Friday, May 28, 2010

more images about wenatchee people

I have never seen Hotchkiss's house. I am getting the idea it's older. I swear to God, no one has ever described it to me before but I think it might have an American flag somewhere. I sort of think outdoor but maybe it's inside. And is there a porch? or is this someplace he frequents a lot? I also got the idea while walking that McIntosh likes to garden some. Saw her hands in dirt and pots or with a spade but not a lot maybe. I also got the impression that my former lawyer isn't having enough sex with his wife. Justin Titus. And she wants more but he's having a lapse in interest and wants to look elsewhere sometimes. She's available but he's having an early mid-life crisis and looking for affirmation or adventure.

This housemate said my writing is "sexually charged" but I don't think so. I'm not in a sexy mood at all. I feel I'm bringing out details of the lives of others that I haven't been willing to spread all over town because I've had a lot more consideration for the feelings and privacy and rights of others than they've had for me.

I have been harassed and abused and I'm fucking tired of this shit. Do I "get off" on trying to get impressions of what's going on? No, I don't.

But I don't appreciate having my personal visits with my son broadcast all over town and the world either. And I haven't appreciated having details of my life disseminated all over either, neither have I appreciated some of the sick messages that others have tried to leave around in the visitation room for me to find, nor have I appreciated having people taking photos of my room or wherever I am and trying to guess about my sexual life or spread rumors about me and go through my private things.

Before, I kept my reports about stuff about business and nothing more. If it hit on something personal, it wasn't intended was more about politics and situations that affect my life.

But since everyone seems to be so eager to dig out and spread shit about me, I can certaintly ask God for a little more insight and release in giving out information I would normally not give out. So I will do some more praying and just quit here and ask God for more guidance for tomorrow.

I am praying and believing in the power of God, to honor my request to please help me and give me increased abilities so I am, ideally, able to BENEFIT people and my own son as well. I would like to be able to pray for people and even see healing, not just encouragement, but true healings and I believe it's possible. But I am also open to being a voice and sending a message that maybe needs to hit home in a more personal way for others to believe God cares not just about YOU and your familieis and games but ME and MY SON and that God is ON MY SIDE of MY having my son with ME or He would never give me this grace to begin with.
I also did pray for the royal family last night, for protection, even if I might not care for some things I feel might be going on, I still thought with the rabbit hole incident and chariot turnover or whatever, maybe I should pray for them. because there IS such a thing as bad magic and spells and you have to experience it sometimes to believe it. Most things, are random and just accident, but we know some things go beyond this.


  1. Your impression of Hotchkiss' house is wrong. It was built about 5 years ago.

  2. oh thank you! it must be an old fashioned house that has been converted to a restaurante which he frequents then. or perhaps an old house or one he grew up in. i had more of a feeling it was more recent though, and has a porch. so next time i'm around, well, i guess there are a lot of places like that but only he would know if something fits.

    :) i am glad you negated something for me though--it's very helpful when trying to pinpoint the exact direction of the image.

    any other help would also be appreciated.
