Saturday, May 8, 2010


today i saw a man who was a murderer
i didn't ask
i only knew and how does one say, in a
"psychic" setting, "hey, um,,, i was
wuuundering...have you committed a murder?"
not war wounds was a real murder
i thought about asking about jail to be safe
and then venturing on to why were you in jail
as if i never thought a thing
i might have been wrong too. i'm wrong many
times, about many things. sometimes, spot on
but sometimes, so wrong.

best left. i did notice, one seemed very angry
and upset and aloof until it seemed i had no proof
i knew i loved you again today
i always know
but deeply, and true and have no words
because this valium i'm trying is not
doing me any favors. just makes me slow and dull.
probably should say saianora to it.
but relaxed enough to say
oh how i love you
plain like this boring language
plain and simple
simple and indescribable love
face in shadows still but
love so very strong
thanking god for you for my secret
for the...hope i feel when i see nothing
hear nothing know nothing and yet have this faith
this must be the parallel universes
astro-travel between my love and yours
christ and the church
i am my beloveds and he is mine
i wait with a lantern that never runs out of oil
but my candle flame is blown out when i leave a room
dear beautiful mystery, set me apart for keep
to know what is holy and what is a trap
to discern the good and miraculous from a curse
or a bad not allow others to change or
conform my views to other views they want me to hold
or believe, but to hold firm and fast to the
vision i have in my spirit
thinking on what is pure lovely and true
and loving so deeply this one who has
been put into my heart
a dagger and my only source of joy
my sorrow and my light
my leaves fluttering to the water
rippling in the wind and glittering in the sun
watching and believing
i love you
a veil was torn but still you are hidden from me
yet i feel and i know and i believe
it is real and there and living
sometimes, even, in the scourge and punishment
our god is a burning fire
this will bring suffering but i am not
happy if you are not present with me
in spirit.
you were flossing. you were seeing white and gold
and silver things from the flower beds from below
rising like snowflakes
no matter.
going to sleep now
love love love
sleep well my love

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