Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Energy In Town

A lot of the mockery is coming from broads. Young dumb ones who, granted, look better than I do now, but are sort of like a bunch of wicked step sisters, griseldas and prunellas. Cleaned up and in decent cars, but without any sophistication and I imagine, have never read a line of philosophy in their lives. These are the ones who I see mocking the most. The really vain mall girls who are sort of trashy but try. I saw one in bright purple, long sleeves, and long blond bleached hair in a SUV with some others and seriously, that's when I thought, "This is why Europe thinks we're all stupid."

Then, the serious one, who know that even if I look and sound a little nuts, have a lot more going on upstairs and maybe downstairs too, those guys, are ones I've seen cruising into town from time to time or monitoring me. They know what's up but I want to call them 'thuh hustlahs' because they're professional men that know I know my shit and yet cruise the strip, intrigued and amused.

I would seriously love, love, to...instead of having these women who are so shallow and yet make fun of ME, I would just love, for once, to have a verbal catfight. I think I would pee my pants laughing.

I think I feel like the lion that one comedian talks about. The really short black one who had a breakdown but is damn funny. He talks about the lion in the cage and how people are throwing peanuts to the lion who is like, "roar." but really, could tear these dumb people up if they dared to put a foot in.

I feel like I should be giving etiquette classes to these women--the same ones who tget off thinking they are superior and laugh at me in this moment. I mean, at least I know that if you're going to do dirty, at least I know how to do dirty sexy and in a classic from the hills style, plain and fresh faced, not gaudy ross-dress-for-less and lots of rings and chains and little trinkets all over my ears. God. I'm being terrible but I can't help it. If you only knew my situation and then saw what I have to deal with. The kind of dumb girls men's mothers have them date as they're bored out of their brains.

Thank God for a few saucy mothers. They say men marry women who are like their mothers.

Well, unfortunately, that means my options are very limited. But for the few mothers out there who want MORE for their sons...


come n' get me!

I have gay men who want my eggs.
Okay, this is what I DO NOT like, is when I get something about someone but I know they're not being honest. This waitress came over and I knew something about smoking and then later, about pneunmonia. I got something about some grandpa who died and she said one did but then she contradicted herself saying she didn't know if he ever had pneumonia and then she claimed she knew he never did, after I said I was "getting" something about that. It was like she was sort of honest thinking I was asking from knowledge I got from external sources, but if I was doing anything psychic she didn't want to admit it. She also said no one in the family was a smoker ever but I somehow know that's not true.
I'm just getting better as I get older. Bold as a...? brass brazzierre. So what kind of mother would the man had to have had? brass brazierre psychic activist hater with a deep knowledge of traditional scripture and people friendly but equal oportunity offender who communicates with animals and tells bees to shut up or else (and they obey their master). and loves to paint and dance but isn't very good at it and can write for hours on end?

This is why I say I will not be marrying anyone from here. There are no mothers like me here and that's why they thought they could call ME crazy and take mine away.

The only one I have seen lately that I think I could be attracted to is one I saw today but he's already taken and I'd want him to keep his mouth shut because I don't like it when he talks. and that's pretty much out of the question when I can't even keep a fingernail clipping to myself.

When I have mastered how to keep my fingernail cutting sessions private, I will be on the Road to Recovery.

It's not like I have the advantage of underground tunnels and entourage.

I try to find a quiet spot at the very end of the mobile home trailer park and if it's not every black cat in town, it's the Elizebeth and Philip copies. Really. Truly. It was like meeting them in the flesh but they lived in a trailer.

I really don't know. E. might be very very mean for all I know but if she's defending the honor of Queen Victoria's eccentricities, this means she is also psychic but doesn't talk about it. If they're really as mad as the munsters, I don't know why they feel so shy about me. Georgie porgy puddin' pie.

I met a Vienesse the other day. I looked at her as she walked in. I said, "You look German but you're not quite German are you?" and she said no, both her mother and father were from Austria.

I figure there's something about the royal psychic bloodline even though I'm marrying an American plumber, I just wanted to say, before we take the plunge....well I just wanted to say, there is probably some truth to it. Because back when, probably they were partly chosen for having some qualities that might seem to be aligned to "deity" in some way. God chosen or ordained therefore having some psychic qualities and then if it's sort of inherited, it just follows. Which is why any interest in the psychic would follow. Usually, people who have zero experiences with the psychic, are not interested in these things at all. It's like migraines. You might believe in them or that they exist, but you don't understand them unless you get them yourself.

I don't just mean royals though, but indigenous and others, native americans, and any who are in touch with spirituality and accepting the "other". But it's easier to believe if you know about it.

And then come the machines. Those who see a natural gift and want to manipulate it for governmental purposes. Hmmm...

The word "crimeny" came to mind a little bit ago but I wanted to find a song with that word in it and I don't know if I'm spelling it right.

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