Friday, May 21, 2010

lucky guesses (maybe) or "House" syndrome & voodoo

I didn't know for sure about my impressions this afternoon. I was getting stuff but it was not, always, precise or hitting exact target yet very close.

I was at a restaurant and I don't know if it's true but this waiter walked by and I saw him on a horse. I asked if he ever rode horses and he said he did a few times in CA. But I could see him on this horse, sort of a smaller one and maybe a brown or darker horse. I didn't specify color. I just asked.

Then I asked another guy, who I got an impression of being drunk with, or sitting there sort of sad, with a woman who was an alcoholic. He said no, and not his wife and then said a girlfriend he dated for a year was that way though, in L.A. and drank in the house and I got this impression (I felt) of a darker lit room with a darker couch and this situation. I didn't see her at all though, just him. And yet I had the feeling it had something to do with her but she wasn't there in the image to see.

So I asked God for a little more, just to test things. Nothing big. I thought I got something about one younger latina cooking a lot at home and with plants but that's really general--i just saw her as very domestic even at home.

Then this little girl went by and I could tell she was pretty smart and math came to mind, that she was actually fairly good at math. Her uncle said this was true.

But still, I didn't know for sure if it was all right or people were just being nice. Then, I looked at one woman and I got "barren" but it was sort of wrong and sort of right. It was wrong in the sense that I asked if she had children and she said she had 5. Then I asked if she was told she couldn't have anymore and had a surgery and she said yes. I said was it her choice or it was required and she said it was required. So she wasn't really "Barren" but she couldn't have more children. Why I got "barren" when it wasn't very exact, I don't know. I mean, it was true, but it was a strange word for someone who had already had 5 kids. Maybe just a technical term I don't know.

I won't reveal any IDs of any of these people so if they ever read this they don't have to worry.

Then, I felt like maybe I'd been not totally right about some stuff and I was walking and I just prayed to God, "I wish I could say something or get something that would really mean something to someone, to the point they would get tears because it is significant to them."

So I was just walking along and asked that if I should be led to a house in particular, with something, to let me know. So I was approaching this house that I haven't noticed in the past really but I got the word "incontinence". That someone there had this or something about it relating to that property. There were all these bikes in the yard and I knocked on the door and asked to use the bathroom. I first met this woman and another one came along and said did I know someone there and I said no, and I didn't know a soul there. I told her I just had the impression someone there might be open to psychic stuff. She said, "Oh! that's crazy. No, not into psychic things." I later noticed there were fairies and angels everywhere but that doesn't mean anything, but she said she wasn't even spiritual and someone there was! So I used the restroom and saw these pads lying out in the open.

I am sure someone gets their period, but for me, it confirmed the idea to and brought back to mind the idea of incontinence, that someone in that house had this problem, small or large. If not there, someone they knew closely or whose fucking bike was parked there. It was definitiely "incontinence".

So I didn't know how to say that out loud as a couple of men came in so I asked for a piece of paper and pen and started writing and wrote that I had been drawn there with the word that someone there had an issue with incontinence and that someone cared or I wouldn't have received that word and God bless them.

How does one leave a note about "hey, are you incontinent?" none of your fucking business would be the reply I would think. But I was in the house and then wondered if there was an elderly lady there or something but I didn't see anyone really old, but still, I was so solid on it. I hesitated writing it down and then thought, "No, if it's right, it's right and just do it. Trust your instincts and commit it to paper." So I did.

I got this term around 6:30 p.m. PST I think. If it wasn't for them, which I'm pretty sure it was, I intercepted something from someone I'm connected to in some way. But I felt it was for someone in or around that house.

I looked up the definition of this word and there are a few different ones but I really got it in the sense of the medical term:

in·con·ti·nent [ in kóntənənt ]



1. unable to control bladder or bowels: unable to control the bladder or bowels and liable to urinate or defecate involuntarily

2. lacking sexual control: lacking restraint in sexual matters, or engaging in premarital or extramarital sex

3. unrestrained: unrestrained and uncontrolled ( literary )

[14th century. Directly or via French< Latin incontinent- "not holding together" < continere (see contain)]

in·con·ti·nence noun
in·con·ti·nent·ly adverb
This guy at a bar the other night said maybe I was just really intuitive like "House" and picked things up. I think this is probably "mainly" what I have but I get a little bit more than that too. I'm just not some kind of "psychic detective" like you see on t.v. or a Sylvia Brown. I'm honest, and want to be very honest to figure it out for myself, and I'm spiritual and pretty much conservative christian but I believe in miracles and faith. Also, I have seen a lot of suffering so I know it's not an equal playing field. Bad things happen to good people and sometimes even more. I do not believe in "karma" in the technical sense, because of this. Because if one is doing good, this will not always bring the rewards we would like to see. karma is the idea that it's eye for eye and gold for gold but that's not how it is in reality. In reality, there are great injustices and suffering and people have free will and we take responsibility for our decisions on a personal level but these are not ever isolated from the influence of the community or environment we live in, which greatly determines what our opportunities and persepectives might be. That's what I believe.

