Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No More With My Son--Done--

This is going to be the end of the sport and meeting of my son. Anyone outside of the immediate Avila family is NOT allowed to touch or harm my son nor is anyone allowed to instruct the Avila's to do anything.

It does not matter who you are with, and who you live with or I live with, you are backing your crews OFF.

My son is to be left alone immediately. If he is not, the secrets I said I never had, will reappear and in court form.

Back the shit off of my son and you stay far, far, away from him.

My son had better show any and every sign of natural development and be happy and healthy.

I have, never once, in my life, prayed retaliation on anyone's children. But I will begin and start because I no longer feel this is wrong, when constant abuse is leveled at my son. Maybe some of these adults need to feel something emotional about someone they care about, to learn enough is enough.

This guy came up to me and asked if he did anything wrong. I ignored him all night. I said I didn't like the "copper games" and he said he didn't know what I was talking about and I said, "don't act like an idiot" and put my headphones on.

I have people here doing this really bizarre mix up of pretending to be "alex" or alvaro and "jen" pairs and saying sick things about my son or making comments about sexual activity on or against my son...super sick stuff, which is what "joel" brought up like it was no big deal.

I think these people think no one believes what I say. As soon as I want to drop the part about "I'm just saying whatever" or "don't believe everything I say" I will be believed.

I can clear things up real quick.

I will say one thing--people in Wenatchee have done very, very, bad, criminal, and evil things, to both me and my son, and law enforcement is partly to blame in this state, for permitting what they do. They have few honest cops in this town. Not even very many honest religious.

I get a lot of talk about this being a forest town now or Tanzer town or Sterling run and I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean exactly. If it is, I don't know why anything would be done to my son or allowed. I do know that Steve May and those housemates were bad news and the officers knew it and so have all the housemates been. They've all been a part of stealing from me, taking evidence away from me, and doing favors for local people, including exposing every single detail of my life and getting paid for it.

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