Monday, May 31, 2010

more ambidexterity

i've read a few other things and it doesn't sound like a big deal. this one article was making it sound like it's terrible but the others don't. lefties and ambies have more brain mass or connectors, probably bc they're challenged to adapt and so must. the most interesting thing I read was that the greeks encouraged ambidexterity because it was more advantageous in warfare to be able to use any hand or foot. they also developed the only script (i think) which was read simulataneously left to right and written any direction too. how in the world, i don't know. but i guess it was the greeks and phoenicians who encouraged use of both hemispheres.

it also seems to be more inherited in certain cultures and then there is also a social or environmental factor as to whether the culture encouraged or discouraged it. but even with environmental factors, some locations or groups of people show up with more lefties which, i think, makes it clear there's a genetic component.

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