Monday, May 31, 2010

Discrimination & Biased "Studies" On Lefties

Before I go into this article, I thought I'd write about a different one which I just read about left handedness resulting from sometimes brain damage or oxygen deprivation. Perhaps rarely, this is so. However, this does not account for the fact that this is an inherited trait with gene expression, and even the idea that multiple ultrasounds creates lefties is erroneous. My son had only 2 ultrasounds and on the second one, he was clearly seen and photographed sucking only his left thumb and holding onto the umbelical cord with his right. To this day, and from birth, he has only preferred his left thumb and then will sometimes want to hold a hand or finger with his right hand if he is cuddling. Left-handedness is a genetic inherited trait and there is a lot of "scientific" bs guesswork out there. I do believe it may be true, that in rare circumstances, certain conditions can create a trait which would be contrary to the norm, but I cannot believe that to this day, science is not taking cultural bias into better consideration. It's as bad as the idea that redheads have fiery tempers. My son DID have a traumatic birth, however, he was a leftie in the womb, and this trait was evidenced by photos and he didn't have a ton of ultrasounds either. There were only 2 total, which is standard and doesn't cause righties to become lefties. I do agree that ambidexterity could more possibly be a mark of someone who is a converted leftie. I don't know enough about it to know if it's really an advantage or not. I would like to know more about processing of speech and listening--why it is they say one cannot be speaking and listening to something else at the same time and retaining information. I'm curious. Some other day or month or year. As for my newest astigmatism, I think it's because of damage from what my son and I have been through, not because of a natural process bc astigmatism only occurs from disease or at birth. It's not an "aging" process though once you have it, it could get worse. It's possible with trauma that I and my son suffered, I got this new astigmatism and also have more of a propensity to ambidexterity out of necessity but I don't know. It's interesting about my other relatives though bc that points to either lefties in the family and genetics, or with the ambidextrous guy, someone who was possibly a converted leftie. I would like to know which uncle this is.

I read mainly positive things about lefties. But then you get an article like this, from what would seem to be a reputable scientific journal and study and it goes so far as to try to sound "unbiased", due to the footnote at the bottom, explaining, oh, the author is a leftie so therefore the studies are not biased or slanted and of course she isn't sponsored or paid by any particular group that would like to make some kind of point of their own.

She makes several faulty claims, or links ideas to studies which is completely illogical. Thanks to my maybe ambidextrous brain, I can be both creative and intuitive and smell bullshit and illogic a mile away.

First of all, she links lefties with higher incidence of "schitzophrenia". Hmmm. Now, if lefties are directly correlated with having much higher intelligence or at least heightened creativity and visual "images"...couldn't a mainstream group of idiot right handers misdiagnose lefties who are simply "different", "creative", and imaginative and who mentally can "see" things in the mind's eye, as an artist would...istn' it possible that straight laced conformist types without a creative bone in their body who may make up more than 80 percent of the doctors and psychiatrists out there, are just randomly assigning mental disorders to things which are not even disorders to begin with?

I'm not so convinced about these "schitzo" studies anymore. Especially after what I'VE personally gone through, in being misunderstood. It is ALSO true that lefties may be more inclined, for some strange reason, to be psychic. So this would increase the possible misunderstandings.

Secondly, this idiot woman tries to correlate PTSD among military veterans with those who are ambidextrous. As if being ambidextrous all on its own, would create a greater liklihood of PTSD. HERE'S a thought!!! Couldn't it be that if military are detected as having the unusual gift of being ambidextrous or even lefties, that they could be EXPOSED to more trauma because the military wants to take advantage of their skills???

I mean, what this all sounds like to me, is subjective diagnosis based on social impact and norms which a minority contradicts.

As for higher rates of homosexuality or bi, I've heard this before but that may be bs too, unless it's just that because of higher levels of testosterone at birth, some are more open to "other" forms of sexual stuff or have a higher need for it...or it may be one of those other things again where some social or environmental factor is coming into play. There is only a slightly higher rate with this, but again, for all we know, more lefties are honest and reporting honestly than their rightie counterparts. I know that on the test for right or left brain dominance, it is those who may be lefties or right brain dominant who will speak whatever is on their mind before those who are right handed.

The strangest idea of all, is that more pedophiles are lefties. Again, I tend to think that this is just discriminatory and that lefties just may be more honest and forthcoming or get caught or something, than rightie counterparts, who, using the dominant part of brain of logic, would weasle out of admitting anything.

I think this is social bs.

The only part which is fully objective is the testing, blind, of students on intelligence and finding some lefties scored higher. Then again, this does NOT mean they are inately MORE intelligent than righties but that because they are a minority they have to find other ways to adapt and so use more of their brain and stimulate more brain cell growth or other ways to compensate for being at a sometime disadvantage as a minority in rightie world.

I think left handedness is genetic, but there are many more social factors and environmental factors to take into consideration than are given credence.

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