Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dream About Queen & Royal Family--anne was BLOND?

I don't know why this guy asked me if I had any dreams last night, but I didn't. I said it was none of his business if I did, and I don't share everything. Then I took a nap and had a dream which I can share.

It was about the royal family, and another "intro to family" dream. I don't know why I dreamed it or if it was me or I was supposed to be someone else but in the dream, it was me.

There was some kind of "lotto" or not really lotto, but 3 women were chosen to appear before the Queen (Elizabeth). I didn't see Philip there in that shot but she was sitting down and then I was chatting with some people. I almost want to say sitting in a throne type of way, but I couldn't see the chair. It felt informal though, like a cattle call audition for a part in a play or whatever. I think Philip was around but not in that shot. It was Elizabeth and then there was a very short line and I was talking to one of the women, and I think one was Chelsey actually or someone I imagine would be like her. The other I didn't know or talk to and then to the right there was a very small image of Kate Middleton and she was wearing something lavendar or purple on the top shirt and her hair was back or straight and she looked very polished and smooth. She looked at me with sort of a smirk or smile on her face but then I didn't see her again. I don't know that she was in this small line too or what.

But then, I went before the Queen, and I was talking nonsense and joking about silly things, not really silly, but just chatty and didn't feel nervous at all and saw outside it was snowing and things were covered, almost instantly but I don't know if it was at that point or later in the dream that I saw this. I commented with a quip and the whole time the Queen had a straight face. She just listened and then someone told me, "She picked you."

I was frazzle haired and felt frumpy and was sort of shocked, amusing at best but I felt comfortable with myself, and didn't know exactly what I was picked for but it was to stay to visit I guess or maybe it was just "A Day With The Queen." or the family.

So then it was this large cozy sitting room. Wait, before this, the room was cleared and I saw a redhead coming in. It was a young man with red hair but I didn't know who. It didn't look like Harry. I didn't think Charles Spencer either but he was young. Then I looked up again and he was sitting on a long bench and had his legs stretched out but crossed at the ankles and raised his head to look up and met my eyes. He was all by himself and I want to say the bench was plain and maybe wooden but I don't know. And then at least in the dream, it was Harry.

I think he said, "Hi" (he seemed more shy) and I said "Hi" and that was it and then all of a sudden there were a bunch of people in the room, or filing in, and there were a lot of chairs against a wall and people coming in. Then, there were some others in a circle or sort of semi circle in other chairs. I saw Anne, Princess Anne and it was supposed to be HER but her hair was blond. Blond and shoulder length and I've always seen it black or dark brown and pulled back. It just rested on top of her shoulders and wasn't really fluffy. Sort of like Camilla hair but it was supposed to be Anne and even though she is always So serious in all the photos and sounds intense, she was very friendly and chatty and extroverted there and even joking around and laughing. Anne, in the 2 dreams I've ever had with her in them, has always been a lot different from what I imagine or read and friendly and joking. Pleasant basically but I wonder why I get this in dreams about her--maybe she keeps this in reserve for just family or for some volunteer work she really likes, I don't know.

Then, all these people came filing in and there were very large windows. Tall ceilings and large windows and everything was still cozy inside. I don't think everyone was royal, but regular people maybe. Then William came in and he sat down and then saw me and I don't know what it was, but he looked panicked and stood up again. I think it was that, in my dream, he knew I did some blogging. I don't know, but he looked sort of scared. Not mad or anything, but like, "WHAT?!" as if no one told him I was going to be there. So he got very nervous and stood up and left the room, looking scared, like what was going on. I am not sure what the reaction was exactly but he was the only person who looked nervous and he sort of looked around and then left but I don't know where to or what was going on.

Then, all these people were there and we were all talking and then it seemed some of the adults were gone and I was sitting cross-legged on the ground or carpet or floor and all these kids of various ages were sitting around and we were all talking. And then I met this woman who was a nanny. Either a nanny for a few of them or the whole group or something. She was very nice. In the dream she was sort of larger and maybe a little short or medium stature and had a very broad and plain but open face. I think her hair was pulled back or very short.

It was lots of kids, and Anne I remember, and the Queen and other people but I don't remember Henry except in the beginning and at first and then William when he filed in.

The kids, there were maybe about 6-10 of them. Different ages, boys and girls and we sat on the floor and chatted about things and then right before I woke up, I knew I wasn't the nanny because there was a nanny there already.

It was sort of like, "Spend a day with the family" thing. But there was also snow at some point outside which I commented on, but I don't know. I guess it was a little mixed up because there were different ages and periods which sort of seemed mixed.

When I was first in front of the Queen, she was the age she is now. When I saw snow, I wondered what that was about. The Henry guy seemed like an imposter at first but then I thought it was him,, but when I saw him on the bench, he looked younger than he does now. He looked like he was between 15-22 years but a little younger and his hair was longer. Sort of more like Charles, but it was Henry when I looked and he said "Hi" whereas William, in this other dream, said simply, "Hello". Henry's was a shy Hi. Actually, both of them, when saying Hello or Hi, in my dream, looked up from their hair or eyes, sort of shy in a way. But not being shy in general.

