Friday, May 21, 2010

Computer Problems: I Can't Play PACMAN. FIX THIS NOW!

Just kidding. Kidding about the demand anyway. But someone keeps trying to disconnect my connection and it happens when I'm close to the window that faces this parking lot. I also tried to play the google pacman game bc I played a little when I was a kid, but it's been forever, and I've never played a game with the little arrows that are on the keyboard. So I was getting into it, into the rhythm of Pacman while listening to that Erika song over and over, and then someone kept screwing with my connection, diminishing it and then hiding it and then I'd pull it up and it would disappear again.

I sort of forgot how to play pacman but I loved it when I was a kid. It was the main game I liked. I didn't like any other ones until Mario Brothers came out.

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