Sunday, May 23, 2010

photos of me (showing how I'm doing...)

This isn't my place, it's just where I'm at until I have my own apartment. And no, no boyfriend. Like I said, I am committed to saving my teeth for marriage right now at least, or true lUV. These are my peacock feathers. I randomly braided my hair and held it up with paintbrushes and pens and liked the effect, since it's casual. Maybe I'll do some silly photos of "gypsy" and fortune teller for fun. I don't know. I thought about my son, my secret admirers whoever they may be, some of the military everywhere (good ones, not bad ones). I was just goofing off here without a symbolic plan in mind but that turquoise cup is not my doing, someone else put it there, so don't think I'm trying delusional or trying to "plant stuff". If I were, I would be disguising things more. I sometimes think it's not good to put up photos, but with all I have going on, it also shows state of mind to see my eyes and face. I'm strong! With the weirdness going on, and then being held down and made to feel...well, harassed and attacked...I guess I like too demonstrate what my response is. And what people will do...out of jealousy or fear I guess. I have a photo of my legs all blown up when I was claiming the technology stuff was happening again and my legs swelling because of it. I don't know if I should add that one's pretty gross.

This morning opened up with a Christian song about "healing hands" and right now, as I'm about to put up these photos I just took a minute ago, i'ts "I will never forget your healing hands"

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