Sunday, May 30, 2010

I am Left Eye Dominant (just found out)

I went to the eye doctor and he told me I was right eye dominant, but I just looked up this site online, and tried it again, following the directions, and according to this site, I am left eye dominant.

If I am left eye dominant, this might further confirm I have a left hand tendency that has been undiscovered my entire life.

But maybe it means the reverse? will have to read again. Why would the eye doctor tell me I was right eye dominant then?

This is the site I used:

If I make a shape with a pin or object in the center, and then close my left eye, the object disappears. Then if I close only my right eye, the object is right in the middle, as viewed by my left eye alone.

However, I then did it once more, really fast, and closed my right eye first and the reverse happened. So then I tried it both ways again and it was still my left eye. However, at least once, just now, my right eye took over.

Maybe I am one of those truly ambidextrous persons. By nature, not nurture. That would be strange. Now, I've just done it again, about 3-4 times and my right eye is taking over and totally dominant.

Oh my gosh.

I am truly a freak of nature.

But I don't know what the difference is...why would my brain switch from one to the other? When I was listening to music, my left eye was totally dominant. When the music stopped, my right eye was taking over more. But I don't know if it's just music related.

I met this guy, one man I briefly dated, who told me he was ambidextrous. His father was Navy military and intell. This guy was pretty smart too, the one I dated. I said, noticing, "You're a leftie!" after I was with him and then he said, "I'm actually ambidextrous and it's extremely be truly ambidextrous." Like 1 percent or less.

I thought, "Hmm. Oh."

Okay, I put the music back on and tried it again. With music on this time, I was right eye dominant. NOT kidding. At first, I was left eye dominant over and over, tried it about 10 times. Then I got one time of right eye dominant. Then I did it again and I was left eye dominant. Then over and over left eye dominant. But then it switched again and about 3 times in a row, RIGHT eye dominant.

What the hell. WHAT the HELL.

I also tried it, in different, first closing one eye and then the other and then doing the reverse to see if order affected the way my brain processing info at all. It doesn't seem to have any effect.

When I was first doing it, feeling relaxed, I was left eye dominant. But then I kept doing it and thinking more? no, I don't know. But I was then more right eye dominant.

I think I'm both. I must switch back and forth with my brain hemispheres and even my dominant eye stuff a lot and not even know it or know why.

I have dated some righties, but for some reason, too, I have had this odd tendency, without knowing what hand a man prefers, to feel more chemistry with lefties and, I think, ambidextrous. I don't know what it is. Maybe bc my chemistry sends an unconcious signal that we're a dying breed or minorities and need to propogate the earth before we're extinct. No, I really don't know.

I keep getting right eye dominant now. But when I felt most relaxed and not worrying or thinking about it but open minded or something, I was left eye dominant, over and over.

I can't think of anything I did different except that I got up, and got pissed about something and made something to eat and then was eating at the same time.

On empty stomach left eye dominant? Because it was consistently left eye dominant. and then I eat and it's right eye? Weird.

Okay, I just now did it again, after reading instructions again, and I got left eye dominant twice in a row. So after reading something, I am left eye dominant? Just got left eye dominant again, over and over.

I was reading about the alternative method of making a shape with the object in the center and then slowly, with BOTH eyes open, bringing in that shape while keeping the object in the center.

So I read this and then I didn't do it but I tried the closing one eye thign and got left eye dominant.

Then I read it again and tried it. I centered the object and brought it in close to my face, and I thought the hole was right in the center of my forehead so I thought, without moving "ha! I'm a cyclops" but then when I held my hands out a little to see if they were centered, I saw that the shape was actually on the left side of my face more than the right side of my face. The hole was pretty much over my left eye and not my right one. I did it again and it's over my left eye.

I can't remember what that doctor said, the eye doctor, because he said my first astigmatism was in one eye or the weaker eye sometimes also indicates handnessness but there's not a perfect correlation. So we tried, just once, this motion thing and then, in that one instance, I demonstrated, with one try, right eye dominance. This was after talking to him. I think if eye dominance correlated with hands, my records show more of a left hand thing but there isn't a ton of evidence or it's sort of mixed.

I wonder if my eyes switch or brain switches more than most, just dependent upon task. I have no idea. I want to read about ambidexterity now.

Oh,, I just read this other article about ambidexterity and handednesses and I found something interesting that this one military guy in Wenatchee noted about me almost a year ago. He said I was doing something with my eyes which was extremely rare. He said while we were talking, my eyes scanned left and right and that this was ...I can't remember what but he said in military it's extremely rare and it deals with processing memory or how we take in information and then remember it and this now makes sense, because it says my type would have a very good "episodic memory" for detail.
And, I don't know, but this might explain why in jr. high, my teacher told me "You can't talk to students and listen to the lecture at the same time!" because I kept getting in trouble for talking in class while he was talking. But I could. I said, "Yes I can. I heard everything you said." He said no I couldn't and then I repeated, verbatim, what he had just said in the last few minutes while I had been animatedly talking to someone else. He said it was impossible but it wasn't for me! He just stopped, shocked and said nothing. Had the weirdest look on his face. So I said, "See! I AM listening!" and he said, "Well maybe you can do that, but the other kids can't and you're distracting them."

So maybe this was possible for me when it's not normal for other people, because it has something to do with how I can use both sides of my brain. SO maybe it's possible bc my brain is structured differently and possibly, I use both sides at times when most people would only be able to use one part at a time as the other part is subdued? I don't know. But then I read it sometimes causes disadvantageous bc the brain sometimes isn't automatic in which side it will choose to be dominant for a particular task...but I don't know. After awhile, probably with some tasks the brain is used to choosing a side, but with the eye dominance test, it was very mixed.

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