Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Psychic Protection & Experiment

I prayed for psychic protection for myself and my son.

I also prayed for my family.

As a pure experiment, I sent anything harmful back to other computers, and I saw a lightbulb burst while still screwed in, and I imagined something to do with a spark plug.

Earlier when I got socket I didn't know why it came to mind. I don't know if it was for computer terminology or for an electrical socket of some kind. I would be most interested to know if a lightbulb did burst.

One thing I prayed for a very short experiment, I watched for signs and prayed about the burning thing for one woman in particular but just very short, and only to see if it worked, and I prayed to God, to show me if it did work or not, just for information from him. I don't know if it DID, but as I finished and sat down, she came by and looked extremely hot and her face was suddenly very bright red and she went to the bathroom and then came out drinking water. So it's possible but of course I'm not going to ask.

I prayed those who try or have tried to keep my son from me will change their minds and do everything they can to have him back with me as soon as possible. I asked God to speak to their hearts and send them a message however He feels is best.

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