Sunday, May 23, 2010

Found Out Some Good News On Mistakes & Pac-Man

I found out that I might have an excuse for getting some kind of financial aid thing straightened out. My loans were wrongly certified!

Of all things. I just noticed this and all of them are falsely certified, or not falsely certified, but just sort of wrong in a few ways. SOooo, I THINK, I might be able to take advantage of a loophole, thank you God.

I have also found out that I thought I was "evicted" so this CEO of the HPRP housing program was trying to say that this was a reason to kick me off of the program. BUT, I wasn't "evicted" and I just used this term because I wasn't thinking straight, and just used the wrong vocabulary.

I talked to this one lawyer and she and I were talking and I suddenly thought, "oh my gosh, I've been so stressed out, I used the wrong "word" and that put me in a position I didn't even have to be in."

She said, "So you were evicted?" and I said, "Well, no, I just got the normal notice of 30 days like a landlord OR a tenant would give." She said, "So it's not an actual legal eviction." and I said, "I cannot believe I didn't even think of this--you're totally right." I realized I was so stressed out from all of the thefts and technology crap and other stuff going on that I had actually not even thought clearly about how the term "eviction" could sound when I wasn't ever evicted.

So, then, just tonight, I was looking at my loan stuff and I noticed a mistake they have on all of them and I might be able to get a forgiveness or abatement of some kind because of it. Which would be really fantastic.
I played Pac-man all day. ALL DAY. I really forgot how to play though and I'm not good with the keyboard controls with the little arrows. But it's addictive. I enjoyed myself and spaced out and played music. I have to have music. I think maybe I do better without music, but I enjoy it more and go with the flow with music, redundant, like the same driving song over and over and over.

My problem though, well, sometimes it wwasn't working--the keyboard wasn't working like it should and then someone must still have some kind of Trojan control because they decided to take over as some kind of co-pilot more than once.

And sometimes it was horribly, horribly, slow, like not to normal speed at all. So I'd have to start all over again.
Also, today I spotted eyes on me, from my mind's eye and turned and someone was trying to hide behind the doorway who HAD been looking at me and when I turned, he tried to hide.

Then, I saw him do this a SECOND time so either he's a good sender or psychic or I just was sensitive to what he was putting out there because I know people look at my back, obviously, everyday, but I don't turn or "sense" it with everyone.

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