Thursday, May 13, 2010

hair in salad & some lucky guesses

I went to La Fuente mexican restaurant and hopefully what I ate was okay but when I got a second serving of cabbage salsa, there were curly light blond or almost grayish hairs in it. It wasn't dark hair.

I ordered a salad for $2 but after seeing what was in the salsa, I couldn't eat anything. I tipped the waitress, but told her it was for her tip, not for the salad. It was a man who brought me the second round and who knows who put the hairs in.

I don't believe they have a light haired cook or waitress there so someone, I don't know...Just weird. One person there, not blaming the whole restaurant at all, but one person, clearly did this.

I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't really eat there. And then I questioned again why I'm eating out at all and feel like I should stick to pre-packaged foods and t.v. dinners. I left and bought an energy drink.
I also had former housemates stalking me again. I am thinking I have to get a restraining order because they have been following me around. I've seen her more than him but even together, the 2 of them have just continued to show up where I'm already at and linger around and mock me or make faces. Just weird. After I was already at the library and blogging about where I was, they showed up.
I also may or may not have had lucky guesses. I really can't tell anymore for sure unless I get accurate confirmation.

I went back to the one guy with the tatoo about "truth" and found out it wasn't Chinese and might not have been about truth either. He said he thought it was Japanese but didn't know, but most people know what their tatoo stands for. He was a good artist or showed me some drawings which were really good. 2 koi fish and a calla lily. I asked if he'd ever tried to commit suicide or if he was sick and he said no. I said, "Is someone else sick in your family?" and he said yes. He said his step-father, who raised him, had heart problems and was in intensive care. Not sure if it's true but maybe. I said I was wondering why I got the idea of "live". I asked if anyone in his family was military and he said his step-father was but didn't know what branch.

Then I was at the restaurant and asked the guy who sat down where he was from. I never would have guessed. The only thing that came to mind when he sat down was "trombone". So he said he worked at a bank and I didn't know at all. But I asked him, "Did you ever play an instrument?" and he said yes and before he could go further I said, "Was it a horn?" and he smiled and then I added, "Trombone?" and he said he'd played the trombone. He said it was a pipe kind though, not the kind where you pull the thing. And his first instrument was trumpet. The only thing I got to mind which was really random was "trombone".

Then, I was sort of getting something but maybe for someone else at the restaurant--I don't know. I got "Hyatt" for him, as in hotel (not here but somewhere else) and then I asked about quincinera, if he played at one and he said no, and then I said, "Do you know anyone by the last name of espinoza?" and he said no.

Anyway, that was all. My first thought about him for work wasn't maintenance for a bank. It was that he was somehow working for, or connected to someone who worked for the state. So I asked but he said he worked at a bank, or for one.

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