I don't know where Philip or Charles (prince man) was. It was more like I was around a bunch of the women and kids. I didn't really see the Queen after seeing her on the chair, but I don't know why I see Anne at all. When do I think of her? never really. But she is always not "austere" as the media and other accounts portray her as being so serious. In my dreams, the 2 I've had with her featured prominently, she is talkative and joking. Open in mannerisms, not with arms crossed or closed off. Which seems so contrary to what I hear but she's always been pleasant and not stern. Maybe this is how she is only with the Queen or maybe her kids? Just very casual and natural. Which is nice to see in a dream, no matter why I see this, right or wrong, I have no idea. But it's nice, if I am getting a real glimpse of something real that isn't commonly known. I hear she's not a big lover of children either but these were kids sitting on the floor or hanging around who were somehow connected to the family. The nanny was some family nanny and looked either English, Swedish, or German, maybe Slavic? I don't know. Brown hair and wide and round face, very wide and round in shape with hair back. Not really pretty but not ugly--sort of plain but with intelligent eyes.

This morning I did a lot of devotional but felt I was winning on some psychic fronts and losing on others. Like, if I had the house to myself, i would have been singing all day to ward off anything negative.

I opened up to something in particular this morning but now, all day, I have tried to find it again, bc it spoke to me, but I couldn't find it anywhere. It had lines about Daughter of Zion, you were sold for nothing and you are going to be brought back for nothing--like, without money required--returned to rightful stature. Like a restoration and release but I only remember these words. I thought it was psalms but I keep looking and can't find it. It was a short passage and really beautiful but I can't find it--will still look. It felt very personal and meant for me but I didn't write it down.

Then I skimmed a lot, and read little bits here and there. I also had one interesting thing happen where I was thinking about resurrection of the dead, a verse I pulled random from a book the other day and put on the wall, about healing and dead to life. So I had this in mind and then turned, not concentrating at all, but just flipping around and the next section I turned to was I Corinthians and the whole section about resurrection from the dead.

About how if Christ really died, and rose again, it is not impossible and therefore requires faith to believe that this is possible. Also, it speaks of the resurrection of the dead, which may be the main focus and analogy but I also have heard of people coming back to life, I suppose in various ways. Healings, dying and returning from a clinical death, and then restoration after a virtual death or social or emotional one. And that the dead are not just dead forever but living as well, in spirit.
Thinking about lefties, I am not going to say I'm drawn to all of them, but it's been strange how the chemistry sometimes seems to find me. I've been attracted to righties. But, for example, after noticing this leftie pattern so long, I later, if I felt any kind of spark, have sometimes tried to ascertain the handedness to see if it's a pheremone thing I'm sensitive to. There was one example, where this gangly kid who I would never be with (way too young, like 20 years old) was hanging out with other people and then I felt a connection to him and asked and yes, he was a lefty. Not "good looking" to me either but there was a weird connection. Then, at this one fast food place, I thought the guy was sort of an asshole, and not interested in the least, at all, but on a biological level, it was a chemistry thing that caused me to then note his handedness and then ask and he said he was mixed. Cross-dominant.

I have been very attracted to right handed men, on intellectual and other levels, sure, but given the rarity of the other, and the predominance of my natural selection without even thinking about it or trying to put thought into it, it's fascinated me. I also got interested bc of my son, and now, I guess I'm interested bc I think I'm a closet leftie. Or was, possibly, and trained to be a rightie. Or I'm mixed.

I read Queen Victoria was a leftie which I think is interesting, though I'm interested in all other women too. Madam Curie too, and I was fascinated by her as a little girl. I read a story about her and thought she was so cool because she was so experimental and a woman way back when. Victoria I think is interesting bc I first read about her use of pot for migraine treatment and it worked for me too, when I tried it. So then I also found out she was a lefty and she was sort of into psychic stuff. Which now, I wonder if maybe current Queen is too, but much more discreet, given the climate. I have also wondered if Henry has some mixed traits but it's a secret after William was discovered with writing with his lefthand. Could have kept Henry more undiscovered. Of course, pure hypothesis and if one is in full military it would be known at some point probably. But if one is able to be ambidextrous to some degree, the true nature could be more easily concealed.

I wondered if Charles is leftie? some accounts say yes and others no and then one said Di was. If so, a secret one?

Profilia came to mind. I think I'm getting a few impression things now. should mark them off with asteriks.
hmm, I looked up photos of Princess Anne with blond hair and none but then looked her up as a little girl and I don't know if this is HER or not, but maybe, bc it cam up with the search but there is no title, however her hair is blond.

OH! the full article came up! ohmigosh! IT IS ANNE! and she DID have blond hair. How strange! Look! at least it says Princess Anne:

She was a blond! I guess her hair really darkened up when she got older. But why do I always see her as a blond? maybe I'm seeing the child within her that is still there for some reason. Who knows.

Oh how weird. SHE was SO blond. A towhead. Either someone bleached her hair or she was almost snow white blond. Far moreso than her brothers. How strange. I looked up this youtube thing and it looks like she was a platinum blond and then by teens, brown but then in the 70s maybe she lightened it or was out in the sun more? because she's a golden blond. Her hair is about shoulder length too.

I have always assumed she had dark brown to black hair, and never saw any photos telling differently. Why I dream about her as a blond, I've no idea.

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