Tuesday, May 11, 2010

image of something from "joel"

This asshole whom I've seen before started saying things he wanted me to overhear. I wouldn't have but what I was listening to quit. I handed him matches.

I went to the restroom and prayed about the energy in the place and then I got an image of him. He said his name was Joel but I don't know if that's true or not. Probably true. He wore a military jacket but I don't believe he is military. Just an opinion. It was someone elses I think. I could be wrong.

What I got about him was a silver dagger or pick of some kind with a dragon on the end. Some kind of smaller silver pen knife or blade or something with an ornamental part. I say dragon but at first I got a "knight" but not connected to royalty.

I prayed for a lightbulb to burst but I think something else happened but I don't know what. Just experimenting a little, but with grace of God and not wishing very serious harm for or to anyone. I did pray about the children of those who harm my son, that God would repay if my son continues to be harmed.

Pretty much, not doing anything random with anyone unless it's super short and asking God for protection so it's not mean. I was thinking about it and thought, "Is this christian?" and then Moses came to mind with the burning bush and Aaron came to mind with the ability to speak for another. I felt then, that perhaps it is okay to ask God to help with certain things, if it's done only for good or really to combat evil and not as some magnification of one's ego or ill wishes or bad desires. Because we all have parts that are not good, or are not good all the time. So to not act out of vanity or personal egoism, but only in defense or protection of those we love perhaps.

For me, to reconcile what might be possible with absolute wisdom and compassion and consideration for all of humanity. Never to act out of anger, or personal petty peeves, although today I did a tiny bit of experimentation from this vein, but short and not intense or really wishing serious harm. More of a curiosity and mild trial.

I know there is someone who is not practiced at military RV per se, but actual voodoo. So I asked protection from voodoo and am going to do more specific work for my son, on behalf of my son's protection and then avenging any actions taken against my son. On a psychic level, which I've not considered before.

It's one thing to pray. It's one thing to say, "God, please protect my son" and it's another thing to say, with faith and believing, "God, send back to the sender, any harm that is being done to my son...destroy any technology, by your hand, or the impulse and desires of a human hand...if any fire is sent to my son may that same fire return twice as hot to the sender and their children..."

Sounds weird, but praying more specifically and with faith. And I felt like today was the first day I realized I have to keep some things secret. A lot of things actually, and cannot share these things with others, but that I am able to begin trying to protect loved ones. Even someone I may be involved with romantically in the future, that I am learning more and better equipped to be a good mate.

Something is different. It is not "black magic" or a different god, but praying or believing from a different vein with a slightly different and new emphasis in faith of what is humanely possible and also what is possible with God and good and evil and that even technology can be fought through a strong faith and belief that good or the right will prevail. Some people are probably under psychic attack a lot more than others. And I would have had no idea how to pray for their protection.

I thought about my son and the beehive I thought of. This man came into the store looking for a box for bees and I hoped to God he was good. When I read the part about the ogive, it brought to mind something sort of sensual in some way at that moement, but also, in reading, of this as a protective force or shape. This dome. I thought, maybe subconsciously, this is what I was praying over my son. In some way.

I know I need more help. But I have a new start too.

And I was able to recognize voodoo, real live voodoo, today.

I read about psychics who are able to tell if certain thoughts are implanted or not, or sent by someone from another or if it's natural or something else. So I am tuning into this and which direction I walk. I am much more aware than before, and feel I was controlled more before, because before I did pray and believed, but I didn't believe enough to have faith in what is possible on the dark end and so then how to be defensive and protect against it.
Well I am about to go and this place has cleared OUT. It's late and a weeknight so I don't think it's busy this time of night usually. I'm glad the assholes are gone. I'm a nice person. I really am. Just don't mess with me on a continual basis and don't mess with my son or I swear to God I will bring it out from all angles.

Anyway, I imagined a lightbulb bursting here in the bar but it didn't happen--instead I heard someone getting hit by a pool ball and people commenting about it.

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