Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Son Not Okay

I called about my son on his birthday and my aunt sounded worried and tired. I could hear my son screaming in the background. It's his birthday and then when it was me, all of a sudden, his voice was quieted and then my mother got on the phone at some point, when I was told to call in "30 minutes" and then it almost sounded like I was recorded.

Then my mother started to cry when she said my son got new clothes. I can't wait to see and to figure out who they're from.

My father said there was a click on the phone and that he was 'out of range' and told me to be careful, nothing out of the ordinary, but the whole thing was strange, with first hearing my aunt's worried voice and my son wimpering and upset. Supposedly as he was opening presents.

I was told to be careful.

I asked police to go out and check on my son and family and for the nth time they refused to do a thing. I think some of them are a part of the problem and the terrorizing and I know this is a fact. There are some very dirty police and detectives in this town.

Then I walked outside and this woman walked by me, and threw firecracker poppers on the sidewalk next to me. I didn't think about it but I should have gotten her ID as this is harassment but I just ignored it. I didn't flinch at all, and I didn't turn my head--I had zero reaction even though it was a "surprise" and happened behind my back. This was a petite, young blond woman wearing a grey sweater and khakis.

Then I was walking down and just one car after the other of harassers except, thank God, I saw one woman I've seen now and then who I don't want to identify in any way. All I know is that she is the real thing and knows about psychic stuff and also knows about my situation and is on my side.

I had someone telling me, right about the time my parents came into town, to "pray for" my mom like she was in danger. I didn't even know she was coming into town or was in town already but I had some man tell me I should pray for her safety because she was in danger or something bad was going to happen to her.

My mother and father sounded completely normal. However, I was very shocked to see how normal they can sound and then still see fear in their faces and eyes the next minute. What they are practiced at saying to me is totally different from what the reality is, and I was stunned to see this one time, which is why I specifically asked police to go out and check on things because something didn't seem right.

I do not believe the police here, have gone out even one time, to check on them. Not once. I think I could get police records which would show out of all the calls I made for assistance, and then finding some sort of damage to my son at a visit the next day, police never went out as they said they would. There has been gang violence and deliberate intimidation of my family by state workers. I called my grandmother and grandfather today and they were also not doing well. They were worried and tired and did not sound okay.

I can tell when something is "up" even if there are denials.

My family has been coerced by state and federal and gang persons, and then the police always test me, asking who it is specifically. They tell me they want a specific name when some of them know some of their own guys are involved in covering for what is going on and the kind of money and damage that is exchanged.

I had latinos on the East Coast, playing stuff or relaying messages for me from callers with Seattle phone numbers, of my son sounding terrorized. That was East Coast and when I went to Chelan County detectives, they covered what was going on with my son. I know someone poured perm solution down my son's throat and I could smell it and my son was extremely ill and his stomach hurt. He's shown up throwing up and with various skin problems and cuts on his fingers and acid marks on his fingers. This would not be happening unless there were powerful persons covering for what goes on, and someone is getting paid. If it is not persons with guns, it is the knowledge that state and federal figures are in on it and will kill them, harm them further, and will provide no protection.

I start to get angry with my family but then I realize, when I think about what is going on, I realize it isn't their fault.

The U.S. has so many corrupt assholes on board, they allow this to happen to my son while they're dirty dealers stay employed.

Then they want to turn it around on my family. They KNOW people associated with gangs have had contact with my son and they assure silence by making sure my family knows NO ONE is coming to their assistance in a time of need. So the threat is that worse will happen, and no one will come to their aid if they try to get out of it.

I support my Uncle Tom. I support my Grandpa Garrett, who passed away but who still has friends. I support my Dad when he is not being coerced. I support my Grandpa Baird because I know that even if he doesn't help all the time, he has more than others and has known what some of the issues are and that they were not originally coming from my family. He also, despite being cantankerous, and cold, has sometimes had a softening of his heart after some time. He's done what I consider to be mean things to my grandmother even but he has also had moments of breakthrough where he switched and had a change of heart.

I also find it strange that my father said some things to me over the phone at the time that he did. Which would mean either my father is extremely psychic and has been some kind of hidden weapon or got information or was told to say what he did when he did. If he is psychic, he is more psychic than I am and then I would guess my grandfather was a genuis at it. Maybe someone in my family even owns one of those CIA anonymous stars. I'm not kidding. Because there is definitely something different in the family line.

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