Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Forms Of Harassment & Other Lucky Guesses

All of a sudden, after going out of my way to find some in the Jewish community, at one point, to connect with, and having absolutely no one with any interest in knowing me or befriending me or inviting me to join on things, instead, in combination with some harassment from a few Catholic individuals, I feel I'm getting it from some in the Jewish community, but strangely, all at once. Why NOW? i got some harassment on the East Coast, but this other stuff is new.

Yesterday, some guy who was Jewish and lingered in my area in the bookstore, whom I've never seen in town before, was talking very loudly about Hebrew, right after this other Jewish guy who was young, came in, sat down next to me and asked questions, telling me he was left handed when he wasn't. He was faking. When he was leaving, I saw him, young 20s, giving this look to another man who was super high professional but in casual clothes, just sitting around and they exchanged some kind of familiar look. So next comes in the Jewish (I suppose) guy who is talking about this and that and then sits next to a group of people and starts talking about "The Bitter Root Judgement" loudly, with me sitting right there.

The last time I saw a big group of Jewish people following me around was the day of a hearing I missed where supposedly the paternity of my son was involved. Like, all over the place and I didn't know why. No one is approaching me in a friendly manner, so why the interest at all?

Last night or the night before as well, some very well dressed man came in who was Middle Eastern and just glared at me. More like Arabic or something, not Israeli I don't think, but definitely Middle Eastern, and a few months ago I noticed some European guy with a accent who had a lot of "pennies" coming in, noticing ME, and then exchanging something with someone here.

Today, I went to a quiet corner of the bookstore and I kept getting passed by people making rude remarks, or slightly smug or threatening remarks. Well, first there was a woman who seemed helpful who was from E.Wenatchee she said and pulling out books about Pressure Cookers and talking to me about life choices and things. She seemed to be nice. Then I was sitting at a table and this guy walks by with his daughter saying, to me, but to her too, "Run!" "Run!" and wearing a red baseball hat with a P on it backwards and a blue shirt with a diamond on it. I had a bad feeling from him, and he looked over sort of smug...but pretense...someting not right. I asked God something to ask about him to have an excuse to approach and I got "jeep or SUV" of some kind. It wasn't jeep like Jeep brand, but just a sporty SUV-jeep type of rig. So I approached, to get a better check on his aura and as he wasn't noticing my following, I saw him and this other woman who had been eyeing me in the store for some time but putting on a fake nice act. When she exchanged looks with this guy, right after he'd passed me, they smirked at eachother. It was not a good vibe. So I knew something was up.

I went up to him and said, "Excuse me, but do you have a jeep of some kind?" and he said "No" and I said, "Oh, sorry, because there was one with the lights left on and I wanted to let that person know." So I waited until he went to his car and he was avoiding it for awhile and then he met up with his wife who had brown hair and I saw they were leaving about the same time as this other brunette. So I got her license plate number, which was 889 UYU and a black sedan. She was the one exchanging a familiar smirk with the other guy but pretending to be nice to my face. Then I got the other guys' plate number and he walked right over to a sporty Nissan SUV, a small one, and it was silver, and close enough to a "jeep" style of car for me, and his license plate number was 002 ZGW.

I am just noting this because I don't understand why I seem to be so suddenly note-worthy and "of interest" and why the inuendos. If you're going to try to intimidate me in any way, or through any kind of inuendo, or mock me, don't think I'm not writing about it if I have the chance. And don't think I don't fucking notice shit.


I asked God this morning, for several trumps to occur and I am not even sure of what all of them might be but this was one.

The other things I should list, and give full credit to GOD for, and not out of my own doing, is for more images or impressions of people and lucky guesses.

Last night I picked some flowers and knew they wouldn't survive until I got back to the house so of all things, I passed them over to Jack in the Box people. They were really beautiful. Irises and roses with foliage. This man came in, smug and making an exchange of mockery about me to another woman who went in before him and they stared at me and then at eachother. I asked God for something and was told to ask him about "deer", and remind him of how many he's actually got lately.

