Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Who Have Passed Away (from the Wallis House)

I got something from Mother's who have passed away, on Mother's Day.

First, I went to this one house to use internet or email a friend quickly and it was hello kitty pants and saw it last night too. Well, an interesting psychic or god thing happened. I was told Happy Mother's Day this morning as I was walking through, hair still unwashed, looking terrible and feeling like I have to find a way out of this trap here.

So I went to this house and asked if I could do a psychic reading, after mentioning something about this one woman's sisters who were nurses and in the war.

They said okay and I didn't feel very inspired but got a couple of things. For her, I got something personal but she said I could mention it and maybe it has to do with someone else. Something about mistress. Then, the next thing was that I saw her high on the top or close to the top of conifers or trees so I wrote down "Christmas tree--tree climbing" and she said when she was a girl she climbed trees all the time because she grew up in Tonasket in the woods like "a hillbilly". I said, "Were they large trees, deciduous, or were they like christmas trees or forest trees?" and she said "Forest trees." She later said she'd have contests with her family about how high up they could go and I told her that's how I saw her, and drew a sketch of a tree and how close to the top I saw her. She said it was right. Then I said "I know this is general, but something about an aunt and I know there are a lot of aunts" but, "you do have an aunt?" and she said "yes" and I said, "One was ill or died or something" and she said she used to live with an aunt she was close to, who died, and I asked what from and she didn't know, but got out her obituary thing.

She was born in Edmonton, Canada. Her name was Doreen L.M. Haytack, born Sept. 21, 1925 in Edmonston, Alberta, Canada.

The side of the obituary was a saying about Mothers who have passed through the gates. Which I will write down.

Then I got stuff about the other guy, but first, I have to add, I saw her name on this folder and it's Grove but on the fridge was a drawing by a little girl with "Maytaya Wallis". I said, "Who is Wallis?" I don't know for sure, but this woman here said her maiden name was Wallis. A long time ago it had been Cornwallis and there was a British general in the family by this name but they dropped "Corn" and "Wallis" stuck. She was telling me there is Wallace and then Wallis, but her maiden name is Wallis.

She said her Dad was in the military after I said I could see her being in the military. She said she'd always had an interest in astronomy but never went to school and when she was little she wanted to be in the Air Force. She witnessed a friend from the Marines kill himself when she was 18 and he'd talk to her and no one else and then ended it.

So then the other guy is former Marines, turns out, and for him I got "feet". Something to do with his feet or wrong with his feet and he smiled and said he walked everywhere and had twisted his ankle or broke it by taking a wrong step. He stepped out and overstepped and missed it and fell down and has had problems since and with balance too. He said his balance stuff is for a number of reasons, but I got the stuff about feet while he was sitting before I saw him stand even. Then I had written down "bicycle or bike accident." and asked if he'd ever been in a bike or motorbike accident, in the past. I knew it was past--a long time ago. He said no, that he'd never been on a motorbike. I said, "But what about bicycle?" and he said no and I said "when you were younger? no accidents?" and he said, "I rode my bike a lot when I was younger but no." I said, "You never had an accident?" and then he said, "One time the chain came off and onto the pedals and I crashed and my mother had to come pick me up. I was on a 10 speed bike and about high school age and it was pretty bad. I just flipped over." So at that, both me and this other woman just started laughing. I laughed because he kept saying no accident and then the one he remembered or brought up was...I don't know, it was funny to hear.

Then I asked if he knew a "Justin" and he knew a Justin who was the nephew of this other woman whose sister she'd talked to.

I then opened the Bible, for scriptures, for me and for them. Privately though. When they weren't around. I first opened to a verse underlined in turquoise. I hadn't flipped around so later found there are only a few verses in this color. But I got Jeremiah 42:4. "I will declare it unto you; I will keep nothin back from you."

Then I asked for something for her, and opened to Luke 15:1-6 about how the shepherd will leave the flock for just one sheep.

And then for him I got Psam 115:12-18.

I told them that since I got Esther the other day about whatever I ask for, up to half the kingdom, and then today about holding nothing back from what I ask, I am going to try to have faith for my big miracle.

This early morning, Captain Morgan and I had a little devotion before I got up to leave the house. Before I left for the day, it was Job. It was the last chapter to the end, about the Leviathan and then Job's answer to God and how, because of his response, God gives back to Job what he had before but tenfold or whatever. The part I kept reading was the verse where Job says to God, "I demand...or you have heard my demands..." and I thought about this.

Then I opened up to the dictionary part of the Bible and the only part there was a drawing of the tomb of Aaron.

The saying on the card for the woman who died from Canada is this:

A Mother's Reflection:
"And the mother said,
I have reached the end of my journey and I know that the end is better than the beginning, but my children can walk alone and their children with them.
And the children said, 'You will always be with us, even whenyou have gone through the gates."
And they stood and watched her as she went on, and the gates closed after her. And they said, 'We cannot see her, but her memory will guide us forever.'

At that moment, there was a call and a Happy Mothers Day and I was also wished Happy Mother's Day and so Happy Mothers' Day to the here and to those who have passed and to their children.

I felt better after doing the psychic stuff because it keeps me feeling validated that I really do get things for other people and that I'm not nuts. I just asked this woman if she could confirm for me her name was Wallis and she said yes, she'd get something from her sister, because it's the one thing I feel dubious about. But if it's true, it's true--I just need to confirm it's not a joke. The other stuff I got I thought was right but I want to confirm it's not a joke about the Wallis stuff.

Oh, ambulance going by, not good.

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