Friday, May 14, 2010

double rainbow dream & music & harassment

Know what things to do today.

I slept restless. Woke off an on and then it was very strange because at the exact moment that, in my dream, I shouted out to everyone, "Look! It's a RAINBOW!" the sky outside in real life, then turned bright and sunlight streamed into the room at about 7:00 a.m.

It was like I was almost awake or in that almost waking moment and right at the same time the whole room lit up when in my dream I said this and then I woke up and realized the sun had just come out.

I had some part of a dream about starting out on a large cruiseship or something, like The Titanic, and it had something to do with William and Henry at first and there were all these international people around, being very nice to me. I don't think I was talking to either of them but they were around at first. Then the scene changed and I was by myself and then I was starting to go down this plank, the same ramp where the dream started out and when I did, I went down, and actually, it was
either a boat or, then I think, the plank was going down to a road where there was road construction and maybe a tunnel. So I went down this plank and there was a smaller landing next to the road and then I looked up and this man, the same man who had been previously nice, looked at me and was threatening and said he could something about me.

He had an international accent but I don't want to say which one.

So I looked at him and as I was climbing up and holding onto the poles for the fence or railing, I tried to say to him, "I'm sorry" and then when I did I looked around and saw there was this huge double rainbow above, even though the sky was greyish or dark.

Then I looked for the man and he was gone but his friend standing by was still there. I climbed over the railing and I was on this boat deck again, where there were all these people who were Jewish-American and then also other nationalities and it was a smaller little section there and everyone looked up and saw and some were shocked and started to smile and others just shocked. No one was upset, they were all happy. Maybe shocked at first and then happy. Then I yelled, out loud, in shock, and I don't know why but in the middle of this dire situation where I thought I was being set up or more harm was coming, I screamed "It's a RAINBOW!" and everyone looked and saw and then I walked down this other part of the boat and a huge line and crowd of people were staring and coming torwards me or onto the boat, and they were all looking and smiling and I started to laugh at the irony. And at the moment I exclaimed this and walked out and saw people happy and I was laughing about, the sun came out very bright in my dream but I woke up because at that moment it had become bright outside in reality.

It was first a double rainbow in the sort of dark sky and then there was still one when it brightened up.
I also forgot, when these women were talking over here about their cabin, that I had an image yesterday of a log cabin and a large wood table in the middle of the room with a man writing on it. I don't know who the man was though. It was a very large wood table with a smooth top and log like legs I think?
I had the song about MGMT "Kids" come to mind this morning but the video is so disturbing. And the song. It's like it was written about me and my son. Then I watched "Lost In Your Eyes" and then "America" came to mind and I was going to look up the anthem but instead got West Side Story which made me laugh.

These people here are atrocious. Every single thing I do is monitored. I listen to this song and somehow people know and come in and started ordering and talking about "Americanos" and then a bunch of them saying, "It's tooooo late!" "It's toooo late!!!" Over and over.

Nothing I do is kept private. It's white middle aged men and then a few younger white people saying this too.

Jericho came to mind. I found Chris Jericho "bring the walls down" and another Jericho song.

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