Tuesday, May 18, 2010

tarot for Queen Elizabeth & song

This is a song I had come to mind while looking at cards for Queen. I looked it up and this is the first I played: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYP--c2LTfg

It Is Well With My Soul

I wasn't going to write this one next but after hearing this song, while thinking I would just listen to it while writing the other ones, I decided to go with this one next. I did some yesterday but will write what I tried to get today and maybe go back. We'll see.

Here is the wiki information on this song, which I decided I wanted to look up: The history of this song and that story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Is_Well_with_My_Soul

(I have several times written something in addition and had someone remove or delete it) I had written that I got this song when I turned the last card for Elizabeth which was the 9 of cups and from the scapini deck, has the angel blowing a horn and immediately the words, "...the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend..." and I couldn't remember which patriotic or hymn song it was from. It's the only time, so far, that I've had a song or part of song come to mind while doing this and there are many opportunities for triggers for this. I thought it interesting that this is also the card I had, the other day, to represent Diana. I personallly love this song and relate to it and hope and feel if it came to mind, it is for others as well, and the history behind it is one of not giving up but going forward in hope and with the peace that surpasses all understanding.
I asked about Elizabeth's life in general, how it has been, and used the scarpini deck.
1. 10 of Cups. There is a scene of a kingdom with waters of life and in the background, a cup tippped over and I get "thy cup runneth over". A period of great happiness, attention, and affection. Kingdom stability and promise and a lighter period for Elizabeth.
2. Queen of Cups. Here, with arm across chest, holding love of country and duty to breast. Possibly, indicating this period of marriage as well.
of affection and attention. Stability.
2. Queen of Cups. Holds love of country and duty to breast. Possibly signifying moment of coronation of some kind or marriage. (very general I know).
3. Ace of Swords. Good decisions and intellect but disappointments as well. Disappointment in love at some point but as partners, with both on a ledge, man on one side of the crossbar (which loooks like a balance on a teeter-totter) holding grain and bread in a basket with a dragon looking over his direction and the woman on the other side, holding a lamb to breast. Balancing act. Some competition with another woman, paramour or maybe Diana at some point, in country's esteem, with card upright, a sword with birds wings and 2 feathers from each side, representing a crown of life and spades all around in a kind of additional crown. Crown of intellect and what is most obvious. At the other end though, the handle is upside down and it is of a stone sculpture of an angel and this angel is holding a wreath of laurel or holly (little white berries) and it is another kind of victorious crown but lies beneath and when the card is turned upside down, those spades representing swords appear as a number of black hearts. I don't get an impression of black hearts as negative really, but it's an interesting card, this one. Most difficult one for me to interpret but didn't try to think of specific situations either. Might do this later.
4. Four of Coins. Barefeet with one foot on the coin with a cat and other on wall. Maybe, doesn't much like cats or walls and being closed in on and stays above these things. Two coins above. Balance in the 4 corners with one at each point and a combination of material world and also spiritual with the mantle of almost royalty and priestess or holy woman combined and yet with still a childish delight of small gifts or expectation of better things. Possibly, also, not wanting to let go of something. Holding onto something, but don't know what (not the throne, something else). A vase with fumes or magic (alchemy) to the right and a tulip to the left, both open like receptacles. The symbols from the vines surrounding are tears or rain drops, possibly indicating success or prosperity is also a burden and the juggle of spiritual and material a burden at times. Maybe holding onto that present is also an effort to be in the present moment and not to go back or worry too much about the future either. Hold onto what is good here and now but know when to open and when to let go. A gift. There is also a gift to guard.
5. Falling Tower. Respresenting maybe fear of ruin or weakening of the monarchy or family or health but in the center is a fixed compass star even though the top is off, the foundation is there and the compass is what to fix on if fears behind that compass enter in. Keep to the guide. Repair too, is possible.
6. Nine of Cups. One less cup than started out with. Not sure what that means. But this is when I saw the figure of the angel or messenger and got the words "...the trump shall resound,..." The wreath which was living and green in the Ace of Swords card, with the angel, is now held to the side of that angel or messenger, representing the spiritual which seems dead and immobile is in our midst. I think it is a card of hope and prosperity...

Some people can blend the material and spiritual and make it cohesive and some can also blow right through the shit.
I feel a very deep sadness vibe.

Either with my son or someone else.

I also got an image of someone with white or more like cream colored almost bunny furr slippers. Taking them off. They are not slippers that go all the way around the feet up to the ankle. They are solid colored and sort of slip ons but very nice ones. Cream colored and almost looks like rabbit fur of all things. Posh slippers lady! But it can't be the Queen bc the timezone is too off. It's after 10 p.m. PST here.

Then,something about "cookie" and I know they can't belong to "cookie"either. Maybe someone wanted a cookie or has this nickname.

These 4 women, young women, came in faking or having I think, british accents. Dressed okay but shrrrrriiiilll!
Gosh I cannot stand this one waitress at this cafe. She drives me NUTS. Out of12 or more, they're fine or even great. But this ONE just drives me nuts and primarily because she's such an undercover bitch. I don't even know why she TRIED to be redhead. She's a brunette who wants to be a redhead and bitchy at anyone who has something authentic. Redheads are not tempermental bitches either. That's a misnomer. But women like this one, who I was nice to from the start, who puts on her bitch act but then dyes her hair MY color...

What the hell.

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