Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lucky Minor Guesses and Unlucky Guesses & Weird Stuff

I had a couple of lucky guesses which, I'm not sure how it relates or if it's some kind of premonition or what. I just saw this huge truck go by so want to finish writing a couple things about my son and then will come back to this.

So I have to be honest about a wrong guess. I wonder why it was wrong. I should have asked a few more questions to see if it had anything to do with someone this woman knew instead, instead of just her, or maybe it was about someone else in the office there.

What I thought, was "rabbit". I got rabbit before I ever met her or saw her and her name was Syd. I liked her and after we talked, I said, "This is a strange question, but did you have pets, or a pet, like, other than a dog or a cat?" I felt doubtful or must have felt doubtful because I was too timid to just come out with it. She laughed and said, "Yes!" she had turtles, and gerbils, and birds, and listed all these things and then said 2 she didn't have were _______ and a rabbit. So she did NOT have a rabbit but I felt I got something about rabbit. It was around 2:00 p.m. or so. I thought, maybe it had to do with wanting one and not having one, or someone else she knew had one, or it had something to do with something else entirely. But I did get this word very clearly and I thought it was to do with her. But if I was wrong, I was. I think I didn't ask enough questions though, to see if it had something to do with someone else she knew or something about a toy or something she wanted as a little girl. I have no idea.

So that may or may not have been a guess I was wrong about, or not hitting the mark closely enough.
The other thing I got which was very small, but it was something to do with this guy I talked to at the park. I came up with a few things for them and he said was I psychic or something. I said, "I don't know, sometimes." So then I had listed "greenwich" and also I got the word "archepalango" (and I still can't spell or pronounce it) but I was struggling for the word and the other guy offered, "arpeggio?" and I said no, that's not it. But I looked it up and it's the name for a small island. An arpeelegiao or whatever. Hang on, will have to check spelling because then, what was just coincidental, was that the very next morning, just 12 hours later, I went to this store I never go to, The Gilded Lily, and wanted to find some hand cream or smell oils and I spent all my time practically, in front of these things and then I saw a basket with free samples and the brand name, I realized yesterday when I finally noticed, was this word. On that day I mixed an oil called Versaille with a little Sartori and the one hinted of patchouli to me but had honeysuckle and the other had lotus. I liked the balance. But then I took a couple of the hand lotion samples...Let me get it out so I have the brand name.

Oh, I think the name of the oils and candles was different from the hand creme samples, but I went in mainly for hand creme, and there were the samples to take and the brand on them is "Archipelago Botanicals". But it was strange because the night before, I got this word and have no idea why and I kept trying to think of how to pronounce it and what it even was.
The other thing I got or felt like a robot over, was that I was waiting until my appointment yesterday, and I walked over this green patch of lawn in front of a bank and sat for a moment and there was ONE , just one, of those seed pop things that looks like a snake, and I don't know why I picked it up but I did and I looked at it and someone had cut out very precise and exact little holes in it. 3 of them! It wasn't broken and it wasn't an accident, they were precise and then of course I'm sitting there staring at this seed pod and people driving by staring too. I have no idea who left it there. I took it and then trashed it, thinking, "I don't know what the hell it represents and why am I carrying it around!"
I played the song "Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace" several times in the last hour. The sinead version to mind first. Then I got "Beatrice" and found this...Hungarian punk! Here's to the gypsies. Well, I know they're not all gypsies. Not all Romanian and Hungarian are gypsies. :) I have no idea what they're singing either. I guess this one, translated into English, is called "Wolf City".

Then "Erika" and I found this! I like it a's italo? club? I don't know. "I don't know." First time I've heard this song or seen the video. It's about 9:15-20 p.m. PST.

This is really weird. This like the dream I had of the unicorn and william and harry on bikes and the alley and everything. SO weird. it says "Spy" instead of "Unicorn" and it's low on the wall instead of above the unicorn. It isn't the same, but a lot of similarities. so weird. I can relate to these lyrics.

I got "desire" and found this song "Kissing You" sung by Holly Eliza. It gave me chills, but then again, the door is open-shut, with a draft.

I think they're playing "The Fray" here, just turned it on. How to Save A Life and then "Don't Let Me Go". I haven't heard this second one.

I need to hear this song "Kissing You" by Desiree because it feels important. It was important, sung by Eliza, in some way and I just read it's from the Romeo & Juliet movie which I've still not seen, from 1996.

I thought this one was by Desiree but it's not. She's good. The sound just sucks.

Here is the original: This one is the best, but I also love the one by Eliza. Eliza also has the right feeling and heart for the song.

I have a feeling someone I know or think about played this on the piano once.
Today with cards...I asked a question. Who has won a heart? me or her? not specifing her. I got the defeat card for me and a queen card for her. I asked if anything would change this and got one of humility for me and one of the pope for her, that someone would bring something down in some way, but i don't know what. Then I asked what had happened and I got a card that had a mouse on it, and symbolized "theft". I also asked who one of my worst enemies was and the card that I turned had a mouse on it. not that the mouse was bad, but it said symbolized theft, maybe by or from or about or just a symbol in general for something stolen. the next card said this person had great success in business.

For some reason though, with this other set of cards, I got ones which said there was a journey and troubles but then they turned to a house representing marriage and happiness and children. I got a card with children on it and of a tree representing hope. Then other things affected the outside surroundings. But the interior looked like possibly, if I were to go by cards, a turnabout.

The other day I asked, with the scapini cards, what about getting my son? and I laid out 2 stacks. One with the outcome if I resist and fight for my honor and the second if I relent. It sort of looked bad either way. So I asked, if the impossible can happen, if God intervenes, how will it be? and I laid one card facedown over the cards for resist and one card crossing the top of the stack that was to relent. I turned the card on the top for resist and got the high priestess and when I turned the card for the other stack, it was I think one of the wands and had a triumphant but sort of smug guy. So it's not something to act on of course, but I considered and thought about it. On the side of resist, it was a struggle, an obvious one. On the side of relent, it was an illusion of everything going well but in the end, defeat and someone looking like a fool. The only slight chance for victory is to fight, with God on my side. Even then, no guarantees, but still, I have done my best and do not feel let down by God in any way.

I will try to write the other things down a little later. from things I wrote down a few days ago. I didn't do anything today hardly. Probably spent a total of 15 minutes on it and that was all.

So I am not getting obsessed at all.

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