Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Someone Mad? small burnout

I wonder if someone is mad????

Because my last post just got all screwed up and a lot of plus signs added. +++ like that. But I got through with the burn even though it was very minor, just the beginning but I don't have time to go to the toilet and work on it for awhile.

I reported computer crime to the Computer Taskforce. It looks like they're doing their job.

It's too bad there is a big difference between muslcle and money and actual technology and then psychic ability.

Go computer geek.

I am connected to Super8 connection which is where some stuff sort of disappeared before but I think anyone with my account info or computer skill could do that. I don't feel the burning at all. I think I transfered it.

I just did it again but it's in very short spurts so I don't think does that much but I prayed "not by might, not by power, but my spirit says the lord" and I sometimes ask for and imagine energy traveling back to destroy actual technology and then other times to send the fire back psychically and a little hotter than it was sent over. But I was about to say "10 times hotter" and decided that would be too much so said 2-3 times hotter. But I don't think it really does too much, I don't THINK, when I only have 3-5 minutes in the toilet stall to focus. I've seen circuits blowing up though. In the past, some kind of wire or circuit or something catching on literal fire. If it hasn't happened yet, maybe it's a premonition but I think it already happened on at least one occasion.

Mainly, I have only even "sent it back" if it was first sent my way. And I've only tried that since the night I thought, while staying up late, that maybe I should try a psychic approach becuase while I know some of it is technology, sometimes it's not.

I have sensed someone trying to get something through but it's not working very well. I am sending it back. In the past, recent past, saw energy going through wires and then fraying or sparking or something and minor burn uts of stuff. That's what I visualized and I've also asked for other stuff too, bc I don't know all the details.

It works best when I can focus in a quiet place and close my eyes. But I can do it a little while appearing nonchanlant.

Hahahaaaa. Now its the House Of The Rising Sun. I love this.

I sit at times like this and wonder who the hell I am and where I came from and what big faimly secret there is that we would be so poor but so ...strange?...or gifted. Very weird. I swear my family must have had this gifting for a long time nad no one told me about it and it was some secret forever. I don't knw. I feel like I passed a test just to decide some of it (some not ALL) was psychic. I mean, that's a leap of faith because even though I'm accepting of the psychic stuff, I'm still really a skeptic. I'm more of a doubter and if it nevr happened to me, I would probably not believe others very much.

I need some nard. Something blew up somewhere or quit but I don't know what. It's 3:45 p.m. about and happened a little before I think. I think it was small, not very big. But felt like maybe something did. I want to say something with a socket.

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