Tuesday, May 4, 2010

License Plates & Other Things

I have written down a few plates lately but this couple came into the 7-11 I went to and when they drove away something told me one or both of them work for some part of government. If not, maybe a family member. Plain truck: A723029D (if I remember right, if that matches a smaller size, older truck). for some reeason, I want to say with some federal agency too. But for sure, I think gov. They had casual clothes on and were not polished at all, but I sniffed 'em. I think all they said, that I overheard, was "Oh, were you...?" because we were both reaching for the Red Bull. I didn't get the impression when I was standing next to them. I didn't think twice. It was when they were driving by, I got an insight and then at that moment, put the plates to memory. I think that they think I'm really amusing. They might not think I'm so cute and funny now. They weren't harassing me at all. Seemed nice in fact. But I just sensed they thought I was a hoot. Not in the store either. When they were in the car and I don't think they were looking at me either. I saw a different level of intelligence in the store and then when they were in the truck. But like I said, I didn't get a bad feeling from them at all. I just sensed they know someone in Gov.

Almost like a "so what "group" is she going to report? haha." (insert "We Are The World" song here). Or maybe thinking about the boob man.

Earlier this morning, having nothing to do with me, or last night sometime, I got something about one of the biggest drug busts in the history of the United States. I think maybe I got soemthing from someone out there in the universe in another location, and maybe someone said something to someone but I couldn't tell if it wa going to happen, or if someone was talking about something from the past that happened. That came to me like the Nicolas Cage thing, where I got his name but nothing else at all.

I have had 2 times in the last 4 months where I wanted to smoke. For some reason, I just felt like smoking. But not really. When I think about smoking now, it grosses me out. I feel worse after smoking even a few puffs so I really did quit altogether. Haven't even smoked a butt in months. I tapered off and now, I just have no desire at all, to smoke.
My laptop is overheating. It happens quite a lot at this location so it must be really prime for some reason.
I went to the unemployment offices again to get things done and today was the first day I didn't get stalling, after I sat there and insisted. Supposedly, nothing was working again but I said I wasn't going anywhere ANYWHERE until something got done on this. So he said okay and then things were working and after being held back for MONTHS he agreed to fax something over.

But it seems a little late. He said, "Hope it helps." Yeah right. Half the people got their kicks a couple weeks ago and now feel pretty secure and satisfied with what is happening to me.

I think whatever "mission" some wanted to accomplish, was accomplished so now they don't really care.

I had so many people pulling the meanest imaginable things, refusing to do even the basic things and then trying to blame ME as if I didn't get things done or wasn't working on stuff. Today was the first day one very simple thing was done for my unemployment claim, that could have been done, and I tried to do, MANY months ago.

And it's really nice timing. Some group went to lengths to even have me homeless and terminated from housing programs I shouldn't have been terminated from.

I know that all of this is screwing up my custody case too. Everyone knows there is no way for me to appeal anything or get anything done like this. So they don't care anyway.

I got an email about a parent who needs "help"--to get help for "Mom".

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