Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lefties & Ambidexterity In My Family (also, images)

I just got a cool comment from someone who must know my mother's side of the family. Or, wait, maybe they are referring to my Dad's side!

I have an uncle who is ambidexterous and a cousin who is a lefty.

Ambidexterity is actually very very rare, true ambidexterity. It's even more rare than being left handed.

I wonder which uncle? What was strange was that I was thinking this morning, I wonder if my great-uncle Howard, who was a pilot--if he was a lefty? It came to mind.

I think if there is lefthandedness or ambidexterity, it CAN possibly mean someone is really a lefty but was trained, because of cultural norms, to be a rightie.

Because if this uncle is ambidextrous, it could be that even with all the training and school, they were still able to adjust enough to be able to do both so it looks like ambidexterity but is lefthandedness with an adjustment. OR, SOME people really ARE ambidextrous. My son seems to be a combo, so far, although I don't know if it's how he's being raised or what he's trying to imitate, but he does some things only with the left but uses the right hand too.

I never thought I was ever lefthanded or ambidextrous. I tried using both hands as a waitress bc it saved time so while I was pouring a drink with the right hand I might be mixing up another drink with the left hand at the same time. I practiced at it on purpose though.

Then, when I was walking this dog, I realized I prefered holding the leash with my left hand although I needed my right hand for better control and strength when charging downhill.

But I never thought about a brain connection until playing video games and seeing the difference with how my brain worked.

I wonder how this works for people who are ambidextrous? Like, more brain hemisphere switching?

My Dad strongly denies being left handed, but I SAW his writing from when he was a teen and immediately thought it was so strange, bc of the slant was backwards instead of forwards and thought, "He has to be a leftie who was forced to be a rightie". Now, you can't even tell, in his writing. It looks totally normal. I think he could adjust and adapt to anything.

I HAVE seen some instances of combining things. Like, I had heard William was leftie with writing but then in this kids' birthday party clip, he used his right hand for using a spoon or fork.

Very interesting about the comment, so thank you whoever you are. I think there's a genetic component to it, that if it shows up, it's probably some inherited trait and then last night I was reading about some gene sequence too, so there might be a gene for it as well. I don't know.

For me, it was cool to learn this about myself so I can try to figure out how to better utilize my brainpower. It was strange because I was using my good hand and just kept screwing up and dying so fast (listening to "Crucify myself" by tori amos too...hahaha.) and then I switched hands, just for practice at strengthening my other hand and all of a sudden, I was fluid. I was going through the maze without hardly thinking and not getting confused and "seeing" the whole board more. And even though my left hand is weaker, it was actually better with these little buttons, faster or something, but these buttons suck and they kept getting stuck sometimes too. The strangest discovery was how something got sort of shut on or off with my brain.

But then I wrote about it last night, and tried a game or two, and after playing for over 8 hours today, was too tired. Just went to bed.

My images last night? I was seeing all these dots all over the place. haha. Not really an image but I closed my eyes and it was a screen going side to side, and dots moving all over. Then I fell asleep.

Maybe I'll read up more about ambidexterity and true forms and more about lefties. I've read a lot bc of my son. I figured he might have got it from his father but now I'm thinking maybe he got it from me. And then I had twins too, so there must be some kind of genetic component there.
images I got this morning, but not sure they're right, or actually just ideas, bc they weren't images at all...were that this person I stay with now either has UTI or is going to get one or kidney stones or something. Got the strong impression there is already or will be a kidney stone. Then something about Judge Hotchkiss's back, like it's not doing too good or is going to go out for some reason. And...Michelle E's shoulder blade. One or two.

I prayed for my son, for protection and that anything bad that is done or thought torwards him, will return to those who started it to begin with. And I prayed against boomerang or return to sender for me or my son. I prayed God would carry it through and that there would be fear of harming my son in any way, and also for our reuinfication, regardless of what concerns or personal political fears someone has.
I listened to a few songs over and over while playing PacMan:
Crucify Myself (which became ironic when I kept dying)
Cornflake Girl
Thunderstruck AC/DC
Take A Bow (rihanna)
Dear Mama (tupac w/eminem):
Also got something about something Donna, a supervisor, is hiding in her desk. Top drawer, a main drawer. I think at work but maybe a side table or desk at her house. More of a motion, of slipping something in. Maybe an object, but I was getting more about some kind of paper or papers or something. I also saw her knitting or crocheting but I think I've heard her say somethingn about this maybe. It has nothing to do with the desk thing.

Barbara in Spokane, CPS or social service worker, likes her strand of pearls. Saw a necklace being held out, from one end to the other end, with 2 hands, and more than one strand I think, but a couple connected together. Some necklace. Might have black pearls along with white ones, but I saw white first.

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