So he had nothing on him about hunting and I walked up and said, "So, when is the last time you shot a deer?" and he looked at me and said, "A year ago." I said, "Where?" he said, "In Montana." I said, "Next time you might need to bring an extra scope." Yes, I was in a pissy mood. I am sorry, but I am feeling a "sometime-right" to throw this kind of thing back now and then. So I was walking away and he's staring and there were only these 2 other women there and one had green hair and the other one had pink hair and THEY were looking at me like I was the weird one. I thought to myself, "At least I don't try to ADVERTISE my difference with wild show of appearance." Like, they are probably the most boring women you could talk to, but they have to spice things up by doing something bizarre with their hair. Nothing against artists at ALL, because I am into that, and into creativity, but when they looked at ME like I was weird, I looked at them thinking, "I would rather be psychic weird than pink and green hair weird." And I walked out the door.

I guess the other thing that happened was I was trying to be nice to this guy and he was nice, so maybe he changed his mind about me, but he left this book behind him that said "Hit the Road" (in my section) and then with a sticker on it that was not for that book, but underneath the title of "Hit The Road" it said, "Bullet For My Valentine."

Then, today, I didn't say anything out loud at all, but I was overcome with extreme and severe exhaustion for no real reason. I hdn't had a lot of Valium (1/4) and it doesn't knock me out that badly on other days and I was so fatigued, without having walked much that I couldn't make it back to my house and had to find a strip of frickin' GRASS to lie down on which was next to the road almost. It was extremely embarrassing, and I tried to go behind a bush and make it look like I was just lying in the sun reading, but it was terrible. I was totally wiped out. I slept for 3 hours there, like a frickin' hobo and knew something was wrong. I know my iron levels are really down or somethign. I swear I'm still anemic. It was very undignified, but I was about to pass out if I didn't lie down.

The GOOD thing, is that it was very warm and sunny, even though this morning it looked like torrential rain and grey clouds all day. It was POURING and bleak. My housemate said, "Here, you need a raincoat" and I opened the door, and cats and dogs pouring. Terrible, terrible. I was going to wear it, and I like the coat and everything, nothing wrong with it, but I said, "No, I'm just going to pray that it quits raining." He sort of laughed and said okay.......because it was POURING and to the side too.

I went to my room and prayed. He tried to interrupt me and I said, "I need some privacy right now--I told you I'm praying." so he seemed to think this was mildly amusing but left it. So I did and then parted the curtains and said, "I think it stopped!" but it hadn't. But I walked out in faith that it WOULD! and so I put on a sweater for warmth but no raincoat, because I was praying the rain would quit and believed God would do this.

I didn't get sloshed at all! I barely got wet. It went to a very light drizzle, from the time I left the house, about 9:45 a.m., and then it got lighter and lighter and I kept praying God would break through. I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken and ate, and there were 2 songs about "rain" playing and I told this couple next to me that it was going to stop raining. One said they liked the rain and I said, "Me too, but I have to walk around today." So as I was leaving I almost said, "After 2 more songs it will quit completely" but I didn't, but I KNEW it and yet the weather hadn't really changed, but I KNEW that in maybe 2-4 songs or so, just a very short time, it was going to quit. I went to the liquor store because when I've done so in the past, after I leave the sun comes out, so I did this, and then walked straight to this other place where I had an appointment and sure enough, within 5 minutes from the liquor store--no more rain. Bright sunshine in about 10 minutes or so and when the counselor was walking out of her car, who cancelled on me and was ornry, she wasn't getting wet but walking in the sun back to the place.

Ever after, bright sun and warmth and blue skies. I'm sure it was coincidental.

Then, I walked to this bookstore and men in t-shirt, hispanic, were standing there wearing short sleeves and I said, "You have faith en el sol." then, an hour later I was lying on the grass strip and some other man in a green shirt with his wife in red and kids, walked by mumbling loudly in spanish about "EL SOL" and how I was lying in the grass in public. I said nothing but thought, "He's going to have problems with his truck."

