Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Letter Faxed to Housing Authority For Extension

Dear Housing Authority and Community Action:

I am writing in defense of my right to an actual "Fair Hearing" which I requested when I was
terminated from the HPRP housing program.

I was sent an email telling me to appear for a hearing within a few days of termination, and
leaving me no time to prepare. Because of the termination, I was on the street and had no
way of gathering my things or getting any kind of documentation together.

I asked for an "Expedited Fair Hearing" which to me, means, not after 1 or 2 months time and
within 2-4 weeks, but allowing for the right to gather legal documents together to support
my defense. I have NOT been given enough time and when I called Alicia McKray this afternoon
she told me she would not extend my timeline for presenting documentation past today.

Even though I told her I had applied for documents and those organizations cannot even have
them to me in the timeframe needed because your "Fair Hearing" has not allowed enough time
for me to stabilize, find another housing situation, manage my legal custody case which this
termination of housing affected, and get requests for public records underway.

I have spent my time looking for a place to live, which does not afford me to the time to
collect information I need when I don't even have resources for getting this done.

I just found out today that Skillsource will help with this, but I didn't even know this
and had no printer or fax to my disposal to use until they said they would help with this.

I feel that this process of "expediting" a hearing so fast that it doesn't even ALLOW for
proper discovery, is wrong and discriminatory and has been intentional.

I will submit what I can, today, having found some resources at the last minute, and I again
reiterate my request to have an extension for presenting documentation to support that I
should not have been terminated from this housing program. You have not even given me time
to obtain legal counsel for this matter, and I went to the Legal Authority off of Okanogan
and was told an appointment would not be for at least 1 month. So I have tried to do some
of this myself.

I was terminated in retaliation for disagreeing about the way the HPRP was managed. I was
told I was still on the program and I was NOT told I had to go to the financial classes or
meet with someone every 2 weeks. I was told if I signed up for my new financial statement,
this would be sufficient for keeping me in the program and that after I was "settled" and had
my new place I would then be required to fulfill these things. I was on the program until
a few days after I wrote about Community Action on my blog and thereafter, the Director
terminated me.

Up until then, I was told to look for housing and to bring in the information I had to
Community Action.

I was later told being "evicted" was an excuse to terminate me, however, the "eviction" was
not one where I was at fault but was done in retaliation for reports I made to the police in
this Community and information I posted on my blog about theft and other things.

I have submitted a request to the Wenatchee Police Department for this information and after
I found a place to live temporarily, I also went to the Women's Resource center and met with
a counselor and asked for services to help with following through on reporting a crime. I
made reports by telephone and have to get this information through Wenatchee police and
Rivercom. I realized some of the documentation will only be audio and through Rivercom.

Because you have not given me enough time for legal representation, I do not have enough time
to locate all the resources I need for my defense in order to be on the HPRP program.

I have paperwork to show I went to the DSV to request services there and indicated crimes have
occured recently which affect my ability to get all these things in order. I have also
made a public records request through Wenatchee police after I first went to the Legal Authority
place on Okanogan and was told I couldn't get an attorney to help me for at least 1 month.

I feel it's highly unusual to terminate someone from a housing program, of all things, knowing
there is a custody matter involving children, and also knowing that it is not enough time
to prepare a defense to get back onto the program or obtain legal representation.

I asked for an extention to get documentation and legal representation and yet I don't want
this to be out 2 months so I requested expedited. I am again requesting an extension for
presenting documentation and to obtain legal counsel as it appears without legal representation,
there is no such thing as even a semi-fair-hearing.

Thank you. Please note the information I am faxing to you today.

It will include records request, documentation of visit to DSV for assistance, and some
email but I do not have enough time to print everything out that needs to be printed as
I did not know where I could get this done.


Cameo L. Garrett

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