Sunday, May 30, 2010

music & today

putting a post here and will go back to the dream. my computer ran out of power so I had to recharge it and don't want to write about it in the kitchen.

I turned on some christian music and then this song came to mind, "falling slowly" and I got a live version! clicked on the first one I found but maybe it wasn't first in line.

Going through this series now bc I haven't heard the other songs by him. So then I got the No.2 song, "Finally" and there are a few more from this concert I think.

Then this one, which is sort of cool, called "Sleeping" and about how he was arrested 3 times for playing music on the street.

Like this one too, "Song for Someone":

Here's Marketa's "If You Want Me" and I love this and the speaking in the background but I don't know what language it is...someone wrote indonesian? and I don't know what they're saying either.
Listened to more christian music, which was good, then a little BBC news, and then back to christian and and had some songs I liked and then switched to classical, right after I looked up "gypsy music, traditional" and found this song I was playing and right after I played it (will name it), I turned to classical and the announcer said it was a gypsy song about lovers who were infatuated but never had a physical connection, partly bc of a 38 yr. difference in age--but they were muses for eachother I guess. Her name was Camilla and the song is "intimate letters" and is with strings. I thought it was funny bc it came on right after I got the idea to look up a gypsy song. This one playing now is something about No.2 something but can't remember what.
The one which was on the top so I just clicked on it first, was "Two Guitars" a Russian gypsy song.

This "vocalise" by Rachmaninov was very pretty. I was looking up the romanovs or thinking of it right before they went to rachmaninov. hahaha. I was looking up all the people who are lefties and where they come from. In Japan it's rare, but it may be bc of conditioning and then in Canada, lefties are 13% but maybe it's bc there is more flexibility,, like "we don't care which HAND!" but it's also genetic however, the conditioning is maybe getting better.

I am wondering, if I were to shoot a gun, what the hell kind of gun would I shoot? if my mind switches back and forth and my dominant eye changes, how would I know? that might be pretty crappy. I wonder if one could get out of a draft by claiming they have multi-dominant eyes.

Went to rock n roll. I love this song by Bryan Adams "Run To You!" and then heard before this, "Ruby Tuesday" and with my weird brain, no wonder I have a hard time making up my mind about things. A true libra with the balance as a blessing and curse maybe! Or I have had serious brain damage which both sides want to compensate for. hahah.
I liked this song Rhapsody in Blue that played through L.A. philharmonic and the other night, loved hearing The Blue Danube. Such a pretty and classic song.
i like the sleeping beauty suite. listening to it--tchaikovsky and have this one almost entirely memorized since high school. tired though and going to sleep.

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