Saturday, May 29, 2010

I Might Be A Leftie--I AM A Leftie! I think!

I discovered something new about myself today.

I might be a leftie. Or, ambidextrous. I was playing pacman all day again, and I play better and think better and more clearly when using my left hand for the controls.

I got ahead on the levels much faster by using my left hand.

Which I can't explain.

If one is using their right hand for controls, is the opposite part of the brain used more? and then is the converse true?

I had a little more strength or stamina in my right hand but I was thinking better and going a lot farther, faster, by using my left hand.

This is one of the stranger discoveries I've made about myself lately. For all these years I thought I was a rightie. On the East Coast I sometimes practiced trying to use both hands to save time, but always saw I preferred my right hand but maybe it was instinct or habit. But my BRAIN works better when I use my left hand on controls.

I don't know why and I don't understand it.

I am not thinking just about myself but people in general here...if one is actively using ONE hand, how does this affect the brain? I sort of don't get it because I don't know why I was doing better using my left hand. Everything was clearer and it was like I got confused and screwed up more when I was using my right hand on controls.

I wish I knew the explanation because I write longhand with my right hand. I do most things right-handed.

But I was very clearly playing this video game twice as well, ONLY when I used my left hand.

I have always wondered if my father was leftie but trained otherwise bc of the slant of his script when he was younger. He denies this though. Then, I see my son who is clearly a leftie in some things but rightie in other ways. I wonder if I'm an undiscovered leftie.

Of all things. After all these years, to learn I might be a leftie or ambidextrous type is really weird to find out now. Maybe this is also why I feel sort of different.? I think it's pretty rare for women to be lefties.

I do recall in school, my mother getting on me because of my handwriting, that it wasn't "good enough" and now I'm wondering if it's because I was being trained to use the wrong hand. The wrong one for me that is.

And maybe this would explain why I feel an affinity with other lefties? or are somehow instinctly drawn to them?

I can't say I'm wonderful at Pacman. It's been a long time and I played it, as a kid, with a joystick, not computer arrow tabs. I didn't go very far, but what is really strange is that I died a lot less and lasted much longer whenever I used my left hand on controls. But then it got tired so I switched to my right hand.

What I am curious about, is WHY would a different part of my brain be activated if I use one hand or the other? Is it that controls are a menial task so if my left hand used them, my right side of my brain was free to take control? or is it ...I"m confused. I've studied lefties bc of my own son but I'm confused about myself now.


Big identity crisis now.

Just kidding.
Seriously, this is really a very strange discovery. I don't get it. If I write with my right hand and choose it for normal tasks, and yet find my brain works so much better when I'm using my LEFT hand, at least with video games...what does that mean? does this mean I am a leftie who was trained to be a rightie? or am I ambidextrous? how does one know? today is the first day in my entire life that I thought "oh my brain works better using my left hand..." or thought maybe I was a leftie. When I was trying to multi-task and combine tasks as a waitress, it's so commonplace, I wouldn't know if my brain was working "better" or not. And yet, with the video game it shocked even me. I thought, "What the hell is wrong with my brain when I use my right hand?" I got more confused and my guy got killed off right away and I didn't see the other men around me for PacMan. When I used my LEFT hand, I was suddenly advancing to higher levels in no time, and eating up all these guys and I could "see" everything better, like I could see "more" around me and was able to more easily navigate the maze. It was very weird. So after doing this ALL fucking DAY, I saw it wasn't just once or twice but all the time. It was consistent.

So I think my son maybe inherited left=handedness from maybe ME!
I found this link about left handedness and I don't know how much merit there is to it, but I am really shocked because I just compared my two hands and my LEFT thumb IS longer than my right thumb. I am having a frickin' epiphany tonight.

AND, I just read that lefties are better using their left hands for "fine motor skills" which I think would be things like video games right? or no?

So, sooooo, weird. To have never known this. I've dated all these lefties, randomly, and here I am, a secret leftie or at the very least ambidextrous and trained to have been rightie.

AND there is a higher incidence of twins with lefties AND there is a genetic component often, and a link with higher testosterone (which explains a lot).

But female lefties are extremely rare. There is an estimated 11 percent of men who are lefties and then women are at about 7 percent of the population.

I should look or watch my mother more. I am convinced my Dad was originally a leftie though, bc of his script and writing slant when he was younger and he corrected it. It would also help explain his music, analytical and spatial abilities. Or some of his interests, which align to those of many lefties...

I am wondering if anyone else in my family is a leftie. I've not heard of it. Just my son but I feel he's being coached to use his right hand or he's such a perfectionist he just tries to imitate with what he thinks is "right" but he needs to be with ME.

I am his MOTHER

and there is something to be said for being raised by someone who understands you.

These fucking CPS assholes are guilty of discrimination against left handed mothers.

Conformity, conformity, conformity...Go beat your right-handed only drum somewhere else, with the rest of the population that discriminates against anyone who is different in any way. And women have it the worst. It's bad enough for a man, I guess, but for a WOMAN!

Pick on someone with your own handnessness assholes.

Hey, I just found out there are scholarships for lefties...heh heh.

OH! And I did this quiz on art and artists to find out what part of the brain one is dominant, left or right side and I only sort of fibbed on one answer out of 20 questions. There were 20 questions and I answered 16 of them honestly and they all ended up being right brained. But if you include the one I sort of fibbed on, it would be 17 out of 20. It said that since I answered 16 out of 20 as right brained, I am 80% right brained and "strongly right hemisphere dominant" which, I THINK, also may correspond with left handedness proclivities. Here's the quiz:

So this is just great. I'm one of the rarest personality types there is in the whole population (ENTP or ENFP or INFP INTP depending) AND I'm also left handed by nature (or even rarer as an ambidextrous) and right brain dominant.

AND "psychic" TOO!

And people thought I was RETARDED for the first 3 months of my life because I didn't have "normal" responses. Hmmmph!

That's what you get for being different AND an outspoken independent activist too! combine that with looking feminine and like you should be the type to be holly homemaker keeps her mouth shut, and what do you get???

VENDETTA. Bendetta. My own child taken from me because I'm supposedly mentally ill when my morals and values are superior to 80% of the assholes I have to deal with, who just want me to be like THEM! and think a mother should be a certain personality type and have certain behaviors and traits.


I'm applying for my leftie and "other" privileges fuckers.

My son is stunted in his development because he is like ME and being raised by a bunch of conformist administrative types who cannot relate to him in the least and have no clue how to meet his unique needs, as I do.

This is ridiculous. They probably used to put lefties in the nuthouse. I'll BET they did. As deviants or something.

1 comment:

  1. My dad wrote right handed, did everything else left handed. My brother was a lefty, he was as normal as anyone else.
    Your uncle is a righty but is very ambidextrous. Most everything he can do with his left hand as well if not better than his right.
    It's not that unusual. You're technically not a lefty if your ambidextrous. You also have one cousin that is a lefty that I can think of right off.
