Monday, May 31, 2010

dreams this morning

I woke having remembered no dreams and then slept again and had two different ones. one about a little blond girl dressing up as a princess in front of a mirror and then another one about a group of church people with one woman wearing a wig and concealing she was a "witch". details to follow after i finally have time to SING!

In my dream, the little girl seemed to be a daughter of Chris Dabney. I'm not aware that he has any daughters. This one in this dream was behind a curtain. A very tall and long and wide curtain and in a very large house and was about 7-9 years old. Curly blond hair. I walked in through the curtain or past the curtain and she was either in front of the mirror or I don't know what. It was her bedroom I think and it was huge. It wasn't like a newer house. It was an older house and very large but the room was average size and then there was this curtain partition and she had on a whole princess outfit. Maybe I walked through a door but if I remember right, it was that I came around a corner or parted a curtain or something.

When she turned, it was like she'd known me forever and ran to me with a big smile and started talking, like I was her mother, nanny, relative, friend, or some kind of familiar.

I don't know who the girl really was, or who I was supposed to be in the dream (if I was channeling something while dreaming or what) but in the dream, she was related to Dabney and I couldn't tell whether she was playing dress up princess or this girl was really a princess but dressing up anyway for some reason. She was by herself.

Then I woke up. That was it. She was very happy to see me and went to me and then I woke up.
Then I had a second dream. In this dream I was trying to figure out where to stay and find an apartment and then I was at this church and a bunch of women showed up. One was wearing this wig but I didn't know for sure it was a wig, and it was a blunt cut dark brown or almost black bob and glasses. She stared at me sideways from her glasses and in my dream I had the thought, "She's a witch" (like, a psychic or a wiccan or something but not necessarily a "bad" person). Then other women came in and were all sitting at this long table and the wig woman was across the table and to my right from where I sat and they all questioned me about what my "source" of power was from. This wig woman was sort of interrogating too and then I said I just prayed and was curious about tarot for maybe 3 days but just to see what it was but that was it. And then I said, looking at the wig woman, "I Do know that THIS woman here is a witch." Then, the woman in the wig got a big smile, lifted up a large book she'd been keeping under the table and it was purple or lavendar with a symbol and something about "occult" and it was HUGE like an enormous paperback textbook. She took the wig off and smiled, and it was like it was bad--it was that I guessed correctly and she was much prettier without the wig and glasses. She had brown hair and it was pulled back into a ponytail (I guess to accomodate the wig) and she had a pretty face, and with the wig looked about 40-50 something but when she took it off, she was younger, about 24-35 years old, but if older end, looked young for her age, with still smooth skin and babyfat a little. Almost looked like Princess Anne when she was younger, but the face was a little bit wider I think. She was very pretty and looked conservative and held up this lavendar and white book and I could only see the top, where there was some pentagram symbol or something and then something about "occult". After that, all the women at the table, knew I told the truth and it was no big deal, one way or the other. Then I got up and I was looking for a place.

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