Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh To Be An Obese Artist

I was thinking, well, I hadn't looked at any royalty news for about a month. Frightened to know anything at all at this moment in my life, but I looked up the Queen and an article about her details for their trip to Canada and this itinerary. I felt exhausted just reading about it. The only thing that came to my mind was food! I thought, "If all one had to do was eat good food, that would be great."

I started thinking about how to get paid to be a food reviewer so I can eat the best things and act like I know what I'm talking about, and write about it. I just like the idea of eating for a living.

I talked to someone yesterday who went to Cordon Bleu. I said I could do well with sauces and spices, but trying to make something tender...I'm lousy at it. It's scorched or jerky. But the flavor is at least good!

But no, do I really want to COOK? No, i just want to EAT.

Then I thought, I could paint AND eat, and not be a starving artist!

I'm not serious. But it came to mind. It simply came to mind. I want a seasoned and tender poached salmon with asparagus on the side. And I want mussels. Hmm, salmon with some white cream sauce and I don't know why this comes to mind. But I want it spicy. And I want some crustini things. And something pickled or something, like olives. Not that olive spread for the crustini. Just on the side. White wine I guess, I guess even though i want red fish and sweetish-spicy fish, I still want chardonnay but with mussels...hmmm... I was going to say some kind of weird red wine might be good if the sauce is right with the salmon. Hearty enough and sweet enough. That would be weird and I don't know what. Poached but seared with a few little marks at the finish line. Rice or pilaf? hmmm i sort of see it, but not with the sauce. Well maybe...probably pilaf. mixed green salad with ruggabato (msp) and raddicio...wait, do i know what the first thing is? mixed baby spinach with raddicio. You know, once I tried steaming a salad and mixed it with butter and vinger, sort of sauteed it, and it wasn't bad. Very good remedy for wilting lettuce.

Rasberry something for dessert. Maybe with...lightly drizzled very dark chocolate. Or a really rustic and pared down pudding of some kind. lemon tarts too obvious but maybe a squash of lime. Just a small bit. Or maybe no dessert, just apertif (msp)

mmm, or lamb shishkabobs with that gyro greek yogurt sauce and cucumbers and iranian fried rice with those little red berries in it. i think i could go for some lamb schiskabobs (and i cannot spell these culinary terms worth beans). with very dark and sweet tea.

Well, now, I need a cup of tea come to think of it. That I can do.

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