Monday, May 3, 2010

Harassment (More & Gangs)

I have to live with a bunch of gangsters in this town. People who want to claim they're normal people who do their own thing who do whatever they're told and are rude to anyone else who isn't going along.

I had a woman, tonights night auditor, lie to me about hotel quotes over the phone. I called from a restaurant where she was overheard, and she said the room, at best rate, was $59.95. I didn't know if that was average or not so I looked it up online. It was online for $58.95. But of course, in this town, if they want to use a different number to make some kind of point, they will.

I got to the place and first she tried to say she didn't have anything but she knew who I was and that I'd called and then said it would be $79.95 which is NOWHERE online for this hotel. It's the Cedars Inn in East Wenatchee.

So she wasn't even at the front desk when I came in and I kept calling and then she acted upset when I went looking after almost yelling and with no bell to ring or tap. She comes out, wearing green with this glittery purple nail polish. The purple-green combo reminds me of Barney the kid's stuffed dinosaur.

So the other night, my rate was $57.75. It's lately been a lot of use of specific numbers. Mainly the number 5 and then 7 as well and the only thing I know about either is they're used as best Jewish holy numbers or of significance so I have wondered about this a little bit. Who is really Jewish and pissed at me, and who is just using some other group. Different groups do it, it's not singular to one religious group by any means.

I have started to realize, if I am not doing this town a local favor, by somehow unconsciously selecting or choosing some local group, and I don't know how that works, I am punished. I have had every single thing taken from me and by people who were claiming to help too. It's like they helped just enough to maybe try to keep me quiet while really screwing me over MORE all along.

Today was another one of those days where I really, really, thought seriously about this English guy and a Pakistan guy, both who said this state and area was hopeless. I didn't believe it. But I guess they just wanted to create an appearance of not being fully hideous until they felt very secure there was no support or that they could get help dragging me along to the last minute and then backing out.

This woman took off her green sweater and has some hideous black and white paisley number that matches the headband this one guy, "Goodman" came in with.

Then, I was led to the computer and noted the yellow tulips and took a quick photo and just 15 minutes later, some lady who is already booked in, comes in with a bunch of pink and yellow tulips. About as many as are on the computer screen here.

Pretty much, the people in this town, have made all the harassment and mind games center around my past boyfriends or brief attachments. Which is actually quite incredible, given they think, or some large group thinks who I date is important at all. If it's not someone I dated, even briefly, it's someone who somehow got proximity to me.

I did not believe, not at all, the people who told me I didn't have a chance here. But when I see what they've done and how they band together to get away with it, I think it's very sad and it's also seriously disturbing as a commentary on what is driving the nation, or this area at least.

I really feel bad though for some others even, who are much better off than me financially and socially and yet they seem to be in literal prisons, going along with the same thing and not really having a true freedom of any kind.

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