I saw a lot of kids tonight, some looked sick. There was one that went by and I almost started to cry bc something was wrong but I couldn't say anything and he was so sweet. It would be cool to be a child psychologist, in some ways. Or doctor, because I could probably figure things out, but I don't think I'm naturally gifted enough.
There's been a lot of psychic attack stuff today and I asked God, "Why do I even have to fight this? why can't I just set up my shield in a couple of minutes and then be done with it?" I asked God why I have to put time into it, into fighting it. So far, I feel God has pretty much come through as soon as I pray, and then things could be fine for a long time. Once I set time limits with God and said, "Okay, for 2 hours, I want this person that is doing this to me, to receive in return what they've done. And then maybe let it drop." And other times I say, "I would like to have full protection for this day and for my son and not have to address this issue again, if you don't mind." But sometimes, I think God wants the prayer, or I don't know. It's necessary.
I tried, randomly, and not to be mean at all, to see if God would allow me to cause this "heating" thing to happen to someone I just randomly picked out in the room. Not to harm at all, but just to see, bc to see if it really is working and some evidence and I asked for some kind of sign that it might work and yet I asked for mildest case scenario and for a very short time too, like 5 minutes. During that time, this person stopped what they were doing, shifted, got up and left for awhile and then came back and drank water. I have no idea if that means anything but there was a shift in behavior but could have been totally coincidental.
Then I chose a different target, for just a minute, and they both left but I wasn't looking over or doing anything strange. But I have no idea.
A few times I've prayed if I sense this "dart" of sorts in a particular part of my body, which I would associate more with voodoo, I ask that it be returned or I just be protected and it not returned. Or sometimes, I've specifically asked for a redirection and that this same dart will be applied to a different part of that persons body, like their thigh. Some random spot that wouldn't make a lot of sense unless they knew they were getting back as good as they give.
Also, voodoo has recently come to mind again and then my memory was totally sparked, all the way back to 2004 when I first mentioned it to someone--I joked I felt someone was using me as their voodoo doll and then right after I was telling this person this, and they were very interested, I did start having a couple of unexplained strange things happen.

I don't mean normal pain from aches and pains, or headache, or car accident injury--I don't mean that, it was different and I remember thinking "voodoo" and then totally dismissing it, thinking it was outlandish and who in Portland, Oregon or the area or anywhere, why would they target me. So it really crossed my mind but I thought it was so impossible, I dismissed it. Until just recently, in my interest in the realities of psi, I recently became aware of the practices and powers of voodoo and black magic and realized, and was able to identify specific times where this is what it was, but this was just recently and only when I accepted it.

It was much easier for me to accept remote viewing and psi and controlled stuff, then it was to accept the idea of actual black magic for harming ME or my son or voodoo or anything like that, but I have come to realize it's a reality.

The song that came to mind tonight was Fred Hammonds' "No Weapon":
These two punk kids, teen guys, who were sort of loitering around me earlier, came through the doors again talking about "menopause" loudly, looking my direction and then stood in front of magazines by me. I said, over my shoulder, "I don't know if you're interested in infertility, but there are some magazines related to this topic around the corner." They looked at me and I said, "I just heard you talking about menopause and thought maybe you could be interested in infertility too." They took off.

Stopped laughing about "menopause" and why 20 year old guys would come in talking about this, to be sure I heard I'm not sure, but I don't think it was wise. I think they got my drift. Sort of a heheeeehhh...ahhh...slinking off. T'WANDA!
Just laughing at this last scene. T'Wanda as I'm listening to this Kirk Franklin song: "Something About The Name of Jesus":

Here's my church:
I'm having problems with my Pacman game.
At least I haven't prayed anything about anyone's kids. Or asked for any harm, as has been done to my son. I haven't, ever, but if there seems to be no other way to get through, I will.

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