Friday, May 21, 2010

What Constitutes Harassment

I would like to examine what exactly constitutes harassment.

When mind games and collusion arise to misdemeanors of harassment. And when it is a breach of ethics.

When it indicates corruption on a grand scale...

I would like to discuss these things, after my visit with my son, where I'm sure there will be some new lovely message waiting for me and with my son repeating something someone told him to say as well.

I mean, I may be mistaken, but isn't it a bad sign if therapists are trying to screw with your mind? Or was I wrong in what they actually are there to do. I suppose the idea, in this town or area, is not to help people, or not me certaintly, but to hinder and collude on intimate levels.

When I see the same thing happening, and being directed, from my aunt and uncle (who are only doing what someone is telling them to do), to state workers and evidenced in my visits with my son, to then the therapists, who do the very same thing, there is something seriously wrong.

If Dennis Blair wants a new job, maybe Wenatchee would be more challenging. This state actually, Mr. Blair, could use your services. Maybe you could go with me to my visits with my son and we could shake the system up from the bottom to the top, working in the reverse.

I have some things to write about.

But that will be later today.

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