I put on a red sweater because it went with what I already had on, a cream top, and I didn't want to wear the raincoat bc I was having faith the rain would quit. So it was also sort of a warm color and then I fastened this Q. Elizabeth rose medal from that rosebush to my necklace with the thing of my son, and twisted my hair back from my face and into a knot, and put on light liner smudgy with bright red lipstick and I had asked God today, "How do you want me to do my make-up?" which is going to be a very horrible admission that I even ask God about a trivial thing but I asked what might be my look for the day or what he wanted, and this was what I got, and I used to do this all the time, asking how to look so God was proud of me and/or my son was proud of me, or someone else, or whatever. Different looks for different days and usually I don't ask but today I did and then what was also weird was that I then thought about Vladimir Putin for some odd reason, after I was done dressing and did my make-up and of all things, today was the first day some russian men were outside facing me and saying hello as I passed by on the sidewalk with a fresh red rose next to my peacock feathers on my bag.

Hey, believe me, I'm not dressing for the russos. or Vladdie Laddie. Or Queen Elizabeth or anyone at all but myself, but I had these thoughts cross my mind later and thought it was interesting. When I put on the Q. E. coin, I felt it wasn't right or sad somehow, like, WHY? and i don't think she likes me. But I thought would remember to think of her and pray and maybe do a reading. And it so happens the coin has flipped itself to the rose side which just has a rose on it. On one side it says "Queen Elizabeth" (grandiflora) and on the other side it has the brand and has one rose and says "Tops in Roses". So it goes both ways.
Also, someone told me today I looked russian or asked if I was. I know I look this way today, that or very German or Austrian or Belgium or something. With my hair pulled back this way and the make-up, it draws out these features. But no, I know of no one who is!
I also realized, with my thing about the tarot, is that I know NOTHING about stars and signs and things and how they relate on a chart, but I think I was just doing it a very very old-style classical way of just looking at the cards and telling a story from them, which isn't even fortune telling, but a sort of "make up a story" game. I pray for intuition but I wouldn't say there's anything psychic. When I get psychic, is more if I pray or an image flashes to mind, which has nothing to do with the tarot which I see as more of a creative, "Choose Your Own Adventure" thing. I do think, there might be something to it sometimes. Even the way I do it, possibly. Or maybe others know more about stuff and read even more into things. But I like the scapini cards bc they're rich in so many symbols and imagery I can gather ideas or intuit stuff. I do like the Waite cards too, but they feel more like for serious...like, you don't do creative guessing there...you have to know more. Also, the card decks are TOTALLY different. What is positive in one deck is negative in another one. So it varies.

At any rate. I want to be friends with all. Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, whomever. I just am a little pissy lately so pardon me for my pissiness and I hope good and bad can be united for a nice duality. And I want my son! but I must have some digression or I WOULD go crazy. So this is a fun diversion for me.

And truly, maybe I just had a small premonition about weather.. Odds were 50/50 anyway. But thanks to God for anything good done through me when I'm not so great all the time.
Oh this is real funny...actually, I don't know what part this latino group thought was SO hilarious, but I next, right after posting about Vladimir, went to McDonalds for a burger and this guy didn't turn around, he's new, never seen him before, until he was at the register. Guess who?


I don't know if someone switched tags or what as a joke. But he said he was Russian and been here 11 years. I ordered a burger, which he was fine about, and then this latina woman had a big smile but I know she did this purposefully--she gave me a cheeseburger when I ordered hamburger. I've had this happen before there, after I make any mention about anything Jewish or not returning things if you don't get what you want. It made no difference, I ate the cheeseburger, but still. This group was watching the whole thing though and thought it was funny. I'm not sure which part. If they are that into my blog, they already read about Vladimir but maybe it was more about the cheeseburger instead of hamburger, no idea. He is the FIRST "vladimir" I've ever met in this area. I think. As far as I know.

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