Monday, May 31, 2010

Weather & Rasputin

I think maybe too much is being made of the weather, of normal weather patterns. It's one thing if there is a lot of strange weather at once or something, but this article by the AP and also on NPR news, well, the one article is much longer and includes weather stuff, but makes this point about a major thunderstorm and then "brilliant sunshine" in Arlington but not in Illinois. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't heard a really short clip about his address today, which lasted maybe 2 minutes and the main thing mentioned was weather and how Biden's weather was wonderful and beautiful sunshine and Obamas' was a "total washout".

I mean, it was like using weather for superstitious or political omens or something. Whoever those were that were honored in Illinois had as much of an honor or right to have someone there as those in Arlington. I am sure they were thankful he came all the way to see them and lay a wreath too.

I mean, yes, I write about weather stuff, if I notice, if I've been praying or something,, but it's so hard to know and to judge things but pretty normal weather patterns isn't a good idea in general. Even if yes, I joke about how the sun always starts to shine if I'm coming out of a certain store or I notice when I've been praying and get an answer as to whether it will lift or not.

Most of the time, no idea but sometimes, I feel I get a small premonition about things--even weather. AND, I do believe in even weather miracles. I really do and I feel it's much easier to manage than trying to pray for softened hearts even, sometimes.

I've been hiding out at the house but really would like absolute privacy right now, just some time totally to myself. I had an hour free and sang only 2 songs. I didn't really feel it. I have thought a lot about psychic stuff and natural ocurrances and also praying against bad "magic". In the last few weeks, it kept returning to mind how sometimes those who are psychic or healers or exhibit anything that seems to be "witch-like" or even saint like or just supernatural, how this sometimes precedes a downfall, especially where politics are involved and some group might want to use beliefs of others to guide things.

Like, for example, I was reading about Rasputin today.

Oh, but before I get into that, I should write about this woman who asked me for a cigarette and I've seen her around town a lot. She asked if I had one and she has before, in the past, and I said again, politely, "No, I quit" and she said, "It might be unfortunate that you did." Or something like that. I thought, "WHAT?" it made me feel like it was some kind of veiled threat, when here I had people trying to kill me with poisoned cigarettes and so what? that was a mistake? or was my comment about "I quit" something else she was trying to refer to? I think she said, "You will regret it that you quit" or "You will regret quitting"...I can't remember, but it wasn't so much what was said as how it was said. So I don't know.

Oh, so this Rasputin guy was this man who lived in Russia and was before The Russian Revolution. His influence on the czar and the family is always discussed as being a reason for the Revolution and it may be true. It could be true that if dissidents were convinced his "abilities" were of the devil, then it was justification for taking the whole family out. I just wonder.

I mean, it happened with Jesus, and it happens to other people too, and whether a source is "good" or "bad" is probably not for anyone other than God to determine. But there are still witch hunts of sorts and interrogations into whether someone is psychic in the sense of having spiritual gifts or, many will try to convince others it's not a human quality or trait but something that necessarily always must be either from God or from the Devil when some of it is simple human nature and untapped potential.

But I did read about him, after having this dream where I was questioned by a table of women about my source of "power" (and I don't feel I really have any "power" other than a few gifts which I try to use wisely and most of the time I don't even KNOW how God is using it to send a message to someone...for example, I will "get" something but it's really small to me and I have no clue how it's connected and then others think I DO know.)

But anyway, it was strange, because right after I had this dream where I accurately pointed out a woman was disguised or identified someone in hiding, I got to this short bio on Rasputin.

He was known, from a very young age, to have some kind of psychic ability but then his sibling died and he was depressed. No one could confirm anything for sure until one night he went out after a horse had been stolen and pointed out the man and yelled to everyone it was this one man. So the whole village witnessed it, basically, and they ridiculed him but later followed the man and found the horse that had been stolen was right there. So unless the real thief got word and very quickly planted the horse in someone else's yard, there it was and then later, word spread.

So I had read a little about this boy being hemophiliac and how Rasputin was able to cure him of pain and the bleeding. But I'd never read anything about it other than a cursory note. So I looked up his short bio and it's really fascinating actually. I can see why there is confusion but it's really interesting and one hypothesis, that he only cured because he could "hypnotize" is one thing I don't believe. I do believe he must have truly had his prayers answered and I don't believe it was hypnosis at all but that skeptics want to say things like this. As for other behavior, I wouldn't know and couldn't judge, but I also see how it is possible that his religious beliefs were so different and extreme others couldn't understand, in the sense that while having this power, he was also attempting to exact humility to remind himself and others that he was NOT 'god-like' or perfect. I am absolutely undecided about him except that I do not think it was hypnosis and I believe that it was real healing ability. The second thing I believe, is that because of the influence and strange abilities, he became a threat and it was easy to either demonize him or do the other in fact. All that a group of dissenters would have to do is say the guy was a demon and the rulers of the country trusted terrible, demon-possessed persons and it's grounds for incitement. Not that other political things were not going on then and I do NOT know the history at all.

I have read about anastacia a little bc of a movie we watched as a family a few times when I was younger and I read again because of my interest in the faberge eggs, but that's all.

So, with Diana too, I have thought about her so-called "dabbling" in psychic stuff or tarot or what some might call "witchcraft", and doing more of this or more of it being public later, how it is possible this was in some way instrumental to one or more in convincing people she was, if not loose cannon, dangerous, or engaging in demonic powers and could be dealt with in a less than gracious way thereafter. Most people wouldn't care at all, and saw her service, but I have just been thinking how so often, it is something like this which is almost always preceding.

It can be used for GREAT good and also, some can really twist things for their own ends and means, to discredit someone or anything. Sort of like mental illness claims, but the psychic stuff can sometimes be more potent in some ways.

There ARE very bad persons who, I believe, use powers from sources with which I would not want to be acquainted and I have accepted this only recently, and I still have work to do with praying to God about how to deal with different things and how to pray for others as well.

But I am finding some interesting reading lately and have become aware of how any gift, great or even very small, is potentially both a blessing and a curse and others can use it for good, really amazing miraculous evidences of God, or some can also use it to isolate others and judge them.

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