Thursday, May 13, 2010

Housing Authority and Community Action Discrimination

I just called the Housing Authority, which receives state and federal monies to even exist and operate, as does Community Action.

They held the "Fair Hearing", but didn't give me ANY time to prepare first, telling me just days after termination that I had a hearing. I asked for time to submit documents and they said 5 days, until the 13th.

I worked on obtaining information but don't have everything yet because the Wenatchee police and Rivercom do not process that quickly. I also had to wait to get assistance from a Woman's activist place to help me obtain and make reports I need to make to support this, and my next appointment isn't until Tuesday.

So I called the director, who is Alicia McRay and she told me they were not even giving me a couple of extra days, even though THEY thrust me into a completely unstable situation where all I've had time to do is find someplace to LIVE.

I asked who supervised their organization and she said it was a Board of Directors, same as Community Action, which is comprised of members of THIS local community, the same community that has made hard efforts to drive me out of town and keep me from getting my son, legal assistance, or housing.

I said it wasn't a "Fair Hearing" to not allow the appropriate amount of time. They forced me to have the hearing days later when I asked for it to be postponed, and Alicia's excuse was that "Oh, we have an email you asked for an expedited hearing". She got THAT after they told me how fast the hearing would be, which is NOT what I think is fair. Expedited is one thing, so it's not out for more than 2 months, but I did not mean "in a few days" by "expedited" and to think anyone who was shoved out of housing could gather all the things they need in that timeframe is totally wrong.

They know it was impossible and knew what position they put me in. Expedited is, like, 2-4 weeks from being thrown out of a housing program. It's not, within 5 days while all you've been doing is scrambling to figure out where to live at all, and being without ones personal possessions.

These people locally are totally corrupt and someone larger needs to come in and "help" them out.

They should NOT be receiving any kind of STATE or FEDERAL assistance when they manage their funds in this manner, and in a discriminatory fashion.

It took me exactly 3 minutes to write this post from the time I started, so this is not a waste of my time.

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