Friday, May 21, 2010

false kidnapping claim in wenatchee

I read this article just tonight and my opinion is that she is either a martyr of some kind, kind of kooky, or a decoy for bad.

She would have to have a solid history of verified mental illness before I would believe she'd go to all that trouble. People have done worse than jump out of trees in their underwear too, for the sake of distracting a large group of persons who could either intercept something else going on, which isn't good, OR in order to protect someone who is a good person and might be a target.

I have actually seen this happen with my own eyes. I had no idea people were really trying to protect me, and thought something was a total accident, and I realized later, ohmigosh, they went out of their way to distract because they were worried someone was out to get me for something I didn't even think was wrong. I was standing there like an idiot and innocent, and someone knew what was up and frickin' staged a whole different scenario to take heat off of ME. And in doing so, took some heat himself. I mean, a car accident is no small thing.

And I'm not saying anything! but that's when I realized, there are some people who are secret heroes, as long as it's not in vain or to harm unnecessarily, but just a tiny fender bender or something to really protect someone from corruption or serious harm, I have realized, I am not the only "martyr" out there (choice or not) in the world.

There are many, and even though this false kidnapping thing was probably just nutty, it made me think about people who do some really incredible work behind the scenes, to keep all of us, not just ME, but most or more of us safe. And for those who especially do what they can for my son, I am indebted. I am so thankful for all the times he is relieved and happy.

God bless you. I wouldn't identify you over my dead body bc I want everything to turn for good.

I want people on my side. If I'm this noteworthy, to be harassed so deeply, or followed, or even loved, I know the best thing is for there to be justice but a balance too, of mercy and peace where appropriate. By all means, defend yourself if necessary! which is what I feel I do, and am happy to stand for...for myself but more importantly my son.

But I know times are hard all over the world right now and I sense the discontent and danger and this "brink" and yet at the same time, you don't want "alliances" that are formed out of FEAR and yet are totally corrupt or taking advantage of the fear of others. I really hope altruism will prevail.


  1. Cameo, I appreciate your complete honesty as you see it and I honor you as a dedicated mother doing what you feel is right. I have been close to where you are Cameo. It was a dark time in my life and I am thankful I survived with my sanity. God bless you and your precious son.

  2. Dear Anne,

    Thank you for taking the time to write a note of encouragement. I appreciate it very much.
