Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Evil Violet

One thing I noticed, I am not the only one making an observation that someone or something associated with violet is evil.

As for the "guys in the foxhole", not sure about that. But violet might be a problem.

Not sure what violet is about either, except that I am not sure about the days when violet is getting points or in charge. Seems like those are the days I am always getting screwed over.

Other days too, with other associations, but more discreet I guess.

I like this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWDNCis9AHs&NR=1
I tried to change the Fair Hearing to have it out of this area but I was told I can't do that through the fair hearings people. I was told I have to go to Community Action. So basically, the Community Action people have a "fair hearing" which is going to be a joke. If their executive director, governed by a Board of Directors, all people from this town who have been screwing me over, terminated me, how in the world do they think they can have a "fair hearing?"

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