Monday, May 3, 2010

Visit With Son Today & Continued Police Harassment

My son looked better today and seemed clear enough in speech but was brainwashed. I want this to stop. Someone had told my son to pick up a monkey that looked like an evil monkey and have it jump around laughing. It wasn't something my son would normally do and he has done the thing with the horses too.

The group that was in the offices when I went in was more pleasant than usual it seemed. I had someone ditch me right before a visit with my son today. Just take off when he said he was giving me a ride, and at the very last minute. I had to catch a ride from a total stranger bc I didn't even have time to call a taxi and if I had, I'd have missed the visit and my son would have suffered.

I am starting to think this guy may have stolen from me too but I have to count my money again. I left my bag in his car, for about 5-10 minutes and haven't left it anywhere else or with anyone at all. If I have any money missing at all, it was him because I am absolutely sure about this. In the last few days my bag has always been with me and I haven't left it unattended even one time except with him.

Which might be why he took off, if he knew I was going to buy something and then discover how much money I had left. I will double check before knowing for sure.

I have all of my information from visits still being leaked out and people harassing me about even such small things as "bad breath." Since I saw or blogged about Jessica Simpson with her admission of not brushing teeth, which I laughed about, I have had mainly Kates, Caroles, and Jessicas all one group. It's been great. So my son said in our visit, not to breathe in his direction after I'd just downed a large cup of coffee right before seeing him. He said this a few times and then I walked to the bookstore to return books and this woman positioned herself to take my returned items, named Jessica, and the manager even came up and said what was going on and why was SHE at the register when she wasn't the one who was supposed to be there. This other woman came up behind me, with both a Catholic medallion and either muslim? or I think Jewish rectangular symbol thing and asked "Jessica", in front of me, for her book about death.

I just selected the books for my son's visit, immediately before our visit, and by the time it was over, there were trucks going by to reference what was read. I read "The Moon Shines Down" by Margaret Wise Brown, which brings up Dutch stuff, and "vermeer" trucks are going by. Things about robots and other things as well.

I got a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book for my son, about robots, and the Brown book, The Giving Tree, James and the Giant Peach, and a few others.

My son didn't want to leave and stalled. Then, he just...he just wants to be with his mother.

I was walking in a certain direction back to the bookstore, which people knew I would do, and after I stopped to have a taco, I was walking that way and a Wenatchee police car parked in a lot not facing traffic but directly facing me on the sidewalk. 32250B or something. He is a newer guy, with a semi-balding head and glasses and he was pointing something directly at me. I couldn't see what it was until I got closer and then he was laughing as he pointed his radar gun at me. Then he pretended to be pointing it at some car pulling into a parking lot, because of course, we all know, people are real speed demons in parking lots that are enclosed and about the size of a small swimming pool. This officer specifically parked facing me, and watched me as I was walking torwards him. It felt like intimidation to me, and then as I got closer, I realized it was just sheer mockery and harassment, which might also be construed as intimidation when he is a person on the job who is using their position for personal reasons.

I was walking down the sidwalk of...let me find the name of the road. He parked facing me as I was walking up Mission.

I just checked my money and I think it's there. So at least this guy who ditched me is cleared of stealing from me. It was down further in the bag and I believe it's all there.

Over the weekend, 3 cops on bikes followed me around and passed by wearing a black and yellow get up.

Before that, it was 4 officers outside of a bar I walked out of, which I believe they knew I was planning to leave, and actually, one of the men who I had said I thought there was something wrong with, looked seriously the most sad or upset to see me, and I think, knowing what was going on. It was totally bizarre, like a set up. It didn't even look like a real arrest. They had two women, dressed as twins, but one with brunette hair on the left and one with blond hair on the right and FOUR cops, two for each woman, and bc of what they were wearing I asked the one if it was for soliciting. She said no, and tears started to roll down her face, and yet it was so staged...she said, "It was for yelling." I said, "For yelling?" and then yelled at the cops, "With all the things going on in this town, don't you think you have something better to do than harass a couple of girls for yelling?" and as I was walking away, the brunette piped up saying, "Thank you! THAT'S AMERICA for you baby."

Something was just "off" about that scene though. I don't know how to put my finger on it, but it was like someone set it up and wanted to make a point with it or was using it for some purpose. What? i have absolutely no idea. I had a bad feeling about it though. Like, first I was mad on behalf of these girls and then it was just like, no, that was a set up to make me mad, to WHAT, inspire me to be a fucking public defender because the U.S. can't get their shit together to do the right thing and have my son returned to me and cut through all this crap they know is going on?

My son and I are completely being manipulated and everyone knows it. It's just that most people don't know the real reason why or the powers behind it and what the aims are anymore.

The people who were worried about me though, are not worried anymore. I find that interesting.
I think someone thinks one of the books I read to my son was Yertle the Turtle but it's not. I looked at it for a minute but didn't get it but someone who works at this bookstore told people I guess, because when I decided against it, and it was left at the counter, it went all over town and the next thing I know, men are coming in burping at me.

It's pouring down rain and I can't get anything done. It isn't just drizzling, it's pouring rain.

Also, my son said his stomach hurt, in our visit, and at least 10 people, male and female, have intentionally made a point to get into my line of view and dramatically rub their stomachs.

I am really not kidding. There is a great number of people who are literally very sick in the head here. What kind of people would even do this? It's one thing after the other, with my visit information going out to everyone, and then people are mocking my SON. They're not even mocking me. They are mocking a 4 year old, and sadistically trying to make a point, with a child's face in mind.

I see the color stuff with everyone, but actually, the latinos, in general, not always, are sometimes much more dignified than the whites. There might be a few women who go my way and say or do something to make a point, and I've seen some stuff from some latino men, but much more, it seems, white. Women just as bad as the men or sometimes much worse. This disabled guy, today, tried to make a point and said something pretty rude and his hands were all twisted from something (I don't know what). I almost wanted to say, "Being disabled isn't an excuse for being an asshole." There was nothing wrong with his brain and I wonder if he's been coddled to act like that. I feel more sympathetic and said nothing at all and I wouldn't either way, but I have issues and I feel usually people are more empathetic than not.

Now, 2 men have come in to sit next to my table, with one "thanking the Lord" for getting more Social Security and hitting the really big SS JACKPOT and the other guy, all he is saying, in agreements, over and over, is "Wow." More praise the luck and praise the lords. Talk about how to catch a "highland" fish. I've heard 4-5 wows so far.

I am going to lose it. I need some fudge. I need some fudge and some liquor.

Oh hallelujah. God heard the cry and call of an alcoholic. The clouds have lifted and the rain stopped just as I was thinking about the Demon Liquor.

Oh shoot, that reminds me, I have to go in for a UA today. First things first.

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