Sunday, May 9, 2010

image--intimate & other!!!

4:25 thereabouts or a few minutes earlier. PST. My time. Full body image of two persons, possibly me in mind.

Flashed to mind after meeting some nice people at bookstore. Man and then man and daughter and skimming a book called "The Goddess, The Grail & The Lodge." Not really reading though, barely looking.

I think it was current, or possibly real-time, though I might be wrong. Flashed to mind and I got up to look at the clock.

Odd, because first sensed a positive strong feeling, of prayer or good and then secondly, this image flashed to mind. Lengthwise. I am pretty sure the man was blond or light brown-blond or fairish hair. Ages possibly 20-45. Heads to the right I think, and in front of me, from where I stood. But then I was very close somehow.

Might be anywhere in the world, I don't know. Didn't feel bound to my location but the idea of my being present in mind in some way was there. Or something sent? an impression? seemed more like taking it out but not with one who is most wanted really.

I was skimming the book back to front and at chymical marriage but not really reading at all. Lean and longer, the two. Very intense by one. In this case, caucasian--but just an image--open to interpretation or symbolism.

Don't know the time...will have to check, but sent directly to me now, looking at the ogive on 248 of this book, about 2 minutes to 5:00 P.M. PST. An index. Then woman sitting, sometime after 5:00 p.m. Going to the index of this book again, very interesting chapters but I don't have time to read all of it.

Just browsing and I think either got an image or one was sent to me from a distance. I think at first what I saw was private. Not intended for anyone else, not even me, but I saw.
Also I did have a short dream this morning but only remember the first part. I saw a video played of my entire life. Or segments, and it rolled out before me like a video. The only part I remember in detail though was that I was sitting at a long table and wearing a gold and black lame shirt I bought at Cache, made in Paris, a long time ago. It had one sleeve or was asymetrical and in the video, I had bangs and my hair was shoulder length and there was something, a pendant, bulging underneath the shirt but i didn't know what it was. I've nver worn a necklace with that shirt (which has long since disappeared). I was on the far side of the table and others on the other side and the camera panned right to left. At the end of the table was my brother blowing out candles and they wouldn't go out. He tried and tired and and finally they did and we all started to laugh and then I woke up. It was a video of my life before I was ostracized for "non-compliance" with the social order.
Going to listen to LadyGaga's Fernando song now. Oh, I dno't have my earphones with me. It came to mind a minute ago, not cuz I love it but just came to mind. But I just read something about albedo and prud or rubedo? and the peacock tail and Carl Jung. From this alchemy book. So many things to read and learn.

Going to eat and find apartment and really, sometimes still wish I smoked!
Okay, not good perhaps to be so direct, but it's better for confirmation sake, if it's real. I think it was either William of Wales, Will Wagler, or Chris Dabney or someone who looks sort of like one of them or similiar physique. But I thought to myself, "What would Will-o-w be doing at 11:45 at night without Kate in the middle of troops and stuff in Wales? she visited? he has another? porn? what? then I thought, or if it's Will Wagler, why late afternoon? or if it's Chris, isn't he working this time of day or night? so I thought maybe I'm wrong and it's someone else sort of similiar. I didn't see the woman clearly this time. Just lean I think. I didn't see huge curves out of control all over the place. But didn't see the woman as much as the guy and yet face sort of blurred. More movement and intensity. He's taller. I guess we will never know. I will probably never know at least. Who would know? I mean, who's going to be albe to check on something like that, and know?

The other time, I saw the woman. Or a woman but I don't know it was the same guy and everything. I just saw the woman up close though, waist up and got detail. This time it was more general but more of man's face or features sort of.

I have no idea how anyone could ever check on it and know. It would be really weird if I were right. Because then I would wonder, why the hell am I getting an image of HIM. Whoever.

I think last Mother's Day I congratulated my discovery that I was the Holy Grail. This Mother's Day, I skimmed a book about it and saw some other couple etting it on. Happy Mother's Day ME! Yaya. What I always wanted. My own little porn projector. I didn't even get so much as a lousy carnation at church. Or a little ribbon to stick on my lapel. Or anything.

Okay, I did get some info on dead mothers. That was nice. An auntie from Canada. Is the liquor store still open?

i need an apartment and really, come on now, I should be making money just from blackmail. "I promise I will not divulge anything about you from a vision if you pay up." Just kidding.

Tonight--candles and calling on the powers. I need spikenard too, soon.

And IF I DID get an image of someone and if this is still the same person as before, I will be pissed. I don't need a bunch of x-rated insights unless it's to send a message that you are taken and I can only see you for your punishment. I think I feel sorrier for her, than you. Poor woman. Like I really wanted to see knockers that one day. And like I really wanted to see you on the altar together as I'm trying to read about the Holy Grail. You have perverted my consciousness. (just kidding)

I just saw a huge bumblebee outside, after some people were talking about bees again today. Just now, a big one. Earlier today, one was barely moving on the sidewalk, like it was dying. Then this guy comes in looking for bee books and interested in being a bee keeper and just now, I take a break and see a big bee.
Just met this guy. I don't know if he was pulling my leg or not. However, he was walking by and I said, "I think I recognize you--you work at a computer store?" and he said, "Yes" and that he works at a computer store but in Quincy which is not here in town. He said he does security for Microsoft. He said he used to go to a christian school but not sure. Reaally not sure. Too many things sounded right. I was wrong about his mom being a big baker--he said she made crepes not pancakes. But the other stuff was right he said. I said I saw him being dunked under water and he said not really and then he said, "clipped?: and I said, "Like, dunked under water a lot and some incident". He said one time some guys all were dunking him and knocked his head against another kids head and that kid ended up with an ice pack. He said he was okay but the other kid had an ice pack to his head.

Then I said I didn't really see him in the military but he said he was actually sort of interested. I mentioned aeronautics coming to mind but said I didn't see him military. Then I said, "If you were in, what branch would you choose?" and he said, "Air Force might be cool, Navy would be weird, Army I don't know, and I don't want to be in the reserves." I said, "I could see you in the Navy." I began to sing, "In the Navy, in the Navy..." and he said he and his friend had just been talking about the movie Down Periscope. A Comedy with "In The Navy" at the end.

Then I asked him if he had ever been into making crystals, like formations or rocks or something before. He said, "You mean like sugar crystals?" and said when he was young maybe he made some with his family but I said, "Well, I don't know, more like rocks or quartz or crystal or something. You never had a collection or an interest?" he said no, and I said, "Or weren't around someone who had a collection?" and then he said his aunt or uncle in Oregon had a big rock and quartz and semi-precious rock shop and they made jewelry from it and had cutting equipment and everything. I said, "Were you in their house or business?" and he said yes and I said, "Was it like one room with all this stuff, or everywhere?" and he said, "Pretty much everywhere" and he said they made things for belts and jewelry and all kinds of stuff and I said I asked because I saw him around a lot of that, like more of rock crystals and rocks and stuff and I asked if they sold these for energy too or just jewelry and stuff and he said mainly for the other.

He said he liked to play video games, which I could have guessed, but the rest was interesting. I think he told the truth because he said no to my guess about baking a lot and also I said someone named Jeremy or Jeremiah came to mind but I didn't know if it had anything to do with him.

He said we'd never talked about his working at a computer place so that was intuitive on my part. I said I saw his mom making a lot of pancakes or bisquits or something but he said crepes when he was a little kid.

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