even simple ways. So it's important to have protection and learn how to guard against things and if you have the slightest inclination or gift, one will be interested.

I am sort of interested in black magic in the sense of wanting to know what they do so I can better prepare aganist it if necessary, but I've never read a book before. I steer clear and trust God but I also don't think, with proper prayer and protection, that it's wrong to examine what is out there which may be used agaisnt someone. You know what I mean?

I write these things thinking, no one would write this stuff except Shirley McLaine types but there are many out there who will benefit from knowing more and I think they do believe me. There are good (thank GOODNESS!), rational skeptics, which are needed in the world for proper balance, but there are also those who have had experiences themselves or seen things where they are not able to discount the supernatural or miraculous!

I did, though, today, for the first time, understand why Di would engage in certain practices for protection.

I also read tonight, ironically, that one of the first things those who professionally train psychics will do, is to attack them for months, and it is not until that person is able to throw it back or defend, that they will engage in helping them learn more, because the first essential thing to learn is defense against attacks by other powerful psychics (and they are out there!)

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