Monday, May 31, 2010

music today (random) & image of man in b/w baseball hat

clarence came to mind so i looked for something but didn't want to choose off the top of youtube offerings and wanted random music finds today. so i chose this one which has a clarinet but no clarence, but it plays 3 songs:
1.soldier boy for me
3.rebel soldier and true lover's farewell.

i listened to a part of "the things they carried", interviews with soldiers on things they carried with them while away. tuned in as some guy was talking about how some of the guys would wear their girlfriend's pantyhose around their necks or pantyhose in general, to remind them of what they had left behind. and then he talked about carrying 12 cans of orange juice from his father, even though they were heavy, bc it made him think of his dad.

picked out another near the end of the list and got "song of love" by clarence brown and I guess it's from a movie but I don't think I've seen it before. i chose it bc it included clarence brown and katherine hepburn, who i admired as a young girl.

i just read up that it's about composers. the song she chooses to play at the end, against instruction, almost made me cry. something special about it. i need to see this movie. she plays one fantastic song and then schumann. i have no idea how she, as an actress, managed to get her hands to do that on the piano.

i like this whole playlist i think. i might see a few other clips, will see. this was a nice discovery, along with the patriotic songs above, for memorial day.

oh it's a whole movie. had to stop. i quit on the 4th clip, right after she sharpens the knives and says, "bertha didn't even kill the chicken" and the two men stare at her and say, "kill the chicken?!" and she says, "we can't eat it alive." and i laughed but that's as far as i'm going now. it looks sort of depressing. someday i'll watch it.

went to black eyed peas "i got a feeling" and then i remembered, seeing this hat in this video (first time seeing this video)...that i did have a real image this afternoon while lying down and resting but not dreaming.

i saw a man's face in a black and white baseball hat. i am pretty sure it was a black baseball hat with some kind of white symbol or lettering and the face was in profile and couldn't see who it was, but i just saw the face turn to the right. he was white and that's all i could see. i don't know that i know this person at all--it was just a random image and when i saw the baseball hat in this video, i remembered the image i had. i saw it sort of as if i were at a lower level, kind of looking up and then the face was turning to the right and there were other people around but i couldn't see the others.

i don't know what it has to do with anything. i had no one in mind, and wasn't thinking about anything in particular. i think i saw it before or after i heard the part of the program about "the things they carried", earlier today. it was daylight where this man was. i think it was outside too, because it seemed like natural daylight but not sure. don't know if it was real time either, or something else. it was around 1-2 p.m. PST I think. I couldn't see the letters, numbers, or symbol or whatever was on the hat but it was mainly just a black baseball hat.
"very extraordinary" came to mind and i typed it in and got a theme song, piano, for General Hospital (a soap opera). ?

Then, I found "l.o.v.e." by nat king cole:
Oh, laughing at the end with the nice climatic finale with the Little Mermaid. now onto Joss Stone's version. umm. is it just me or is, like, 60% of the colors on the videos i end up picking turquoise? i got the turquoise voodoo hoodoo. son of a preacher man by joss. this one had the color before i picked it, but most of the others don't and then i find it inserted all over the place. dusty springfield came up so i played it: so 60s!

spooky by dusty:

I thought about some kind of animal song, rock, or armaggedon, couldn't remember but got this one from aerosmith and it's a good one! i don't want to miss a thing:

here's the animal i was thinking of, i think: def leppard: i love how the drummer is playing with one arm. i guess i'll listen to a couple patriotic songs. then later, more pissed off news from me, about how the state workers are trying to cancel another visit with my son next week again, bc it's a "federal holiday" when they already knew this in advance. anndddd...what else? i guess i could upload the photos of my legs swelling up when i was being basically tortured at the last place i was at, by some kind of technology that was either used in the house, heightened by the house location, through my laptop or something. i had horrible, horrible, things happen. and that's on top of getting some kind of micky slipped to me in a drink or food more than once. real fun. but i have the photos of how easily i was bleeding and my legs swelling.

QUIET LITTLE VOICES by "We Were Promised Jetpacks". I have never heard of this song before. But I like it and it reminds me of bloc party. "quiet" came to mind and i thought "all quiet on the western front?" and then this came up.

I had the idea of "too la ree, too lah rah" but couldn't find it, and was thinking it was American patriotic but i found "Courtin' In the Kitchen":

I found some Marines songs for my grandfather who passed away:

My uncle was also in the Army in Vietnam and then my great uncle Howard, who died from an assassination plot, was in the Airforce and died in Washington State. Lovely state, this.

I have a few things I could add later but not for now.

I tried to find a torpedo song for U.S. and WWII and thought this was one but it's about a British snapper. "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" The Letter by Box tops.

I really like the Battle Hymn. I had forgotten all of the lyrics but they're great. "In My Mind I'm Going To Carolina" by James Taylor.

I like this song bc it makes me think of family and old friends when I was younger and also, about imagination and how one can go wherever they want to go, with the right attitude, even if you're in the shittiest place and people want to keep you down, you keep your spirits up by going where you want to go and visualizing and making plans. doesn't mean you won't be beat, but it does mean, you get all of your power back, even when others think they have you pinned down, they have no fucking clue what your next move might be. They have no fucking clue how it is to be blessed with grace to see beyond present, to see into even their lives, and also to be able to have any kind of creative vision which creates joy.

FUCK YEW BIATCHES. Follow DIS BITCHES. (seeing that Cher whip)'s one from us: (weird al's wherever you like)

YyyyyyyyyyyyyyeaaaaAAAAYYYYH! I got the crowds cheering and I can hear 'em. People screaming, cheering from the bleachers and their itty bitty tent stake wands.

First, right after, going to carolina in your mind, I was thinking about that song: "Whatever You Like" and I found a lil wayne version but it was "You Can Do Whoever You Like" and decided not to put it up, but DUDE, he was wearin' my BELT.

YEAH, my first D.C. belt that was khaki colored and had little silver ring holes in the middle. From a dude because my pants were falling down. I think he was military. Anyway, Lil Wayne was wearing the same belt. Gotta find it. Hang on.

Okay, here it is: lil wayne in my bossy belt. my first one:

okay, deleted. i was kidding, but no one knows when i am serious or not so deleted.

Here's the Weird Al version again. I love this:
saw part of a weird al and eminem interview and then this new song "beautiful" but it's sort of sad bc it's the first newer song i have heard him doing. when he says maybe he's done with rap and needs a new outlet, painting immediately came to mind. i think he could switch it up, relax, paint out of feeling and emotion, and then come back to it. it's not totally there here, but it's like he knows it too. very authentic. maybe painting would suck, but he should listen to really loud music or whatever drives him and get expressive with his mind and hands in colors and work with the music that way and then come back to it. keep writing on the side if he feels like it, but painting would be good. i THINK. it is only what came to my mind. maybe he has something else in mind. i once gave a housemate this rock that said "create" on it and said I felt she was supposed to take up a new venture or outlet and she didn't have one and started pottery and scultpure and turned out to be amazing and even got a pottery wheel and everything. people would ask her how she did things and she would say god helped her and she didn't know how exactly. so anyway...i didn't have an idea in mind for her but she thought of something. maybe there is something for eminem to go to short term at least and then come back.

I forgot about this one but it came up: Toy Soldiers with Eminem.

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