Friday, May 21, 2010

MEMO Prince Harry: We Can't Elope?

I just wanted to let Prince Henry, or admiral or lietenant or captain or soldier whatever, I got the message yesterday from this counselor I was going to start counseling with, that we can't elope.

I got your message, knowing, in good faith, that you always use such emissaries as Wenatchee, Washington CPS and Women's Crisis Center emissaries to deliver your messages of hope.

I'm sure that these Wenatchee social workers are "in the loop" whereas, what would I do without them? I don't know how we'd ever communicate at all Cyrano.

So I just wanted to let you know, that I am getting multiple confirmations from psychologists and social workers at our little po-dunk offices here, that you simply cannot and WILL not "elope".

Who cares if we never met. I was counting on it.

In fact, I was ready to take the next train to London to hunt your ass down when you're on vacay from your duties. Church of Elvis if nothing else.

Well, what a weight off of my shoulders now, to have all of these people trying to be so discreet, yet so clear, about your intentions. I just wonder why you'd let them know before ME. And, I sort of wonder why they all try to coordinate this kind of thing, including with what they tell my aunt to bring in so I know all about your plans.

I had no idea we ever thought of eloping, but now I know, you saw me spit, must have seen me spitting one too many times. Killed the romance then and there I guess.

Henry, I do wish you'd be more direct.

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